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I have spent the day proving the adage "there's no fool like an old fool" I drilled into a mains cable, right through the middle joining live and neutral at the drill bit. Very big bang and flash... after 10 minutes or so I was able to let go of the ceiling and change my trousers lol

Thank goodness for modern consumer units with ultra fast trips!

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2 hours ago, Ray said:

I'm OK thanks, it did make me jump though I must say!

Electrician has been, chopped out a bit of wall and replaced damaged cable so the only pain is in my wallet 🙂

One of these would have been cheaper!  😉


Glad it’s only your wallet that’s been damaged though mate!



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3 hours ago, Ray said:

I have spent the day proving the adage "there's no fool like an old fool" I drilled into a mains cable, right through the middle joining live and neutral at the drill bit. Very big bang and flash... after 10 minutes or so I was able to let go of the ceiling and change my trousers lol

Thank goodness for modern consumer units with ultra fast trips!

Unfortunately, that's not a very exclusive club.....:default_blush:

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The first half of our paving project is more or less done, a day ahead of schedule. 
My role as quantity surveyor and project manager has gone ok, a few backtracks and changes of mind along the way. But all materials in place when needed. 



Haven’t decided yet whether to put edging blocks down next to the grass or not. I know it makes sense, but just feels a bit ‘OTT’ for this little garden. 

We were just finishing the fiddly bits of edging when Tony’s stone cutting blade machine broke. He’s spent the evening online trying to find out how to mend the linkage that’s come adrift. Can see what needs to happen, just can’t work out how to get the pin back in place. 

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I drilled into a mains cable, right through the middle

Unfortunately, that's not a very exclusive club.....  You're not wrong there

I once did sommat similar years ago at my Mums place, drilled straight through a copper hot water pipe buried in an interior wall.  I was using a mains 240v drill, its a wonder I didn't electrocute mysen.  Easy fix that was, just stuck my thumb over the whole, which worked briefly until the wall paper started ballooning outwards.  Fortunately it was during working hours so I was able to obtain materials and a repair, followed by making the wall good and then redecorating of course :default_blush:


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23 hours ago, SueH said:

They apple and pears are abundant. 


23 hours ago, SueH said:

This year our Plum didn't have any fruit at all.  They apple and pears are abundant.

Ours are the other way round. Loads of plums, although some split when the rains started after that dry weather, and the wasps moved in on them. Apples, loads set, but most fell off after the dry spell. I did take a load more off to just keep one per bunch to see if that would help, but even they are generally very small. 
Pears, of three trees, one has none, one has a good crop and one has a few. I suspect that’s more to do with weather during different pollination times. 
Gooseberries we’re loaded, but again quite small.

Blackcurrants, far too many but all ready when I was at the boat and I didn’t bother to net them as I still have lots in the freezer from last year. So the birds stripped the lot. 

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Not a great start, arrived at the boot fair, then spotted the broken front headlight where someone had reversed into my car in the car park. Then some good bootfair finds, a small parts cabinet, a metal sheet hole punch and 3 pairs of old wire strippers (all different size cutting heads, all in need of a clean and derust




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35 minutes ago, Bikertov said:



Had lovely Mr Whippy 99 this afternoon, whilst watching the world go by at Ranworth. 

Followed by a drink at the New Inn, Rockland St Mary with @Mouldy and his lovely wife - it was great to meet you both and to see Norfolk Lady - she is a lovely boat indeed !


It’s obviously Mouldy’s bad influence. :default_gbxhmm:
and also :default_hiding:

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7 hours ago, Bikertov said:



Had lovely Mr Whippy 99 this afternoon, whilst watching the world go by at Ranworth. 

Followed by a drink at the New Inn, Rockland St Mary with @Mouldy and his lovely wife - it was great to meet you both and to see Norfolk Lady - she is a lovely boat indeed !


Good to meet up with you and your  (better) half too!  

7 hours ago, YnysMon said:

It’s obviously Mouldy’s bad influence. :default_gbxhmm:

Whoaaaaaaaaa!  Helen!:default_eusa_naughty:  I have to say that my bad influence didn’t affect @Bikertov at all!  Soft drink at the pub as he was driving, but my Trawlerboys slipped down very nicely!  :default_biggrin:

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Owning a boat is not without its issues.  Fellow owners will know what I mean - BOAT  and all that, but when you wake up, open the curtains to scenes like these, any questions you may have about the sanity of it all, are answered.  This is why we do it!




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I found out yesterday  evening. Some toe rags  were pretending  to be from Hemsby  Lifeboat.Going round Hemsby,knocking on doors collating  for the Lifeboats. Evening  saying they could  arrange  bank transfers. THEY are certainly  not in any way connected  with the Lifeboat.

Lots of work is put in to raise  funds. The last thing needed Is scammers like these.Hemsby Lifeboats  are appealing  for doorbell and CTC footage.

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5 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I found out yesterday  evening. Some toe rags  were pretending  to be from Hemsby  Lifeboat.Going round Hemsby,knocking on doors collating  for the Lifeboats. Evening  saying they could  arrange  bank transfers. THEY are certainly  not in any way connected  with the Lifeboat.

Lots of work is put in to raise  funds. The last thing needed Is scammers like these.Hemsby Lifeboats  are appealing  for doorbell and CTC footage.

Many years ago a group of youths tried that around here, coming round before the Scout's Father Christmas parade. Some of us noticed they were using 1 pint oil tins (remember them?) scavenged from the local garage. We caught them, recovered the tins and made them empty their own pockets into them. They claimed it was their own money so we invited them to call the police. Still waiting.

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Drove from Cumbernauld to Burton on Trent this afternoon, after digging some footings trenches for our next bit of paving work on our return to Scotland (reliant on a spell of good weather for that). 

The drive down the M80, M73, M74, M6, A50 dual and a short bit of A road should have been 3.5 hours of easy, if boring motoring. 
The M6 was snarled up from Penrith to Warrington - not fun at all, and it took me 5.5 hours. Poor Finlay had been in the car for 3 hours while I was working in Richards garden, then the 5.5 hours driving. He had rather a surplus of energy when I arrived at my daughter’s!

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Sunday was our MRC late summer Show at the Poppy centre in Stalham.

We'd been there Saturday evening 19:00 to 21:00 setting up our layouts, putting out chairs and tables, putting tape down marking positions for visiting layouts.

Our big club layout (still under construction) had major problems as our club floor isn't level. They thought it had compensated for that, but when placed on the perfectly level show hall it proved more work needed doing.. Those on that layout spent a desperate time getting it ready for the opening.. it did get running, if still with a few problems.

All the other layouts worked well, 

Sunday we arrived just before 08:00 while others were helping visitors layouts in, I made the grand tour putting up the road signs, we need some more big signs, they'll be made soon. 

The poppy centre final road entrance is a bit hidden. We are grateful to the householders either side of the entrance who allowed our big banners to be hung from their garden walls.

Attendance was good and enough to cover our costs, we've gained a couple of prospective members from the show which always helps. As we have moved to a true show, instead of a almost all club layouts, we had increased costs as visiting layouts ger expenses and a free bacon butty for breakfast.

Slightly down on numbers of children which is a surprise as they get in free with parents or grandparents.

Lots of visitors asking questions, including Radio Norfolk's treasure hunt. We were, I believe, we were the third set of clues. Sad to see that show go, I used to listen to it if not out sailing in circles

Show finished at 15:30 and we had to be out at 18:00, I removed all the road signs, then went back to putting hall chairs and tables away then brushing the floor..

Yesterday , Monday morning I spent counting ticket sales, the money, and paying bills. Just a little bit more to do now,

Filling the club Excel spreadsheet to provide the club treasurers report. 

Working out the cash floats needed for the next show. £2. Coins I know we'll need more of.

The next show is booked for,  26th May 2024, at Hoveton Village hall.








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