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Look Out Norfolk, Chris Packham Is Back Again!


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I see in today's EDP that Norwich City Council have now withdrawn support for the building of the western link as they say it will "promote car dependency".

I think I must have missed something here, while I was spending Christmas on another planet.  I thought roads were meant to be for cars?  Or perhaps it should be called the Western Cycleway and then they would support it.

From what I have seen of these new vast estates of little boxes, otherwise bereft of any community services or shops, which are supposed to be fed by the NDR - ("distributor" road) - I think if you lived in one of those and were not dependent on a car, you would just have to sit there in your kitchen and slowly starve to death!

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38 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I see in today's EDP that Norwich City Council have now withdrawn support for the building of the western link as they say it will "promote car dependency".

I think I must have missed something here, while I was spending Christmas on another planet.  I thought roads were meant to be for cars?  Or perhaps it should be called the Western Cycleway and then they would support it.

From what I have seen of these new vast estates of little boxes, otherwise bereft of any community services or shops, which are supposed to be fed by the NDR - ("distributor" road) - I think if you lived in one of those and were not dependent on a car, you would just have to sit there in your kitchen and slowly starve to death!

They probably want everyone to shop online to reduce our car dependancy.

On a bright note Mecedes-Benz have a car that can go from Southampton to Inverness on one charge. A production version should be ready by 2024.

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5 hours ago, grendel said:

perhaps there will soon be a new requirement for all new houses to have stables, to house the inevitable horse that these households are required to have once all the green initiatives have robbed us of suitable alternative transport.

From this year all new build houses, office blocks etc are required by law to have an electric vehicle charging point as standard.

A tether on the wall next to the EV point would be a nice touch perhaps with a matching nose bag hook?

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1 minute ago, JanetAnne said:

From this year all new build houses, office blocks etc are required by law to have an electric vehicle charging point as standard.

they could fit a charging point to my house and I still wouldnt be able to charge an electric vehicle.

1 because the wires would need to stretch a fair way to the road, the road goes past the end of the row of houses, with just a path front and back.

2 because the electricity company wouldn connect it as we only have a 64A cutout, which cant supply enough power- this is because the incoming cables arent big enough.

once again though, they may have decreed it, but we are not seeing new estates asking for the additional demand that will be required for them to connect them yet. also the standard house cutout isnt big enough, so a new standard house cutout will be required- as soon as the manufacturers design and build them, most estate layouts dont have car parking next to the house anyway, so thats another stupid idea- oh and it will at least halve the number of houses we can supply from a substation. so house prices will rise, just to be able to supply the electric for cars, then gas heating is out so thats even more electricity needed.

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In the late 1940s Rochdale, my father rode his horse to the dance hall,  danced all night got drunk, flopped on the horse to take him home. He hunted, shot, and fished. His father was nothing special and he was a toolmaker. The Toff label comes from darn saaarf mate. My step grandfather  was a Yorkshire hill farmer. My Dad would never have been invited up to the “big house” as he was redder than Ken his entire life, member of the international brigade and fully paid up communist party member throughout the 1930’s. He understood the countryside as we know it is 100% managed. Chris Packham is an opportunist who has drunk the cool aid handed out by Natural England. Nothing he says I want to hear. 
OM rant over. 
Hopefully I’ve made my dad proud, he couldn’t afford boating holidays, now we go whenever we want. 

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1 hour ago, JanetAnne said:

Anyway, about this horse. Now HP is measured in PS's or kw's do I have to buy a metric horse?

Not sure about that but to keep up with the Joneses you'll have to have a second horse for the Mrs, tied up outside just for show. You however, will have to groom both at the weekend. :263_racehorse: :263_racehorse:

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As the OP of a thread which has run to 8 pages over more than a year with over 7000 views, I would request clarification, please?

May we assume that we are allowed to discuss game shooting - on several threads - but not fox hunting?  I invite members to have a quick look through the comments on page one, which followed my introductory post.  Fox hunting was freely and reasonably discussed, including contributions by a moderator.  A discussion yesterday, however, was locked out.  I wonder what has changed over the past year, or are we to suspect a new "cancel culture"?

Yesterday's debate was reasonable, mostly humorous and on topic.  There was no abuse and I cannot see that the TOS were threatened by it.

 "Moving on", however  - to quote the Vicar of Dibley - there is an article in today's EDP about the DEFRA Environment Land Management Scheme, which is designed to replace EU farming subsidies after Brexit and will involve big projects of re-wilding of countryside.  Also a Local Nature Recovery Scheme, to replace the present Countryside Stewardship Scheme.  This re-wilding would also see the introduction of non-native species such as sea eagles and beavers.

As this will obviously have a future effect on our enjoyment of the Broads countryside as well as Norfolk as a whole and as it seems to contradict the NCC's plans for "green building" all over farmland, I would like to discuss it here on the forum.

Before I spend time on it, may I please ask first : are we still allowed to talk about important local matters or will it get arbitrarily chomped, as soon as one member expresses an opinion different from another?

I am mindful of the genuine meaning of the Roman word Forum.


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I apologise for my part in getting the thread locked. I think the mods did the right thing, even if the reasons weren't expressed as diplomatically as they might have been; once again they have proven they are only human. The removed posts didn't add anything to the original subject matter anyway.

When certain bold, provocative statements are made, a lack of response could be interpreted as support.

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I think those are topics well deserving of discussion and certainly of importance to anyone concerned with the welfare of the broads.

As for the removed posts I missed most of that and don't want to start it off again other than to state the obvious that game shooting is a legal occupation hunting with hounds is illegal.


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I've just read the article and as someone says, the devil will be in the detail, which will come in time. The language used like, "re-wilding" hints at remote situations where nature could pursue it's own course. As this is ultimately about votes, now could be a good time for making representations to the effect that it would be great if we humans could gain access to these wild areas to the benefit of our physical and mental health? It applies all over but in the Broads area now could be a good time to put together a plan for re-opening of Broads to enable access to the wildlife?


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3 hours ago, rightsaidfred said:

As an observation because Vaughan complained that one was removed the other wasn't, if it's a problem then the mods can edit it with no complaint from me.


Thank you. For a moment there it looked like you wanted it removed purely on the basis that it is illegal. 

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Don’t forget the RA are on record as stating rivers are for the wildlife ( animals) but not us humans. Such stilted unscientific, keyhole thinking is what introduced Cats to Australia. As the UK has had managed “wild” areas for well over a thousand years, I am merely minded to enquire in a simplistic fashion, what level of wild do we want, which of the vistas of the past 1000 years are we going back to. As if we do that Somerset levels, gone, Broads, gone, Yorkshire Dales, gone, Cumbria, gone. These folks have no clue…



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  • 2 weeks later...

Copied from the BASC newsletter received today:-

Wild Justice, run by Chris Packham, had again attempted to launch an appeal after the High Court last month refused their application for a judicial review of the Heather Burning Regulations for a second time.

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Males dismissed the group’s latest legal challenge, saying such an appeal “would have no real prospect of success”.

BASC was one of four organisations registered as ‘Interested Parties’ in the case, standing alongside the Moorland Association (MA), Countryside Alliance (CA), and National Gamekeepers’ Organisation (NGO).

A spokesperson for the organisations said: “This result is further vindication of the legitimate, ethical and sustainable land management that underpins these iconic areas of the British uplands.

“Packham and Wild Justice have now suffered an embarrassing, third defeat on this issue. Together, our organisations fought all the way on this issue and we will continue to fight any further actions by Wild Justice which threaten sustainable management of our countryside.”

The Interested Parties have now also officially received £1,100 legal costs awarded to them by the court when the original Wild Justice challenge was refused last year. The money has been donated to the Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust.



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On 07/01/2022 at 21:37, Malanka said:

Don’t forget the RA are on record as stating rivers are for the wildlife ( animals) but not us humans. Such stilted unscientific, keyhole thinking is what introduced Cats to Australia. As the UK has had managed “wild” areas for well over a thousand years, I am merely minded to enquire in a simplistic fashion, what level of wild do we want, which of the vistas of the past 1000 years are we going back to. As if we do that Somerset levels, gone, Broads, gone, Yorkshire Dales, gone, Cumbria, gone. These folks have no clue…



I totally agree and that is why I will never give to the RS.B.   They have got far too pollical over the years.   I remember when they were talking in the early years about the new Sheppey Bridge and the RS.B tried to block the planning application because of the 'birds' on their reserve nearby.    Sorry humans come first.

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