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Personally I would follow the government advice, not some incorrect rehash of it. The Government is dropping the stay local message in favour of other messaging such as minimise travel, so why is the BA still persisting with it in contradiction to the Government?

Step 1 8th March is still to stay at home.

Step 1 29th March is to minimise travel, no holidays.

Step 2 12th April is to minimise travel, no international holidays.

Step 3 17th May international travel subject to review.

All can be found in the official Government publication here

Step 1 advice starts on document page 27 or PDF page 31.

Step 1 29th March is particularly pertinent as it falls just before the school holiday break 

98. From 29 March there is an opportunity for some further limited changes as part of Step 1, as most schools start to break up for the Easter holidays.

99. By then, the lockdown will have been in place for twelve weeks, during which time people will have been unable to see their extended family and friends or spend much time outside the home. At this point, the Government will enable people to meet up in limited numbers outdoors, where they are less likely to catch the virus or pass it on.

106. As a result of these changes, people will no longer be legally required to Stay at Home. Many of the lockdown restrictions, however, will remain in place. Unless an exemption already applies, it will not be possible to meet people from other households indoors and many business premises will remain shut. Guidance will set out that people should continue to work from home where they can. People should continue to minimise travel wherever possible, and should not be staying away from home overnight at this stage.

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I would suggest from the 29th March. 

102. The Government will also allow outdoor sports facilities to reopen, broadening the options for outdoor exercise and recreation. These facilities, such as tennis and basketball courts, and swimming pools, can be used by people in line with the wider social contact limits. Formally organised outdoor sports – for adults and under 18s - can also restart and will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies.

106. As a result of these changes, people will no longer be legally required to Stay at Home. Many of the lockdown restrictions, however, will remain in place. Unless an exemption already applies, it will not be possible to meet people from other households indoors and many business premises will remain shut. Guidance will set out that people should continue to work from home where they can. People should continue to minimise travel wherever possible, and should not be staying away from home overnight at this stage.

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2 hours ago, Meantime said:

Personally I would follow the government advice, not some incorrect rehash of it. The Government is dropping the stay local message in favour of other messaging such as minimise travel, so why is the BA still persisting with it in contradiction to the Government?

The BA, in its present guise, has a history of contradiction in regard to the government, witness its NP campaign. As for rehashing information, once again there is history. Half truths and misleading statements are something of a specialty. I take it that you have read all the squit that came with this year's toll demand? Perhaps worthy of a thread of its own.

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Sorry BA, but your continued stance against motorboat owners instead of protecting and promoting their use is ridiculous. 
when I stand at the waters edge and see canoe, paddle boards and yes sailing boats go by (with their engines on) and fishing boats and I wonder where is your voice during this pandemic?

I know this is government but I fail to see any protest especially last November when we could use our boats but you said no  

So, no. I think I will follow the law.

if I’m wrong I’m happy to stand corrected 


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Definitely going to check my boat on or near the 28th March.

Over the past year there have been a few times when interpreting guidelines has strayed from the spirit of them but as the above quotes show there is no reason at all not to go to our boats on 28th and take them out for day trips come to that.

I'm no rebel and I believe in following the spirit of regs especially when it is for the greater good but I'm going to my boat!

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

I take it that you have read all the squit that came with this year's toll demand?

My demand arrives via email and too be honest I've put it to one side for now to be dealt with later. I haven't bothered yet to follow the links to the usual guff that comes with it.

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17 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

Sorry BA, but your continued stance against motorboat owners instead of protecting and promoting their use is ridiculous. 
when I stand at the waters edge and see canoe, paddle boards and yes sailing boats go by (with their engines on) and fishing boats and I wonder where is your voice during this pandemic?

I know this is government but I fail to see any protest especially last November when we could use our boats but you said no  

So, no. I think I will follow the law.

if I’m wrong I’m happy to stand corrected 


where does it say you cant use your motorboat from the 29th, just says to follow government guidance regarding travel


Private boating permitted for recreation for a single household or bubble (if vessel is enclosed), or for 6 people / 2 households per boat (if vessel is open air, 

doesnt sound like its saying you cant use your motorboat, just that you cant travel any distance to it, or use it overnight, at least read what they are saying, rather than listen to others interpretations.

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3 minutes ago, grendel said:

doesnt sound like its saying you cant use your motorboat, just that you cant travel any distance to it, or use it overnight, at least read what they are saying,

I'd prefer to follow the government guidelines, especially the bit where they are dropping the stay local messaging, in favour of minimise travel. 

The BA haven't really thought this through again have they. Mr Ranger sees a boat coming down the river, where does the owner live? how far is too far away? How would the ranger know where the owner lives? Would he use the toll database, presumably this only tells the ranger whether the boat is tolled. Does he ring HQ and ask for the registered keepers details, but then again they may not be on the boat, but have lent it to someone who lives "local". Would that be a valid use of the stored data or would it be a breach? And let's assume they do ascertain the person on board is the owner and doesn't live "local" what are they going to do then? All they could do is call the Police!!! As I say not very well thought through especially when the Government is dropping the stay local message.

You have to wonder what the motive is, especially when they put the bit they want you to follow in capitals, even though it is no longer going to be the Government's message.

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I think, could be wrong, that they are saying you should still stay within your village, town, area of city. This is at odds with the govt. advice that you should restrict travel.

It may seem like splitting hairs but it makes a huge difference if for example you live 2 villages away from your boat.

Happy to be corrected if I've read that wrong

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1 minute ago, Ray said:

I think, could be wrong, that they are saying you should still stay within your village, town, area of city. This is at odds with the govt. advice that you should restrict travel.

It may seem like splitting hairs but it makes a huge difference if for example you live 2 villages away from your boat.

Happy to be corrected if I've read that wrong

I’ve just had a local government briefing. And your right, BA is not following government advice 

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For me it seems a tightening of restrictions. Previously sailing was allowable exercise, which I had clarrified by the BA, with no statement as to open air or not. OK, I helm outside but the boat does have a cabin so is now suddenly out of bounds again..... for now.

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To all of us chomping at the bit to get back afloat please heed ukgov’s timetable and advice re when we can return to our boats , whilst the advice is to stay local that means your town or village and not 20,30,40 miles up the road to our boats .

We are seeing this awful pandemics infection rates decreasing due in no small part to the public as a whole being more sensible this time round and obeying the lockdown , the rollout of vaccine is reducing the R rate even lower .

Yes it’s frustrating but we shouldn’t try and find loopholes and argue over semantics trying to convince ourselves that we can return earlier than ukgov recommends .

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1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

To all of us chomping at the bit to get back afloat please heed ukgov’s timetable and advice re when we can return to our boats , whilst the advice is to stay local that means your town or village and not 20,30,40 miles up the road to our boats .

We are seeing this awful pandemics infection rates decreasing due in no small part to the public as a whole being more sensible this time round and obeying the lockdown , the rollout of vaccine is reducing the R rate even lower .

Yes it’s frustrating but we shouldn’t try and find loopholes and argue over semantics trying to convince ourselves that we can return earlier than ukgov recommends .

Fair enough - my boat is in the village and last week I went sailing legally and in full compliance. Now it appears I can’t again 🙄

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if you are alone you are exercising and as such can use your boat, as it doesnt matter whether indoor or out, it only matters when you have family along. they are talking of the easing of restrictions, so anything that was allowed during lockdown will still be allowed, the rules havent changed yet

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Thank you Thunder, that matches what I said earlier on about the stay at home message being lifted by the Government from 29th March, in favour of minimise travel. Makes you wonder why the BA would be suggesting differently! Maybe the website will get updated again!. Meanwhile, I'll continue to look to the Government website for correct information.

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The BA will not change their view ,or at least I don't expect them to!! They are  still of the opinion that they are entitled to interpret rules rather differently!

They don't and as such, on the information available elsewhere, I shall be down opening up on 29th March.

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