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Pump Out


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Ok. So, I understand we will need to "pump out" whilst on our journeys for the week. Thats fine but is it something to be concerned about and does it really cost at least £12.00 everytime. And as well, whats with the "blue" stuff??? We will be on Brinks Lullaby with 4/5 on board. Oh yeh, the wife wanted to know if she will be able to use her own hairdryer on board? oh dear!!! Lol!!!






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No, you don't NEED to pump out during the week.  If you 'Manage' the w/c and the holding tank you will manage easily, that is use shoreside facilities as and when you can.  Onboard 'B.A' the black water holding tank is not that big but with six lads onboard we can make it last the week.  'If it's yellow, let it mellow,  If it's brown flush it down'.  It's not using the w/c that fills the tank, it's the constant flushing.  With girly crew onboard they can fill the tank in four days or less! God forbid if it's not hygienically clean when one of them leave the heads, if there was ever a 'Track Mark' or a 'Tank Track' the world would end as we know it.   It's a wonder we don't run out of fresh water with the amount of flushing they can perform during one day let alone a week.

Hair-dryer - Yes she can - IF she has a travel one, the inverters onboard are not capable of delivering the high watts that some of the modern turbo hair dryer units require.  However if you are  plugged into shore power than she  can let loose with a space heater


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If memory serves i think Lullaby has a genny so the hairdryer might be ok, there could well be one onboard already.  

I once hired a Brinks Melody and the genny would probably have powered Caister.  Mind you that was a good few years ago now so they may have changed/upgraded systems etc.  The Melody's had to have the engine & generator (i believe it was a hydraulic affair) running together for the cooker as I recall there was no gas onboard.

With regards to pumpouts, if the toilets are electric flush then have a few wees before flushing as they do use a bit more clean water for the flush than most manual equivalents, obviously if its brown flush it down!!

As Griff says you will most likely manage the week without a Pumpout but that depends on many variables many of which are in the hands of females onboard. 

If the shhh did hit the fan you wouldnt need to do it more than once anyway. 

PS. Whatever you do dont put baby wipes or makeup wipes down the electric toilets, take it from someone who knows.  Retrieving them again once they have wrapped themselves around the impellor aint pretty! 

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1 minute ago, Wussername said:

Whatever happened to Bronco eh?

Disappeared like Vim it would seem.

Still about, ideal for folk with 'the trots'. I have a near neighbour, a tad posh lady, who has two dispensers in her lavatory, she'd never call it toilet, just so plebian! One dispenser for those of us with sensitive posteriors and one for those with a Bronco fetish. 

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10 hours ago, dnks34 said:

PS. Whatever you do dont put baby wipes or makeup wipes down the electric toilets, take it from someone who knows.  Retrieving them again once they have wrapped themselves around the impellor aint pretty! 

My boat Royal Tudor still has the original signage on the door for the 'dump through heads' (dated 1963) which reads 'Place nothing in this toilet unless you have eaten it first, with the exception of 2 ply toilet tissue!".

As Bill Bailey often says on QI 'Who funds these people?' but 'Scientists' have timed how long it takes bog roll to dissolve. :default_blink:
Sainsburys Low Price 3mins
Sainsburys Recycled 4mins
Andrex Regular 6mins
Andrex Aloe vera 26mins
Newspaper 60mins
Andrex moist wipes 5days

So basic supermarket own brand bog roll is best...incidentally made out of recycled Christmas cards. Hang on, what about the ones with the sharp glitter on? 

As for the 'hair dryer', I once asked my better half if she was ready to get under way. 
'I want to dry my hair first and check my phone to see what the weather outside is like first!' she replied brandishing a hair dryer she had brought from home.
My comment of 'stick your head out of the window and while you are there see if it's raining!' was thankfully covered by the sound of the engine starting! :facepalm:

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4 hours ago, karrass1 said:

So, is it really better to get the expensive easy dissolving paper or as long as we dont put wipes and such in loo, we should be ok?

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The general rule on most boats is if you have not eaten it nothing goes down the toilet other than cheap two ply toilet roll, the expensive three ply or quilted is regarded as contraband.

I have to admit seeing some of the signs put on boats showing no razor blades etc always makes me think of sword swallowing acts:default_biggrin:



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If a shortage of the toilet paper is going to be an issue, then ask Barnes for an extra roll or two.

They may well give you some as it's cheaper than trying to clear the toilets of undesirable paper!

A few years ago, the boat at the side of us was let out by the owner and several times he got

called out in one week to clear the toilet pipes as some female tried flushing sanitary towels down it!

He did eventually give up the idea of hiring it out due to the issues he had to deal with weekly.

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What the heck is a hair dryer ? Oh yea the sun :default_biggrin: , the worst iv ever seen loo roll wise was working a a certain boat yard with an outside loo , now why buy quieted loo roll in that environment n worse still lock it in the filing cabinet and go on holiday for a week with the only key !! 

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