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Will Hirers Return After This Year.

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I don't think Bridgecraft have but stand to be corrected of course. 

But yes, folk are price conscious and may well be put off - don't shoot the golden goose. 

People have said to us no end of times over the years "ooo isn't the Broads very expensive then?" 

It always has been to an extent. You could have umpteen weeks in Shagaluff for what you would pay for a week on the Broads. 

But personally nothing will put me off a Broads holiday. But then I am a bit odd. :default_biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

I don't think Bridgecraft have but stand to be corrected of course. 

But yes, folk are price conscious and may well be put off - don't shoot the golden goose. 

People have said to us no end of times over the years "ooo isn't the Broads very expensive then?" 

It always has been to an extent. You could have umpteen weeks in Shagaluff for what you would pay for a week on the Broads. 

But personally nothing will put me off a Broads holiday. But then I am a bit odd. :default_biggrin:

If you are odd Howard then so am I.    Be glad when they can all return to going abroad.    Peace will reign once more on the Broads.   

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It will work the other way as well of course and folks who have never been to the Broads before this/last year may well find that they really enjoy it and book again for next year and continue to do so in following years.

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When the overseas holiday market reopens I can see massive discounts to recover their lost tourism trade , this will undoubtably lean toward reclaiming the staycationers from this summer season .

As far as the Broadland hire yards continuing IMHO it would be yes they will and I believe will do so for the foreseeable future , the tranquility and uniqueness of a Broads boating holiday will continue to attract holiday trade both old and new , the continuing updating and modernising of the hire craft toward the modern hirers tastes alongside the more basic offerings means all markets are catered for.

A holiday afloat has never been a cheap option but it has always been worth it .

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2 hours ago, Cal said:

It will work the other way as well of course and folks who have never been to the Broads before this/last year may well find that they really enjoy it and book again for next year and continue to do so in following years.

Good point! 

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1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

When the overseas holiday market reopens ...

Is not the issue that Boris won't let people out?  Thinks back to the days of the DDR (East Germany).

There was a headline over here about TUI promising Mallorca "free of English" (for Easter I think).
I've probably related this story before - some years ago we had flown into Ibiza from Hamburg (early departure) and were waiting for the luggage to appear.  All Hamburgers (+ kids) standing queitly waiting & collecting their luggage.

At the adjacent belt was a flight just in from Glasgow.  I was observing the crowd, most of whom had obviously indulged in "inflight refueling" & rather worse for wear & short-tempered with their kids.  I felt sorry for them on the first day of their holiday.

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I am already seeing the return of posts on social media from newbies asking all kinds of questions from how do I book to what boat should I have, what do I need to bring and where can I book moorings at pubs! There are also plenty of people commenting about their new experiences last year and how they can’t wait to be coming back. I think we are getting quite a few converts to the Broads holiday. 

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Sorry to say it, but a wet summer will propel many of the staycationers this year, abroad next. From what I can see, the price rises this year, are reversed for 2022, and as it seems most UK holiday companies have hiked their rates too, I don't think the Norfolk Broads will be singled out for a boycott. It's more that the prices have to reflect value for money, even if it does rain. That's hard to justify to a public that's been starved of sun on their backs for what will be two years by then.

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44 minutes ago, SwanR said:

I think we are getting quite a few converts to the Broads holiday. 


30 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

a wet summer will propel many of the staycationers this year, abroad next

I think both these statements will probably prove right. Some will get hooked whilst others will hate the gloomier rainy days and not know how to cope with them. I don’t particularly like the idea of hire prices being hiked up for this season but I certainly don’t blame any of the hire companies for trying to recoup some of their losses - as long as they don’t go too silly!!

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For some, Broads holidays are a bit of a Marmite experience, particularly first timers. 

Its also sad that some do get put off for unfortunate reasons - maybe particularly bad weather or picking the wrong boat for them. Maybe not finding moorings easily or grappling with an irascible boatyard owner. 

Others come once and are hooked for life. 

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