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Ropes Come Loose


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46 minutes ago, brundallNavy said:

He hasn’t a mooring anywhere :default_coat:

Neither have I !  that doesn't mean I wouldn't make every effort to report it to the yard in question , banging it on FB only cause's someone else to pick up the batten and that's not on , not all those who live afloat are the same ..

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If i was able to, i would tie it up first, then report it. I don`t get this "must`nt touch it"  thing, if Lightning ever broke loose, i`m sure all the members would be very appreciative of the fast action of a like minded good samaritan?.  I wonder what someone who says don`t touch it would say if their own boat broke loose, and NOBODY took action to secure it, and it got destroyed?. 

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My route.

Take pic, tie boat up then post pic along with details of it now being tied up and an apology for boarding the vessel, Any decent owner would then thank me and say "apology unnecessary"  That way, all safe and all bases covered. Mooring could then be checked if required. Simples!!

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59 minutes ago, ZimbiIV said:

that post about a lose boat, would have been posted after the problem had been fixed.

I actaully phoned David up as soon as I saw this post. He found it about 9am a secured back where it belonged. That phone call should have been made rather than posting a face book screen shot here in my opinion. If it had been my boat I would have been very thankful to who ever resecured it for me. Rather than gloating about it on this Forun via face book

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37 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

If i was able to, i would tie it up first, then report it. I don`t get this "must`nt touch it"  thing, if Lightning ever broke loose, i`m sure all the members would be very appreciative of the fast action of a like minded good samaritan?.  I wonder what someone who says don`t touch it would say if their own boat broke loose, and NOBODY took action to secure it, and it got destroyed?. 

I'm with you Neil. Posting on Facebook as a sole course of action seems pointless to me. 

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It does occur to me that given Miles is one of life's 'Marmite' characters, He may have a bad relationship with the Broadsedge marina and is not welcome there. If that's the case, posting the picture might have been the best he felt he could do.

Just a thought!

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6 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

It does occur to me that given Miles is one of life's 'Marmite' characters, He may have a bad relationship with the Broadsedge marina and is not welcome there. If that's the case, posting the picture might have been the best he felt he could do.

Just a thought!

If that was the case then MM what was he doing right up that channel?

Just my wondering mate

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Dunno, I was just illustrating the point that he might have had what to him was good reason for taking the action he did.

Maybe the boat's owner had upset him, but not enough to make him ignore the situation completely, or maybe something else! 

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15 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

It does occur to me that given Miles is one of life's 'Marmite' characters, He may have a bad relationship with the Broadsedge marina and is not welcome there. If that's the case, posting the picture might have been the best he felt he could do.

Just a thought!

Possible , it's knows kinda  strange the his post on his own forum was just 4 minutes before the boat was found to be adrift by David at broads edge , that said bad relationship or not really doesn't to me excuse not making a phone call . PS don't like Marmite but love Guinness , weird that :15_yum:

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20 minutes ago, Broads01 said:

I'm with you Neil. Posting on Facebook as a sole course of action seems pointless to me. 

It wouldn't have been pointless if the owner has recognised his boat and phoned the moorings up and asked for his boat to be resecured. A pity that this thread has taken the unfortunate turn that it has. I have no doubt that the picture was posted with all the best intentions.

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29 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

It wouldn't have been pointless if the owner has recognised his boat and phoned the moorings up and asked for his boat to be resecured. A pity that this thread has taken the unfortunate turn that it has. I have no doubt that the picture was posted with all the best intentions.

It might have been with the best intentions but miles has a phone and even if he didn't know the number he could easily find it out and that would be much more productive than placing it on FB , for a start it doesn't rely on others to do the leg work n that's my biggest beef about this in  that others are expected to do the contacting of the yard  , would he be happy if others did the same regarding his boat ? I very much doubt it somehow .

For the owner to know there was a FB post regarding his boat he would have to be tagged in that post or be on the relivent forum to see the post , otherwise he would never know .

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What exactly am I missing here?

it all seems somewhat over complicated. 

You come across a boat which has broke free from its moorings, it appears unoccupied, and likely to become a danger to itself , other craft, people's property , and possibly people themselves. 

Option 1 

Secure boat if possible, contact the relevant authority, leave your name and number, carry on with your day, happy you have done a good deed.

option 2

carry on with your day.


 I know which option I would take, which is the same I would hope a.n. Other would if  it was my  boat or I had property in the vicinity.



Maybe I'm missing something here?

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About 4 years ago I was on a hire boat, just the kids and me we went to sleep on the moorings next to the Kings Arms above Wroxham bridge, 

when I woke we where tied to a tree on the opposite bank, I was well confused when I came out into the cockpit sleepy eyed.

Turns out a lady walking her dog early morning had notice 3 boats drifting around in the basin and managed to somehow tie us all up. I managed to thank her later that morning. I believe some nice people I assume kids untied us all.

if I saw a boat adrift or just crew in trouble I would do my best to help.

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11 hours ago, Bound2Please said:

I actaully phoned David up as soon as I saw this post. He found it about 9am a secured back where it belonged. That phone call should have been made rather than posting a face book screen shot here in my opinion. If it had been my boat I would have been very thankful to who ever resecured it for me. Rather than gloating about it on this Forun via face book

Excuse me but when I posted about the boat I was concerned about the boat and its owner.  At no time did I and I quote " gloat" about it and I certainly never post on Face book.  I usually post in the members only but this time so to reach a wider audience I decided to post in Broads matters.    So shall we get this clear from the start.       I was doing what any decent person would do who is not on the river at the moment and try to help.      It is quite obvious as I certainly did not mention it when I posted that this was posted on Miles' web site ,  all of you who have mentioned him quite clearly go on to the forum to look through the posts.    I make no secret that I  look at other forums,       Some I post on and some I dont.         This OP was about a boat in trouble and that is how it should have been left not another chance to have a dig at other folk.     I am of the opinion of live and let live.  

Rant over.:default_eusa_naughty:

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I really wouldn't worry M. You saw a problem and posted about it. Seems quite logical to me. I don't know this gentleman or anything about him but he certainly seems to court controversy. I think you've just been unwittingly caught in the middle. Take a leaf out of Grace's book and pour a glass of wine :default_biggrin:

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9 minutes ago, Hylander said:

Excuse me but when I posted about the boat I was concerned about the boat and its owner.

If you was that concerned a simple phone call to Broadsedge (David) would have been far more useful than a cut n paste on here from face book. I phoned Broadsedge (David) as my concern was not just for the loose boat, but for others it could also do damage to. I wasnt on the rivers either but phoned from Clacton on Sea several hours after the OP posting. I at no time brought up up other forums in my posts on this thread, but yes did name the picture taker after it became known who it was, and I knew he had no mooring there as to why he would be there in the first place to take said picture. If you think I was out of order at all please feel free to report me so that the other mods can deal with it.

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2 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

I really wouldn't worry M. You saw a problem and posted about it. Seems quite logical to me. I don't know this gentleman or anything about him but he certainly seems to court controversy. I think you've just been unwittingly caught in the middle. Take a leaf out of Grace's book and pour a glass of wine :default_biggrin:

Not now but later - can it be several please Howard.      I shouldn't let folk wind me up so easily ,  I know that.      Mind you it is another excuse to pour a glass of red.   :default_drink_2:

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1 minute ago, Bound2Please said:

If you was that concerned a simple phone call to Broadsedge (David) would have been far more useful than a cut n paste on here from face book. I phoned Broadsedge (David) as my concern was not just for the loose boat, but for others it could also do damage to. I wasnt on the rivers either but phoned from Clacton on Sea several hours after the OP posting. I at no time brought up up other forums in my posts on this thread, but yes did name the picture taker after it became known who it was, and I knew he had no mooring there as to why he would be there in the first place to take said picture. If you think I was out of order at all please feel free to report me so that the other mods can deal with it.

I will say it one more time -  I dont do Facebook.     I copied and pasted it from the Forum of Mr Weston.       Bound2Please,  I think we understand each other no need for reporting.    If I had still had David's phone number , yes it would have been an easy option but you and I both know that at best he is a nightmare at answering the phone , or shall I say was.      The OP was made with the best of intentions.    

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