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Anti Social Media?


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The Forum is fine it is regulated most other media sites including FB are not and therefore dangerous, you might regulate what you see you cannot regulate what others put on or use them for, they are just money making machines for a few at the expense of many and unfortunately like a lot of the internet outside of any form of control and open to abuse.

I would argue that Facebook is more heavily monitored and regulated than any forum.

Most forums have a few part time volunteer mods. Facebook employee thousands of people to do the same job.


Clearly Facebook is far from perfect but I guess it’s very difficult to know where to draw the line between free speech and heavy handed censorship.

I really don’t want to be defending Facebook, I’m not a huge fan but I think it’s important to see both sides.

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I think the one critism I have about social media is the "like" tally .....

Likeing an individual post is a great way to take part in a conversation but why maintain a total "like" tally, as if it means anything. This could lead to meaningles tittle/tattle posts purely to up your "like" tally.

Another problem is the way they beep you whenever their is a response. Who can resist checking to see what the computer has said?

There should be a blanket ban on mobile phones in school ..... they distract and they are not necessary. It would give the kids a much deserved break from social media.

Now back to Facebook to make more cyber friends.

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I don't think that someone who has been traumatised by Facebook and their business nearly going bankrupt is lame. In our experience we complained and contacted the Police who said there was nothing they could do. Unfortunately there are some nasty people out there who think they have the right to bully people, look what happened to our forum a while back, we were protected and it dealt with, Facebook could learn a lot from that


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Gracie, you make a very fair point (as always) but is that the fault of Facebook? The same people could have used a forum, Tripadviser, taken out an advert in a newspaper or put posters up in the area couldn’t they?

Being able to criticise a company publicly is in my opinion very good. I’ve had a few instances of bad service with no response from my direct complaints. Post a review on social media and things often change very quickly.
But in my opinion that doesn’t make it ok to allow individuals or groups to victimise a business or individual. But who decides what is victimisation and what is fair criticism?

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24 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Would you rubbish trip advisor for the same, because that's exactly what they do?

No as I dont believe a thing on trip advisor, as far to easy to manipulate, to the way of ones choice. I go visit some where I want to not because it has 5 trip advisor stars on its door.

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Thank you John, I agree regarding complaints about a business (if they are genuine) and the business in question responds and makes changes but when it becomes personal where someone holds a grudge and sets out to destroy a reputation and indeed someone's life, that's when it crosses a line.



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Thank you John, I agree regarding complaints about a business (if they are genuine) and the business in question responds and makes changes but when it becomes personal where someone holds a grudge and sets out to destroy a reputation and indeed someone's life, that's when it crosses a line.

I think you’re absolutely right.
For me it’s just a question of where the line is and who decides when it’s crossed. It’s very subjective.
Personally I think overall most of the social media companies do a good job but there are always going to be problems.
Who ever thought giving people free speech would end well ??!!

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At the moment, our local council is at loggerheads over who leaked what and why to the local paper. This has now progressed to councillors slagging each other off on various "social" media platforms. It's pathetic. And Donald Trump shouldn't be conducting the running of the USA's international relations on Twitter! Take it away from him, someone, before it all gets out of hand!!

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53 minutes ago, Regulo said:

At the moment, our local council is at loggerheads over who leaked what and why to the local paper. This has now progressed to councillors slagging each other off on various "social" media platforms. It's pathetic. And Donald Trump shouldn't be conducting the running of the USA's international relations on Twitter! Take it away from him, someone, before it all gets out of hand!!

There are times when we need a double, even a triple like button!!

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I only joined Facebook so I could look at Norfolk Broads related stuff, I ignore everything else. So, yes, you can be selective. As for NBN, for some strange reason I’ve never thought of the forum as social media. Daft I know as that’s exactly what it is! :default_wacko:

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Clearly Speedtriple you do not agree with me, I do take offence to your "Lame" comment

If you had been through what my family and friends and others who have commented on here have been through

you may feel different

The comments made in respect of my friends business where pure Vittrol

That is why it was reported to the police





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The issue with facebook is that some people seem to run their lives on the site, giving too much personal information, I know you can block information and the friends that you have etc. I use and monitor our facebook group with some of the other moderators, I also have to use it to promote our business on various worldwide groups.

My advice is keep your personal  information to a minimum, no date of birth, where you live pictures of your family, cars etc and be picky regarding contacts.




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The issue with facebook is that some people seem to run their lives on the site,

I think that’s an issue with people rather than Facebook
Did you see the thing recently where criminals are posting things like “post your mothers maiden name here”, “what was your first pets name” etc and using the info for identity theft?
Scary stuff.

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2 minutes ago, JohnK said:


I think that’s an issue with people rather than Facebook emoji57.png
Did you see the thing recently where criminals are posting things like “post your mothers maiden name here”, “what was your first pets name” etc and using the info for identity theft?
Scary stuff.

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Both of the above part of the standard bank security questions, these were OK for a society of 30 or 40 years ago but should not be still in use in today's dog eat dog society. 

Recently locally after a number of burglaries a burglar targeted the wrong house of a local Sheffield hard-man, who promptly said on facebook he knew who it was and would be taking action!

Maybe it has its uses?



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That video is hilarious  - I even thought about sharing it on Facebook! :facepalm:

Seriously I think you can be selective about what you do on social media ... keep the real definition of the word "friend" rather than linking oneself to someone else's third cousin removed who you've never met and never will and don't care about. If I didn't have my account I wouldn't be in touch with my family in America ... and yes, I do think that's a sad reflection of today's world.

As for NBN ... I have use for both the forum here and Facebook group. They serve different purposes for me ... the only problem is that there are quite a number of people who I really can't tell on Facebook who they might be within the group here, because here we have our usernames and on Facebook people mostly have their real names.

The group for owners on our caravan site is useful because we can keep track of what's going on while we're not there. Although there are some people who do nothing but moan about everything. And as for the local community hub .. as someone else said, why don't they all just Google things rather than relying on someone else to sort their lives out for them?!

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Oh .. and just to add, someone mentioned the "like" tally. Have you never checked your profile here to see when you last won the day by having the most likes? I was victorious on the 3rd January and before that I think it was last October!! :default_eusa_dance:

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Just now, SwanR said:

Oh .. and just to add, someone mentioned the "like" tally. Have you never checked your profile here to see when you last won the day by having the most likes? I was victorious on the 3rd January and before that I think it was last October!! :default_eusa_dance:


You can do that??? Not that I would ever be 'victorious'.

Well done anyway SwanR :default_biggrin:

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My phone can make phone calls, I believe it will do texts as they send me a message every time I've used it to tell me how much call time I have left. But I've never sent a text.

I’m completely the other end of the spectrum on this one ...

Phone calls? Mobile
Texts? Mobile
Car Satnav? Mobile
Boat navigation? Mobile
Tide state? Mobile
Moon phase? Mobile
Forums? Mobile
Facebook? Mobile
Games? Mobile
Emails? Mobile
Work documents? Mobile
Control home heating? Mobile
Monitor cctv? Mobile
Etc etc etc.

I currently have 237 apps installed . I’d say I use 30% of them regularly.

I do have a computer too but losing my mobile would be like losing an arm these days. But it is just a tool.

As we know, when computers became common in the workplace it changed the way a lot (if not most) people worked. I think phones are doing the same thing. I’m not saying it’s good by the way!

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Facebook, I'm not on it but dip into Mrs Ws feed from time to time, mainly I find it a load of junk.

It has some good points and far too many bad points, but the genie is out of the bottle now.

There is, without doubt a lot of good stuff on there amongst the various groups and used in that way it is useful for many people.
However it seems to me that too many people use social media as their gateway to the real world. It has given everyone a platform to voice their opinion or say what's on their mind.
It brings a false sense of comfort and companionship to many (look at how many "FRIENDS" I have!!) It can make you really dislike someone you have never met in a real life situation.
It can make you come to dislike someone you have met in real life because of their constant posting about their holidays, politics, pet dogs, kids etc.
It can breed jealousy and insecurity and make you insular. It is not real.

I really wonder what life will be like in 20 years time given how much time people, particularly youngsters, spend on Facebook, and the importance they attach to it.
Will we have lost the ability to be social? Facebook is anything but social in the way I understand the word.

In the online world we have today everyone has something to say but nobody is listening.

I think forums are a tad different as people are attracted to them because of a common interest, plus they do not have the "look at me" Facebook style.

Coming to the national curriculum soon, "Social Media Studies"

All IMO of course, I know no one is listening.

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1 hour ago, Gracie said:

You can catch me anytime you like Mr Nog. I know behave Gracie :facepalm:Jay, you've won about ten days I think, not that I've been checking or anything :default_norty:


What you searching my profile for? What you wanting to find out? :default_norty:

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28 minutes ago, Wyndham said:

Coming to the national curriculum soon, "Social Media Studies"

Where I work we have to do online training courses that take about 45 to 60 minutes with a test at the end that you have to pass and yes, one of them is social media!

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