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Stupidity On Boats


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No doubt some of you have see the recent video on youtube of the gentleman  using what appears to be a barbeque  ON  a boat , now i'm no expert ,but i would consider this to be beyond stupid ,  i was wondering , what would happen to these individuals  now that this has been uploaded , sure the boatyard that had welcomed them would be able to stop them from going back , do any of you have any thoughts on this matter , the reason i ask is,  because if i, were a hire yard owner , they would certainly not be hiring one of my vessels again . if you haven't seen the clip , it's on youtube under the title "  £300,00 boat experience down the norfolk broads "


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2 minutes ago, Bob48 said:

No doubt some of you have see the recent video on youtube of the gentleman  using what appears to be a barbeque  ON  a boat , now i'm no expert ,but i would consider this to be beyond stupid ,  i was wondering , what would happen to these individuals  now that this has been uploaded , sure the boatyard that had welcomed them would be able to stop them from going back , do any of you have any thoughts on this matter , the reason i ask is,  because if i, were a hire yard owner , they would certainly not be hiring one of my vessels again . if you haven't seen the clip , it's on youtube under the title "  £300,00 boat experience down the norfolk broads "


if you skip forward to the 5 minute mark you'll be able to see what i mean 

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Whilst I appreciate that you didn't post the link I really do dislike this sort of sneaky filming and consequent blame game.

Regarding BBQ's on boats some are designed for this to be OK unfortunately some people really do very unwise things.

I witnessed a chap at St Olaves BBQ on the boat on top of his gas locker. ..... Before I could tie my boat up a chap from the boat yard opposite had hot footed across the bridge to share his thoughts with the skipper.

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Just now, smellyloo said:

Whilst I appreciate that you didn't post the link I really do dislike this sort of sneaky filming and consequent blame game.

Regarding BBQ's on boats some are designed for this to be OK unfortunately some people really do very unwise things.

I witnessed a chap at St Olaves BBQ on the boat on top of his gas locker. ..... Before I could tie my boat up a chap from the boat yard opposite had hot footed across the bridge to share his thoughts with the skipper.

forgive me , i had no intention of blaming anybody , what i tried to do was highlight the stupidity of lighting what appears to be a gas barbeque on a clearly moving boat .also i  asked for thoughts about what will , would or should happen to persons caught or filmed doing this , as i said i certainly would not have them back on any boat i hired ( if i were a hirer that is ) 



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It's probably worth mentioning that there was no sneaky filming. The video was shot and uploaded by the hirers. The gas bottle is placed outside the boat, but the BBQ is located in the boat just in side the back door. The boat is also moving. So as well as fumes possibly blowing inside the boat, one of the means of escape is blocked by a gas BBQ. Insanity is the only way I can describe it.

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Just now, kfurbank said:

It's probably worth mentioning that there was no sneaky filming. The video was shot and uploaded by the hirers. The gas bottle is placed outside the boat, but the BBQ is located in the boat just in side the back door. The boat is also moving. So as well as fumes possibly blowing inside the boat, one of the means of escape is blocked by a gas BBQ. Insanity is the only way I can describe it.

Thanks for putting me staight on this ..... as you probably realised I didn't view said footage.

My appology also to bob48 as in this case if footage uploaded by the BBQ'ers then they can't complain if said footage is subjected to scrutiny.

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Just now, smellyloo said:

Thanks for putting me staight on this ..... as you probably realised I didn't view said footage.

My appology also to bob48 as in this case if footage uploaded by the BBQ'ers then they can't complain if said footage is subjected to scrutiny.

no need for apology Smellyloo , it  was a good point that you made .


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I know the video in question - it was all going well, young chap doing his Blogging and thinking this is a good way to see how things are from the perspective of someone his age.

However, when I see someone with a large pan frying up Bacon I got it - i mean there was a lot of people on the boat, this way everyone could get their bacon, this sot of set up is commonly used by HGV driver 'tramping' in their cabs as a way to cook, not exactly safe is it but it goes on and has for years.  I wonder therefore if one of party may have been involved in transport and knew this so bought the set up along.

Either way it was a pan, on a gas bottle with a single gas ring. leave aside all the oil splatter being caused up the side of the doorway, over down on the floor (where you step into the boat so more risk there after the whole set up as been removed) what if it had been knocked over - hot oil, large pan, a burner still lit right next to the aft double bed.  Could it get much worse!

But they did it, probably daily throughout their week - came home and all is ok.  Issue is they will likely do this again next time, others might see this and not the risks and think 'what a good idea to cook for many' but I hope not.

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Not offended at all, Bob, the family filmed it themselves so no naming and shaming. I think by highlighting this it will, hopefully, educate boaters into thinking twice about doing something so dangerous and for that you have done a sterling job. The very thought of what could happen and the consequences doesn't bear thinking about, well done


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Just now, Gracie said:

Not offended at all, Bob, the family filmed it themselves so no naming and shaming. I think by highlighting this it will, hopefully, educate boaters into thinking twice about doing something so dangerous and for that you have done a sterling job. The very thought of what could happen and the consequences doesn't bear thinking about, well done


thankyou Grace


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Robin has done a good job of pointing out some of the risks. We all know that boats run aground for all kinds of reasons, or a lack of concentration and they are up the bank. If such a thing happened on this boat and it came to a shuddering stop, the cook would probably fall over backwards, quickly followed by the BBQ, pan etc. on top of him!!!

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31 minutes ago, Jonzo said:

I didn't realise it was filmed by the people themselves - In which case no problem it being here at all.

A very daft thing to do, especially on a boat that isn't theirs.

Which raises anothe question - with so many stupid things seen , would they happen if the boat was theirs ?

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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

Which raises anothe question - with so many stupid things seen , would they happen if the boat was theirs ?

I have seen privateers doing some incredibly stupid things, witness the RIB collision on Oulton Broad last August that sadly resulted in two disfigured children and their mother. Indeed I'm more inclined to despair at what some privateers do over what hirers ever do. Whilst both factions can be incredibly ignorant privateers surely have no excuse! 

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Is it an actual BBQ or a camping type gas burner.  

I agree its not the ideal location to use it potentially blocking one of the 2 exits aswell as the other things that have been mentioned but atleast they were being mindful of ventilation by choosing that location to do it.  

A better idea would have been to pull over and use the gas stove on the bank but atleast it wasnt left unattended in the video, who knows they may also have had a wipe round after. 

When BBQ was mentioned I had visions of flames smoke and charcoal.......

Two things I will pick them up on, Im not a fan of dogs on furniture that will be used by other people, I have a small dog and wash my sofa with upholstery cleaner every month to keep it fresh and hygenic, I doubt Barnes have the time for that between hires and Brinks Melody wasnt worth 300k when I hired it in 2006 when it was around a year old!!!!

Still, it looked like they all had a nice time and thats what its all about. 

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Actually I felt quite sorry for the little dog he looked totally bewildered and no wonder with that lot.    However, no way should he or any other dog be on the upholstery.     Most folk (well those with 1/2 a brain) would take a blanket for him or her to sit on if they insist on being on the furniture.       What these hire companies have to put up with is terrible.

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Ok, now I make myself really unpopular here. Incontinent elderly people, Babies who can be sick at the drop of a hat, Kids who run in and out of boats with heavens knows what on their feet, and numerous other unpleasant situations are all allowed to sit on/lie on/clamber over  the upholstery. but should a house trained pooch dare to leave so much as a couple of hairs on board then all hell breaks loose.

Fifty years boating experience has shown me that people make more mess than dogs. I've never yet met a dog that smokes, that lets fishing maggots escape, or that spills it's beer and although smokers, anglers and drinkers are all welcome aboard my boat, their dogs are even more welcome.

For the hire fleets I understand that there is a charge for bringing a dog on the boat, this covers the ADDITIONAL mess that's involved. They don't charge much, but then maybe the dogs don't make as much mess as the hirers. 


PS, I've never seen a dog light a barbeque anywhere other than where they should light it.

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I have 3 children and a dog, the kids make far more mess than the dog!!  Probably behaves himself more as well!!

He's only been on 1 canal boat holiday and we took a couple of blankets for him.

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

Ok, now I make myself really unpopular here. Incontinent elderly people, Babies who can be sick at the drop of a hat, Kids who run in and out of boats with heavens knows what on their feet, and numerous other unpleasant situations are all allowed to sit on/lie on/clamber over  the upholstery. but should a house trained pooch dare to leave so much as a couple of hairs on board then all hell breaks loose.

Fifty years boating experience has shown me that people make more mess than dogs. I've never yet met a dog that smokes, that lets fishing maggots escape, or that spills it's beer and although smokers, anglers and drinkers are all welcome aboard my boat, their dogs are even more welcome.

For the hire fleets I understand that there is a charge for bringing a dog on the boat, this covers the ADDITIONAL mess that's involved. They don't charge much, but then maybe the dogs don't make as much mess as the hirers. 


PS, I've never seen a dog light a barbeque anywhere other than where they should light it.

All very true but from my days in the hire business, albeit a long time ago, I well remember that absolutely nothing annoyed the following week's hirers more than finding 'pubes' in shower compartment or dog's hairs on the upholstery or blankets.

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16 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

All very true but from my days in the hire business, albeit a long time ago, I well remember that absolutely nothing annoyed the following week's hirers more than finding 'pubes' in shower compartment or dog's hairs on the upholstery or blankets.

Is it always that easy to tell them apart? Somebody was bound to ask so it might as well be me!:naughty:


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52 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Heaven forbid that they found dog hairs in the shower as I am sure did happen. How to tell 'em apart? The sniff test.

thats nasty cheers but quite funny at the same time

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