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13 minutes ago, JohnK said:

Some people have criticised the bandwagon on jumpers and you’ve taken that as criticism of you.

If you have another look at my post above where I have stated how i really feel, I don't see that you can say that, as I was responding to other posts where I had already been categorised, by assumption.

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I think the problem that the moderators have when contributing/policing a contentious debate is that if they have a passionate support for one side it is very difficult to be objective when asked to judge if the TOS has been violated.

In many ways it might be helpful if moderators has two handles, the official Nbn one and their own.

This would enable them to like postings without the misconception that a post is moderator supported.

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19 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

I think the problem that the moderators have when contributing/policing a contentious debate is that if they have a passionate support for one side it is very difficult to be objective when asked to judge if the TOS has been violated.

In many ways it might be helpful if moderators has two handles, the official Nbn one and their own.

This would enable them to like postings without the misconception that a post is moderator supported.

I understood that the moderators are commenting as themselves by default and they should clearly state if they are commenting in an official stance.

The mods are members of the community themselves and as such are entitled to their own views, I wouldn't like to think that the moderators should limit their personal voice because they are mods... Although if this is becoming an issue then maybe it's time to have separate accounts, although knowing the software this would complicate things for the volunteer team members so it's not ideal.


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Whilst I agree that a poster should read their post before sending it to ensure nothing in it is inappropriate or upsetting, I think that readers of threads have an equal, or possibly greater responsibility to remember that it is highly unlikely that a post is intended to offend.

Some might call this "growing a thicker skin", I call it, "giving the benefit of any doubt."

There are some members who seem to think that any general criticism is aimed at them personally and react accordingly. Why do they think this? I have no idea.! No, honest I don't!

Mention has been made of bandwagons and the jumping thereon. Yes, it does happen, and  I remember an incident where a boater came in for some abuse from members (not necessarily this forum) several others joined in on how terrible this boater was,, however when this person explained the situation, the back peddling had to be read to be believed with all the posters then saying what a fine person this boater was. It was laughable !

The term "Bandwagon" implies a number of people, not just one.

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John, largely I agree with your most recent submission but there have been a number of regretfully barbed and offensive comments in regard to the Waveney Swim. Like you I don't easily take offence but even I have been moved to publicly comment on one such unpleasant submission, not sure but that might even be a first for me!

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51 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

In many ways it might be helpful if moderators has two handles, the official Nbn one and their own.

The moderators do have a user account that they can use to hand out moderation more anonymously, however it is an absolute pain to use as you have to log out of the forum, and back in as the moderation team, then remember to come out again and log in as yourself. for a quick moderator response this slows things down, and we seem to be spending enough time on here as it is, especially when we have contentious threads running that we need to keep an eye on.

As far as objectivity, we are to the best of our ability neutral when it comes to moderation - each case is weighed on its own, but of course if the posters ensured that their posts were not contentious,  then the moderators job would be easier, and we would not need to be objective (though we would still be objective anyway).

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16 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

John, largely I agree with your most recent submission but there have been a number of regretfully barbed and offensive comments in regard to the Waveney Swim. Like you I don't easily take offence but even I have been moved to publicly comment on one such unpleasant submission, not sure but that might even be a first for me!

It is seemingly very easy to take offense when none was intended, I guess that's why this thread came about.

The mod team have explained what criteria are applied when moderating posts and unless an attack is made on a specific person , if the post can be interpreted as not having the intention to offend an individual then that post is deemed OK. 

So sadly it seems the only way to respond to aggressive posting is to respond in like fashion being mindful to not target an individual which would most certainly be bullying.

So in essence do as advised and grow a thicker skin, that is me not you.


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9 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

So sadly it seems the only way to respond to aggressive posting is to respond in like fashion being mindful to not target an individual which would most certainly be bullying.

no the way to respond to an aggressive post is to ignore it and not respond in like, and show that you rise above a tit for tat response.

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12 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

So sadly it seems the only way to respond to aggressive posting is to respond in like fashion being mindful to not target an individual which would most certainly be bullying.

Thats what the report button is for, dont responde in the same way


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but responding in a like manner is what causes the whole thing to degenerate and get to a point where one party or the other gets personal, which is what we are trying to avoid, so its better to let it go, and rise above it all, yes this sometimes means developing a thicker skin,. but if you have reported it, then we can see if there is a pattern forming, which might change our opinion whether bullying was meant or accidental.

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2 hours ago, smellyloo said:

I think the problem that the moderators have when contributing/policing a contentious debate is that if they have a passionate support for one side it is very difficult to be objective when asked to judge if the TOS has been violated.

In many ways it might be helpful if moderators has two handles, the official Nbn one and their own.

This would enable them to like postings without the misconception that a post is moderator supported.

The Mods made this very obvious, Lou, not so long ago.


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this is where i miss broads forums like Speakers corner - a great place of learning for those of us who did not know and wanted too   also a great place where a debate could have a good thrashing - no over sensitivity no dummy throwing and funnily enough i never saw any moderation even though it was there .

personally i think folk are being a tad over sensitive - if you dont want to get burnt fingers then dont poke the fire ......otherwise sit back and enjoy the ride - i know i do 


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Apparently the YBW forum has similar and it's renowned for staying clear off..  If this means such "things" are restricted to there and less on the main threads then that sounds a bloody good idea if you ask me.. Perhaps members only and even another place where notifications can be turned off for those who really don't want to see such comments.

1 hour ago, finny said:

Speakers corner


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Speakers Corner was at its height when the Broads Bill was under discussion, and the Authority's upper echelons refused to admit to reading it. It was a darn good forum, it was also a useful tool at a time before the power of the net was fully realised by the powers that be. Without it I suspect that the Broads Bill would have gone through largely unchallenged. It was only by discussion that we came to realise the implications within the growingly obvious obfuscation that was a feature of both the draft Bill and the Bill itself, and a prime cause behind the declining trust in the Authority.  Now closed groups on FaceBook are well used by many past users of Speakers Corner!

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On ‎01‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 07:57, Vaughan said:


Railway Modellers for instance, all share their views on their forums but I wonder how many have actually met each other, as we have here on the Broads?


Actually quite a few, at the recent Alexandra Palace show both the RMWEB, and N GAUGE Forum, arranged to meet at a certain times at a certain places in the hall.

It's probably a lower percentage than actually meet on the broads  as we have smaller numbers on the various borads forums, and a much smaller area to meet in.

Railway shows are anywhere in the country, but much more popular on line, I read recently that RMWEB has 90,000 different visitors on line per month, and there are many model railway Forums / Fora. One thread on RMWEB ( equivalent to My Day) is on it's 170509th post as I type this, without the thread being locked and that's not counting it's previous incarnations on previous web hosting systems..

The next Model railway show is on Saturday at Hellesdon School, Norwich, 10:00 to 16:30, anyone going? 

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As my beautiful avatar went to rainbow bridge yesterday, I no longer wish to be a member on here any longer.

This forum is now the pits. Moderators please remove me and all my posts.

It used to be a friend y forum but no longer.

Goodbye for good.


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6 minutes ago, Labrador said:

As my beautiful avatar went to rainbow bridge yesterday, I no longer wish to be a member on here any longer.


Labrador. So sorry to hear of your loss.

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