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2017 Broads Memories


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What experiences stand out in your memory of this year on the Broads?

Two things keep coming in to mind for me which, by coincidence, both happened on the same day, 19th May. The first is falling in the drink at Gayes Staithe (cruising solo) and having a horrible moment when I thought my life jacket wasn't going to inflate. The second is later the same day, seeing a rare empty mooring space at Johnny Crowe's Staithe and mooring there overnight for the first time - I was in heaven. 

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Summoning up the courage to go for our dream of buying a boat instead of waiting until we are retired.  Bought the first boat early autumn. Realised it was too small and got our new one a few weeks ago. For me, its been the best thing we have done in years. Its totally changed our lives and gives us something to look forward to all the time (we hadnt been on holday for four years). Now we can have regular mini breaks.  My stress levels have really come down.  If im having a bad day, i think of having a cup of tea watching the world go by on the river. 

Goals for 2018 :

 1. To be amazing at handling the boat and to moor perfectly ....(ive only steered it so far)

2.  Not to fall in



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Not this year but October 2016 we also managed to bag Johnny Crowe's Staithe, the first time for us too. We wrapped up warm and sat on chairs on the bank drinking wine, just enjoying the beautiful surroundings and the absolute silence, breathtaking and stands out as one of my favourite night's on the Broads. Another time on a hot August night, mud weighted on Barton Broad (drinking wine again) until about 2 in the morning just listening to the fish jumping and the reeds rustling, I swear I have never been so at peace in all my life. There's just something so magical about the Broads that no matter what's going on in life they have a way of making it all disappear if only for a week or two


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Taking my own boat through Potter ranks pretty highly along with the fact that I was finally able to spend a night on her the same weekend(although I must admit to having a support vessel as well). Hopefully she will be all finished early this coming season and then who knows what's next..

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5 minutes ago, Lulu said:

Bought the first boat early autumn. Realised it was too small and got our new one a few weeks ago. For me, its been the best thing we have done in years.

Snap! Quite a coincidence, we did exactly the same at the same time. The only difference is that we did retire first :)

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Yes we managed to moor up there is August 2016!!! The only thing to be mindful of is the mosquitos and the fact that people can moor up the bank a bit further up and to our surprise some 'explorers' with dog came along the bank through the reeds bed to watch up the path!

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Some great memories here.

I'm not sure of my top memory but taking Moonlight Shadow out for the first time as a part owner was the most nervous, getting a stern on mooring when returning a hire boat at Bridgecraft during an immense rain and wind storm massively wrong (No boats were harmed in the making of that scene) was the most embarrassing, a 180 degree turn straight into a mooring at Herbert woods with a bank full of onlookers the proudest (a completely planned manoeuvre I assure you) and so many more happy memories from holidays on the broads which when i describe them to people back at home and work, end up with funny looks, reserved for those who don't understand what these breaks/holidays are really like.

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Its been a bit of a odd year for us.The boat was out over the winter.for a clean up etc.And went back in the water just before Easter.It seemed to be for ever before we got back on the boat.Marina and I were married 40 years and spent a long weekend in Berlin,great so pleased we returned.If you have not been try to get there great little city.Two weeks early September weather was fairly cold,cut short by a day of the hols. Then two broken bones and a hernia. Not a good way to end the year.Still a way off till we retire,but we will spend our retirement in Norfolk.I have lived all my life in southeast London/North Kent.We both however are comfortable and at home on the broads.Any times even just for a short time is well worth it.

Happy boating  for 2018

Regards Ian 

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What stands out for me is that unfortunately I had to sell my boat due to money restraints. I had a good season though and managed to navigate the entire south side of the Broads so I can tick that off my to do list.

On the plus side I've got myself a tidy little inflatable and outboard so 2018 will be my year for exploring the north side.

No more annual mooring fees for me :55c8f94983015_default_happyparty:


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1 hour ago, brundallNavy said:

Finding somewhere new that we hadn’t been before, Geldeston village staithe and a nice walk up to the pub for a fantastic Sunday lunch.




Is that the one on the right fork of the river? That's somewhere I've never moored but it looks fabulous. 

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6 minutes ago, brandenjg said:

What stands out for me is that unfortunately I had to sell my boat due to money restraints. I had a good season though and managed to navigate the entire south side of the Broads so I can tick that off my to do list.

On the plus side I've got myself a tidy little inflatable and outboard so 2018 will be my year for exploring the north side.

No more annual mooring fees for me :55c8f94983015_default_happyparty:


Good of you enjpy:default_icon_wave:

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10 hours ago, Broads01 said:

Is that the one on the right fork of the river? That's somewhere I've never moored but it looks fabulous. 

Yes turn right at the fork in the river, it gets a bit narrow towards the end but there is a small dyke on the right just before the mooring you can turn round in.  Just walk through the boat yard and up the lane and your at the pub.


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10 hours ago, brandenjg said:

What stands out for me is that unfortunately I had to sell my boat due to money restraints. I had a good season though and managed to navigate the entire south side of the Broads so I can tick that off my to do list.

On the plus side I've got myself a tidy little inflatable and outboard so 2018 will be my year for exploring the north side.

No more annual mooring fees for me :55c8f94983015_default_happyparty:


Enjoy! I guarantee that you'll have a great deal of fun! Add a tent to your kit or even go for a camper van & your boundaries become limitless. Paddle power is good too! The freedom of a small boat far outweighs the minor discomforts.


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my memories of last year on the broads was camping at Salhouse for the meet and sailing model #1 on salhouse broad, then attending the wooden broads cruiser show at Beccles and once again sailing the much more complete model #1 on the broads.





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