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Ah yes the youth of today, I had similar when 4 tents of young lads found the tent with 4 girls and stayed round the fire chatting for half the night. when I woke at 1am they were still going, but I did wake them up when I needed the one wheelbarrow for the site and their food was in it (I pack of bacon, plus 3 crates of beer.)

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Hi Tim,


if if you need somewhere to lay your heads then Mal only has the two of us onboard so that leaves a bunk for the two of you if you need it.Β 

Charlie by the way team is our guardian angel for Malanka as she pops in to say hi to her from us and yes we are all bonkers ....



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Unfortunately Waffles not a big thing in Switzerland. More cheese than you can shake a stick at, steak at 60 quid a kilo and rents to make your eyes water but no waffles. Chocolate is cheap here (relatively) and even the supermarket versions are really good. Nothing to compete with the Neuhaus factory shop in Brussels though which is where the chocolates used to come from. Waffles were everywhere. Here in der Schweis its not quite so good as BE for choccies.Β 


For instance a turkey for Christmas is over 120 quid. They like beef rib or Goose.


More boat pictures to come hopefully of good progress,.Β 

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Dear all,Β 


Some bad news Malanka it has been revealed has extensive requirements for replacement planks in many places. She will remain out of service for a further considerable period. Some of the planks were only added in 2014.Β 



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Just now, BroadAmbition said:

What? 3 years and some of them need replacement already? That's not right, you shouldn't be replacing them after only 3 years. I Β trust the yard / timber supplier are going to 'help' out with this?


Even Wickes softwood left untreated would last longer than that.

I would ask the question whether the plank(s)Β in question had even been replaced at all.

I would go back to the original yard and get them to explain why a new plank allegedly fittedΒ by them would barely last 3 years.

If you are certain of all the facts and have written proof of the work completed, then it would be in the forums interests to know what the outcome was and only then, the yard involved. Give them a chance to rectify theΒ work. Three years is not fit forΒ purpose, I feel a small claims action taking place. What are your rights here?

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The problem nowadays is the timber is quite fast grown, pick up two pieces of Redwood and you can notice a considerable difference in the weight, Tim Collins will always sort out some good stuff if he knows it's going underneath. We have been through around 30 planks to find a couple of good ones and around half of each batch he buys is only good enough for the building trade.

If it's an isolated plank then it's not unexpected to have to change it after 3 or 4 years. Copious amounts of 5* is required me thinks.


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i will not comment further until we have met and discussed actions. I am confident we will get this sorted in the right way. Please will everyone refrain from speculating in public forum. I will let everyone know how this is resolved, I am sure all will be good.



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Just now, Malanka said:

i will not comment further until we have met and discussed actions. I am confident we will get this sorted in the right way. Please will everyone refrain from speculating in public forum. I will let everyone know how this is resolved, I am sure all will be good.



In an open forum where people are trying to help and /or offer advice it can only be based on speculation, maybe poor materials, maybe work not completed as described, materials not up to the standard required forΒ the application, there have been no accusations only ideas that need to be considered. Most peple are onlyΒ trying to help you.

Maybe if you didn't want to have itΒ discussed on open forum then maybe get the problem resolved yourself from the start, and advise us of the outcome.

Have I missedΒ something here... Β Aren'tΒ forums used forΒ open discussions, which show as many views and opinions as possible?

In your first mentioning of the problem, the fact you mentioned that some planks were only fitted in 2014 seems to me that you were surprised that they were that recent, or have I misread that comment too. I take on board "Griff's" surprise as to the short life, I know Griff has done his own share of replanking over the years.Β 


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Chatting to Patrick at Martham for this very reason they only now fit Apeepee, it's a right buggerΒ to work with as I can testify Can't I Tim but they claim it will last years longer than redwood, I struggle to pick up one plank of around 3.6 mtrs it weighs that much.


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