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13 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

Not always the case, budget tyres can be as good as and in some cases have out performed the premium branded tyres, anyone who says budget tyres are a false economy are usually brainwashed and mostly incorrect!!

I purchased my car with conti sports fitted and the rears lasted less than 10000 miles.  My second older car gets fitted with budgets, not the cheapest available but they are still budget and I get 15-20k miles from them easily.

Despite what industry experts would have you believe in my opinion its far from an exact science and budget/mid range can be just as good, and if you dont do much mileage its probably a no brainer.  

Why have £125 a corner sat on your drive only going to morrisons twice a week!!!

I was mainly refering to the ultra cheap tyres that I see regularly in my job as a Technician/Mot tester, some of which are horrendous, particularly in the wet. The midrange/premium market can be quite a minefield when it comes to cost vs performance I do agree. Personally I favour Uniroyal as the wet weather performance really is superior to many tyres(Direct comparison on one of my cars) yet cost is reasonable. The only downside is they dont last as long as some others.

Also worth noting that once tyres get past 5/6 years old, depending on how the vehicle is stored etc, they start to go hard and perish which also affects things like stopping distances.

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I do 33,000 miles a year commuting to work, I avoid expensive tyres as they are soft compound and can wear out in mere months, I generally go for a mid range tyre rated for good wear (some tyre place websites show the various values and ratings) while this may be at the expense of wet grip, I would rather have a good wearing tyre that lasts me a year, then have expensive tyres that I have to buy 4 sets a year, and find I have less than optimal tread more of the year (4 times a year instead of once) also with more expensive tyres you will be more tempted to stretch the time you are running them and put up with low tread for longer than with a mid range or quality budget tyre. so mid range or good quality budget for me - about £60-£80 a corner on my volvo.

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6 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

That sounds pretty dangerous to me. There are occasions where speeding for a short period will be the safer option over braking. Not often I grant you, but it can happen. Having a device that takes control over your driving is still not safe...yet!

They thought of that so pressing the accelerator pedal to the floor overrides the limiter

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6 hours ago, KingfishersTime said:

I believe some of the new Fords have that system, but fear not, they have thought of everything. If you try to exceed the set speed limit it will starve the engine of fuel to slow you down, rather than braking. If you really need to speed and over ride the system for any reason, a quick stab on the accelerator disables the system for a while. I can see a situation where you are overtaking someone and they decide to suddenly speed up leaving you stranded alongside them and suddenly reaching the speed limiter, but at least you can still complete the overtake even if forced to speed and disable the system.

And of course if you don't like it there is no need to turn it on. 

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I was only suggesting that those who believe all budgets are a false economy may have been brainwashed by the premium tyre manufacturers/society.  I could have worded it differently but I wasnt aiming my post at anyone here so didnt see it as being unfriendly!

By cheap by twice can be true to an extent, Wherrynice is correct in it being a minefield and if you dont know anything about tyres or dont do your homework you are likely to be paying through the nose when you may be able to get equal or comparable performance for a lesser cost. 


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I can see a situation where you are overtaking someone and they decide to suddenly speed up leaving you stranded alongside.

Anyone who does that is an idiot, but sadly there are too many of them on the road. But what if the other car is faster than yours?, speed limiter or no speed limiter how do you continue to overtake? 

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17 minutes ago, Philosophical said:

Anyone who does that is an idiot, but sadly there are too many of them on the road. But what if the other car is faster than yours?, speed limiter or no speed limiter how do you continue to overtake? 

Obviously you cant, but could you have been past if not messing about kicking down the throttle to gain the road speed to over take in the first place.

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I can see a situation where you are overtaking someone and they decide to suddenly speed up leaving you stranded alongside.
Anyone who does that is an idiot, but sadly there are too many of them on the road. But what if the other car is faster than yours?, speed limiter or no speed limiter how do you continue to overtake? 

If you continue to try isn’t that then racing?

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3 hours ago, WherryNice said:

I was mainly refering to the ultra cheap tyres that I see regularly in my job as a Technician/Mot tester, some of which are horrendous, particularly in the wet. The midrange/premium market can be quite a minefield when it comes to cost vs performance I do agree. Personally I favour Uniroyal as the wet weather performance really is superior to many tyres(Direct comparison on one of my cars) yet cost is reasonable. The only downside is they dont last as long as some others.

Also worth noting that once tyres get past 5/6 years old, depending on how the vehicle is stored etc, they start to go hard and perish which also affects things like stopping distances.

The annual roadworthy inspection in the United Arab Emirates includes a tyre inspection, part of that inspection is to look at the manufacturing date of the tyre, any more than 5 years from the date of manufacture will fail irrespective of tread depth.  

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My ford has a speed limiter function but I only find its useful in built up areas keeping to 30/40. 
I rarely use it to be honest. 

We’ve got a fairly uninteresting Vauxhall Astra. That reads speed limit signs. Would be interesting to combine the two technologies and have an option to stick to speed limits. Used with adaptive cruise control that would be awesome in my opinion.

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1 minute ago, Philosophical said:

The annual roadworthy inspection in the United Arab Emirates includes a tyre inspection, part of that inspection is to look at the manufacturing date of the tyre, any more than 5 years from the date of manufacture will fail irrespective of tread depth.  

I imagine with the heat over there tyres degrade much quicker but a 5 year age limit certainly isnt unreasonable.

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8 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

Obviously you cant, but could you have been past if not messing about kicking down the throttle to gain the road speed to over take in the first place.

Would the pedal not already be to the floor?

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25 minutes ago, JohnK said:


We’ve got a fairly uninteresting Vauxhall Astra. That reads speed limit signs. Would be interesting to combine the two technologies and have an option to stick to speed limits. Used with adaptive cruise control that would be awesome in my opinion.

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That's exactly the system I have in my Nissan Qashqai, it has to be fitted with the hand controls as part of the adaptions. Oh it also has an emergency anti-collision system too...only been activated the once, mobility scooter shot off the pavement in front of me, but it sure does work...you get brown trousers in the process...but it works!

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Ok, today on our new 20 mph road near the school.

I saw the local hitler with his speed gun and a not very able community police officer, it was Chelsea tractor time, (school start time) I never speed on that road, I value my car more, when this ??? woman allowed her darlings to open the door run across the road and promptly drove away!!!! I didn't hit the kids or her because I know she does it every day.

The local hitler tried to get me for speeding with his gun then tried to stop me by holding his hand up. I then stopped at a safe point and went back to ask why they were not stopping bad parking and the CPO said they were stopping speeding NOT dangerous driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The area officer has been informed.


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41 minutes ago, ZimbiIV said:

Ok, today on our new 20 mph road near the school.

I saw the local hitler with his speed gun and a not very able community police officer, it was Chelsea tractor time, (school start time) I never speed on that road, I value my car more, when this ??? woman allowed her darlings to open the door run across the road and promptly drove away!!!! I didn't hit the kids or her because I know she does it every day.

The local hitler tried to get me for speeding with his gun then tried to stop me by holding his hand up. I then stopped at a safe point and went back to ask why they were not stopping bad parking and the CPO said they were stopping speeding NOT dangerous driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The area officer has been informed.


That's the community policing attitude that needs stopping , in as much as speeding can be classed on some cases as dangerous driving the attitude of CPO is appalling and needs correction immediately , bad parking is especially around schools a very serious problem and needs addressing , I'm guessing from the post that the little darlings were allowed to open the door on the road side not the pavement side ?   What's wrong with people why do they think cars have been fitted with child locks on the back doors for many yrs ? Its a totally irresponsible parent that allows their children to exit in such a fashion and the most likely IMHO to break the rules regarding speeding etc given that they obviously do t even care about the welfare of their flesh and blood :40_rage:

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This is what happens when you get rid of PCSOs, lollipop ladies, and the Jolly Green Man, not to mention Mrs Baggett, Sid from the gas marketing board and Bernard Miles doing something with an egg.

The world just goes to pot.

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I find it scarey that so many commenters on this thread seem to be justifying, or at least trying to argue that speeding is okay in some circumstances. The facts tell us that in unforseeable circumstances speed kills (I mean when you have to react quickly to something thing not expected).



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Road Safety Week 20th-26th November.

Lots of emergency service awareness events are happening throughout the country.

I urge you all to seek them out and take note.

Some people really need the education, I am trying to remain civil.


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I did imply, and I do believe that speeding up to avoid an incident is an unusual situation, but it does exist (no examples given as they only lead to arguments) If this means breaking the speed limit for a short while, so be it... hell, no, I shall give a recent example. When looking in my mirror I could see a fast approaching ambulance. I was doing 40 in a 40 limit. I accelerated to get to a bus-stop layby and pulled in allowing the ambulance to pass without hindrance to it or anybody else. I knew the road well, knew the bus-stop was there and I probably hit just over 50mph for a few seconds.  Was that dangerous driving?

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Norfolk is getting rid of all 150 PCSOs, closing 7 police stations and replacing them with 81 real policemen  and 16 office staff.

Seemingly the cost to the police of a proper police constable or a PCSO is only about a couple of hundred pounds different at around £43000 per year each.

Much of the difference in numbers will be made by withdrawing PCSOs from secondary schools..

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