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The Way They Speak Now !!


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I am not sure if this happens in other language but in the English speaking world, there is an epidemic which frankly is ruining ninety percent of every conversation I hear. It started, probably, in Australia but now it's everywhere. Yes folks I am talking about people who start anything they say by answering a question with a sentence that sounds like a question. That annoying uplift of the voice at the end of the first couple of sentences of EVERYTHING they say.

Listen world. If I ask you a question I am inviting you to give me your opinion. You do not need to seek my approval for what you say.

Example... what do you think of the colour of the wall?

Well I would have chosen blue? Or perhaps a lighter shade?

Arggghhhh stop it. It's annoying and not necessary.

If you have never noticed this, you will now. I guarantee it will drive you nuts.

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The ones that really get my goat are the white kids that think they are black and talk in either a Caribbean accent or American Projects accent.

There was a kid in Morrisons just now.
"Yo ah be meeting muh beotches tonight. We's is gonnta gots some chickn ayes then gots sex 'en beotches up all night!"
I can't help myself.
"Er no! You're fouteen years old, white, riddled with acne, built like a racing chicken, your name is Nigel, your Dad is an accountant and if a member of the opposite sex even looked in your direction you'd crap your pants!"

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Arghhh, the things that "grind my gears"...

It's "the government is" not "the government are"... "if I were to" not "if I was to"... "A free gift"...All gifts are free!!! Reversing back... sinking down and raising up, should just read "reversing, sinking and raising"

"Off of" Oh yuk!  using "Literally" when meaning metaphorically " I was literally glued to my seat"  

Thank you VictoryV, I was typing this when you posted "can I get" , that's another one I hate. Also,If I ask "How are you", I am asking after your health, not your morals so "well thank you" is an appropriate response. "I'm good thanks" is not.

I could go on... and on and on.


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All say......How now brown cow!

Nah..........Who noo broon coo! Get it?   I blame those Essex chaps, didn't you ken. :naughty:

Seriously, I remember at school in an English class, the whole period we were NOT allowed to use a phrase with get in it !

Happy days skools were n that. :party:

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3 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

All say......How now brown cow!

Nah..........Who noo broon coo! Get it?   I blame those Essex chaps, didn't you ken. :naughty:

Seriously, I remember at school in an English class, the whole period we were NOT allowed to use a phrase with get in it !

Happy days skools were n that. :party:

Don't we all!

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15 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Arghhh, the things that "grind my gears"...

It's "the government is" not "the government are"... "if I were to" not "if I was to"... "A free gift"...All gifts are free!!! Reversing back... sinking down and raising up, should just read "reversing, sinking and raising"

"Off of" Oh yuk!  using "Literally" when meaning metaphorically " I was literally glued to my seat"  

Thank you VictoryV, I was typing this when you posted "can I get" , that's another one I hate. Also,If I ask "How are you", I am asking after your health, not your morals so "well thank you" is an appropriate response. "I'm good thanks" is not.

I could go on... and on and on.


You could!;)

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In the old days before we had great great goals and hard hard fights the only Trump we had to worry about was Nellie the Elephant!

And we could wallow in cosy nostalgia watching that old cocney boy Dick van Dych trying to pull that English rose Poppins.

Me thinks fondly of the Old Shakespear days when the good old folk of Yarmouth would gather round the log fire in the local disgussing the days issues in that witty, flowery, tudor style little knowing that in future times little wiilie & willeta would be forced to put their nosies into those preserved volumes whilst scratching their little heads wondering What the ....... is this all about.



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The thing that really gets me is when you ask a question and the person starts their answer with,

Well, obviously..............

If it was that f........g obvious I would not be asking the question

And don't start get me going with people writing........

I would OF ........... I should OF.........


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