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7 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Have any of you actually been barred from a Vineyard? :default_norty:


I've been barred from many a wine bar, which is pretty much the same thing.

Serves them right for letting me in in the first place.

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31 minutes ago, Gracie said:

And the wine Ian, don't forget the wine. I went to a wine tasting thing at a local vineyard with a bunch of girls once, you know when you're supposed to smell it, sip it, swirl it in your mouth and spit it out, never got to the spitting out bit :default_biggrin:

Have any of you actually been barred from a Vineyard? :default_norty:


When I did event catering We used to offer hand made chocolates.This chap made chocolates not only for us but many top restaurants and hotel.We would buy lots from him.One day he invited Marina and I to a tasting.Although we only had small pieces  doing so for a good part of the afternoon,I had a headache from hell.

It still  did not put me off thank goodness. 

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4 hours ago, Gracie said:

I love the smell of the Broads, I can't explain it but there's a smell to the rivers I love so much. Like Ian the smell of cut grass too. Strolling along the river bank, walking past a boat where the one of the crew is frying bacon and almost jumping aboard and taking over their ship :default_biggrin:

Mustn't forget that smell that comes with new shoes. definitely the best one of all :default_norty:



4 hours ago, webntweb said:

The smell from wet exhausts when arriving at the boatyard to start our Broads holidays.

Same for me , the smell of the diesel fumes mixing with the water reminds me where I am so associate it with being a happy chappy.

Also , the smell of deep heat reminds me of being an excited wee boy , at the football with my Dad. The players obviously lashed it on pre match and the whole ground reeked of it .

im not a horsey person, but stables often has a pleasant smell, especially considering what's in them!!!



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2 hours ago, Simon said:

Great smell, 

not so many about but smelling a 2 stroke motorbike going past takes me back to younger days

The smell of Castrol R at Brands and Silverstone. We used to add a drop to the fuel in our sports cars to make them smell like race cars.

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3 hours ago, Gracie said:

I love that smell too. I know this will grate on some people but the sound of the engines as you drive into the boatyard gives me butterfly's in my tummy

I'm feeling a tad down in the dumps today and it's topics like this that make me smile, thank you Ian for starting it :default_icon_kiss:


I’m with you on this one Gracie. The first time the engine was started on any hire boat we were on was magic and used to make my heart race! I used to hate the final time the engine was started knowing it was for the final run and we were on our way back to the boatyard. I know the sound of a big serious engine (or engines) on a large boat will get most guys drooling but for me it has always been the low drumming of a diesel engine on an older boat, just the association I suppose. 

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Not deep heat but Wintergreen is the smell I recall from my rugby and football playing days.

Years ago I also recall smelling toffee whilst on the river below York. By far the most hunger making, after bacon, was the bakery at the bottom of our street. Every morning bar Sunday around 5 - 6 am!

Whilst at school, we had a kitchen that turned out wonderfull school dinners (possibly oxymoron for some). By 11am everyday you knew what was on the menu!

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Ellie is fascinated by scent-memories like these as they play a large role in the perfume and fragrance industry. We were talking to a couple of perfume creators or 'noses' the other week about creating new fragrances and how different ingredients evoke a memory or a feeling and how they can be tailored to a specific person. You all should know how my chuckle bone reacts and hearing Sarah McCartney from 4160 Tuesday fragrances talking about the first perfume she created 'Tart's Knicker Drawer' got us talking about what my personal fragrance would be?

Norfolk Woody Knicker Dropper (A knicker dropper is a technical term in the fragrance business...Creed Aventus is one, Dior Sauvage another!)

A fragrance for men and women remeniscent of summer days boating on the Norfolk Broads in a proper boat. Notes and accords of diesel on water, oakmoss and woods, mahogany, an earthy green freshness from vetiver, coffee & rum (Maurice Mynah's influence there) with a hint of suede and leather in the base notes, a hint of tobacco (days of proper pubs) with just a suggestion of florals...Iris and rose (from the banks of Ant), a wild orchid from Barton Turf and geranium (hanging baskets outside the Norfolk pubs).

Hmmm...That's got me thinking...£5K buys a litre of Norfolk Woody Knicker Dropper...keep your eye on Roy's Fragrance Counter!

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So many smells. I might have been a dog in a past life: 

On opening up the boat after a period of absence - a very faint but familiar smell of diesel, oil, heads and polish;

Hot oil, steam and coal smoke from a steam engine;

Malting, boiling wort and hops in the brewing process - best savoured large-scale in a brewery town like Faversham;

The smell of light rain on dust after a dry spell in summer;

The haunting, barely sensed smell of cherry blossom ;

Baking bread or cooking a roast dinner.

I could go on.




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2 hours ago, SteveO said:

Malting, boiling wort and hops in the brewing process - best savoured large-scale in a brewery town like Faversham;

Hi SteveO,

One of the best towns is Burton on Trent as long as the wind is in the right direction, if not then all you smell is the output from the Marmite factory.



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18 hours ago, vanessan said:

The smell of my dog when he’s all warm. Non-doggy folk probably wouldn’t understand that but a clean warm dog gives off a sort of a biscuity smell. Makes me just want to cuddle him! I wonder if it could be bottled as a male cologne? :default_icon_kiss:

Ah yes...there's nothing like the smell of Beagle Ears in a morning!
You can indeed get a cologne that smells of anything really Vanessan. There's a perfumery in New York that does a cologne called Wet Dog and then there's always Gou Brands Private, which smells and is made from cows urine! Fashion eh?

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2 hours ago, Timbo said:

Ah yes...there's nothing like the smell of Beagle Ears in a morning!
You can indeed get a cologne that smells of anything really Vanessan. There's a perfumery in New York that does a cologne called Wet Dog and then there's always Gou Brands Private, which smells and is made from cows urine! Fashion eh?

I’ll give the wet dog cologne a miss, that’s one I can definitely do without! 

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5 hours ago, grendel said:

I remember the smells at the Yorvik viking centre in York, used to pong like a lush shop. (but not as nice)

My "smell memory" of Yorvik comprises of smoked meat/fish with a non-too-subtle undertone of poo.  And that was recalled from over 30 years ago.

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9 minutes ago, SteveO said:

My "smell memory" of Yorvik comprises of smoked meat/fish with a non-too-subtle undertone of poo.  And that was recalled from over 30 years ago.

yep, that was about it, I reckon the poo smell was because of the large stool they found in one of the cess pits, they had to justify the display.

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