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Marina and I finished plating trying to keep plants out of sun where possible. Some placed in the garage. Lots of watering, because we will not be home from tomorrow  morning until Friday  afternoon. Almost  ready for tomorrow  back to Addenbrookes.

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It looks an idyllic spot.

I notice though that it’s been designated as a ‘silver propeller’ destination, so as to encourage people to visit. That’s rather ironic as it’s not on the main navigation. I’ve been following the YouTube channel  ‘Minimal List’ for the past few years, and believe they were the first boaters to actually win a Silver Propeller prize (you don’t have to visit every location, as that would be impossible for most boats). They’ve now completed their self-imposed challenge of cruising all the linked English and Welsh waterways. I wonder if they’ll ever manage to visit the Broads? 

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Once again, we’ve been drawn back to Cornwall.  Aside from Norfolk, it was the only other county in which I would have been happy to spend my retirement, but the distance from family in Milton Keynes and Northampton, together with Norfolk Lady on The Broads, made the decision easier to make.

We've returned to holiday park we’ve visited in the past, just a few minutes stroll down a steep hill from Kennack Sands.  I hadn’t realised, but since our move to Norfolk, it’s actually further to get here, than if we followed the Google recommended route from our bungalow, to Edinburgh.

We left home at midnight Sunday night (into Monday), arriving at Looe around 06:40 yesterday morning, after a couple of stops on the way.  It had been an easy journey, with light traffic and no hold ups.  We had a walk to Looe seafront, then found so where to get a light breakfast before setting off again for our chosen holiday destination, arriving here at around 12:15.  The total journey was a shade over 400 miles.

When we arrived, it was warm, but cloudy, but it didn’t take long for the sun to break through and we had lunch (a pasty, what else when in Cornwall?) sitting on the decking, in front of our accommodation.

After a lengthy car journey, I needed a nap (it’s my age), before wandering down to the beach, before returning to the site bar for a cheeky pint, sitting on the terrace in the sun!

Neither of us felt much like cooking, so we went back to the bar for our evening meal.  Needless to say, I wasn’t late retiring last night.  It had been a very long day, but I was glad to be here!






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not a great cycle ride today, 5 miles out then I picked up a drawing pin through the tyre, 5 miles pushing 70lb of bike home even though it was mostly downhill and that was way more exercise than i needed. add to that it would only roll a few hundred yards then needed the tyre pumping so it would roll again for the next few hundred yards, luckily I had a pump with me, unluckily I didnt have a spare tube or puncture repair kit.

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40 minutes ago, grendel said:

not a great cycle ride today, 5 miles out then I picked up a drawing pin through the tyre, 5 miles pushing 70lb of bike home even though it was mostly downhill and that was way more exercise than i needed. add to that it would only roll a few hundred yards then needed the tyre pumping so it would roll again for the next few hundred yards, luckily I had a pump with me, unluckily I didnt have a spare tube or puncture repair kit.

Obviously never a Boy Scout then, Peter - be prepared😉.

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1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

Always have a puncture kit! 

And a spare tube, or even two! I use continental tubes & tyres, marathon 4 season or gator skin, still get the occasional puncture once or twice a year usually tube wear though as the strips in the tyre even fend off the dreaded Norfolk flint!

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what I want to know is how I managed to pick up a drawing pin, on a gravel path in the middle of the woods, anyway, tube is back in, tyre is on and wheel back on the bike, I do need to get a motorcycle tube repair kit, as the patches in the kit i have (although it even had tyre levers) were tiny compared to my tube, the biggest was 3/4" wide and 1" long and I want some about 1 1/2" or 2".

(the kent flint is probably even worse than Norfolk flint, as we have chalk downs full of it. so get off the roads and you will encounter flints of all sizes.

the tyres I have say puncture resistant on the sidewalls, but to be honest if a drawing pin can get through, most sharp things will, but there are not many cycle shops selling 4" x 20 tyres - I might even need to get motorbike tyres when replacement time comes around.

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today was the cars turn to throw a hissy fit, I had team building in London, so went out to the car, wheezed over a couple of tuns then nothing, flat battery? I hadnt used it for a week, so I got my lithium jump pack out and she started fine, off to london, parked at hornchurch, went to the team Building virtual F1 racing- great fun, after 2 races I was getting the hang of it and won my next 2 (first place)

then down to pizza express, for a pizza, and time to head home, got to hornchurch without difficulty, the car didnt even turn over, out with the jump pack, vroom, fine, volvo turned to side lights and head home - arriving just before I needed to use the main lights.

tested the lights - they seemed bright enough, shut the car down and then tried restarting, a half hearted attempt to turn over, not good, volt meter out, battery showing 10.9 volts, restarted on jump pack, 14.3V- alternators good then, ok got my 10mm spanner and untightened the terminal, and wiggled it, it looked a bit crusty. as did the other terminal, repeated the performance on the other terminal, turned key and started the car, battery now showing 12.9V - fully charged, weird, will test some more in the morning when I need to go shopping. maybe it was just a corroded battery terminal (will give them a good wire brushing tomorrow)

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First day I've managed to sail in about a month. Contrary to the forecast it was sunny all day.

The sailing was OK, various technical failures meant the racing positions weren't.

LizG was on rescue boat duty with others.

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