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Broad Ambition - The Model


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A bit more work done this evening, another rib bent up, another fixed in place, I am using the same formers on the outside now when fitting the ribs, and sighting along the rest of the ribs to ensure they are in line. bu clamping the rib back into the former I can guarantee the curve is right, then the bottom end (deck level) is clamped, while adjusting the rib to be level of the bottom of the hull. I hadnt been doing this at first so got a few that were off level, that had to be planed down, the second hull will incorporate all these improvements in technique



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Today has been a couple more ribs steamed and fitted, I am nearly halfway along now, soon be time to turn the boat around and work  the ribs towards myself, I have also converted some more wardrobe parts into useable timber, some thin planks, and some thicker, which may get joined side to side to make up the cabin sides for at least one of the boats. I have put some pictures in showing the figuring on the grain on some of those planks I cut.









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15 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Erm, some of your workforce seem to have a girly shape to them, shouldn't they be doing the brews and tidying up afterwards?

Anyroadup, back home now so got caught up good and proper. Interesting read and good photo's as per the norm, Tks


I hadnt noticed - heads off to look --- no more a case was one had his body facing backwards, the others were just showing manly physique (or moobs).

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Rightho, just for Griff, who feels the workforce might not be fully occupied all of the time, and might leave the workspace in less than pristine condition, we now have some brooms, this will give the workforce something to lean on and pass comment.


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well its a turnaround today, another rib in place, that's no.27 and the next one is the half way point, so after steaming the next rib, the boat was turned round, ready to  proceed towards the bow. some more materials arrived, the plate to be bent up to form the skeg. thin stainless steel plate to make up deck fittings, rivets and nuts. next month at my astronomy club we have a demonstration of silvering mirrors, I am wondering if I can make parts in brass and silver them to simulate stainless steel, the other option is casting small parts in pewter.





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Aargh, talk about frustrated, another rib in place, but my other project today failed miserably, I was trying to bend some brass sheet up into a channel to form the skeg, it needs to be about 1" deep, but only just over 1/4" wide, I got one side bent up perfectly, then just couldnt form the other side of the bend without it all going base over apex. I will leave it tonight and think on it tomorrow, there must be a way to do this.




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Hi Grendel,

Do you have a bench drill that you could adapt into a press? You could then try to press the brass into a channel, just a thought.

The first bend would have been straight forward but the second bend in such a short distance would have been almost impossible, maybe if it had been a curved bottom it might have been easier.

Looking forward to seeing your solution.



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Hi Grendal,

I have done this but it is fiddly.

Clamp the straight bit between some wood or whatever battens then fix this in a vice then, you may need written permission for this, using a warmish iron slowly make the first bend allow to cool, when cold make the next bend as far over as you can.

If the battens are deep enough you may get the bend fully done.


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Apparently the problem was not the incorrect method, I have asked an engineer friend, who has said that my method was correct (hammer it with a big hammer) it was just lacking in a decent vice to hold it.

I will try the scoring method and see if that helps, failing that it will be over to the mother in laws at the weekend to get my big vice.

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Nigel, thats a very kind offer, but I really do have more vices than you could shake a stick at, they are just all in the wrong place, so I will be rectifying that this weekend, when I go and get at least one of my big vices, I have also found and ordered a bending attachment that will fit my vice, so the bending is on hold until then.

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ok something different for you all today, I thought I would add a little video of a steamed rib being set into the former,the wood is really quite flexible straight out of the steamer, but its so thin the working tome before it starts cooling is limited.


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This evening I found one of my workforce, he had been missing for a couple of days (down the pub I thought) but no - he had been kidnapped (actually catnapped), one of our cats is a magpie (she had a pet stone as a kitten she would carry around the house) and she had kidnapped one of the workforce, it was found in her bed.

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