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Jab Certificate In Pubs?


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20 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Recent data is saying that, as the vaccine prevents you from getting a serious dose of covid, so it also reduces the transmission possibilities. All to do with ‘viral load’. Makes sense to me - I think! 🤔

Yes, and although with differing figures quoted (research ongoing), between 30 to 60% of people do not pass on infection if they do catch it. 

I wonder if this is a softening up process by Boris, because come the 17th May, they are going to regulate that people can go back inside pubs, but only to a limit on capacity, perhaps 50% as before, unless the landlord only allows jabbed people in. I remember having to either write my contact details down on entry, or use the NHS app to scan the QR code on the door, which did much the same, so it's not any added hassle for the "gate keepers". I think any form of jab ID would have to be app based, to avoid forgery, perhaps linked in some way to the NHS app. 

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It's a bit of a a Scotch egg syndrome in some ways - somebody who should know better trying to think on their feet and causing the media to go into overdrive.

But - as someone who has a more than a passing interest in pubs I agree that a healthy airing of views can only be a positive. 

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anyone that insists i use an app on my phone will be handed the phone and told, there you go, have a try installing it on this. I will not be buying a smart phone just to use an app that on a phone, I wont be able to read, wont be able to type on, and dont want or need otherwise.

alternative methods must be provided or it wont be all inclusive.

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4 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:


@ES2 , I would have to suggest to you that reconsider your standpoint. For every customer lost to a landlord for insisting on a "Jabbed only" policy, he could gain several others who like the policy as it makes them feel safer. Just a thought!




We don't need one to go into shops or go on public transport so why in a pub? Of course we should wear masks at the counter and disinfect our hands and take all the other sensible precautions. As I said, according to the medical profession, even jabbed people can pass the virus on not to mention children and indeed animals. 

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24 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

There is nothing wrong with the logic of your post ES2,  but I am left wondering if you give sufficient weight to human nature. If I were a publican, and could have several ignorant customers in place of one intelligent one, I know my choice!

The several ignorant ones who will drink far more and spend far more money than the one intelligent one who is likely to spend all afternoon "savouring" the one pint?

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4 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

It's a bit of a a Scotch egg syndrome in some ways - somebody who should know better trying to think on their feet and causing the media to go into overdrive.

But - as someone who has a more than a passing interest in pubs I agree that a healthy airing of views can only be a positive. 

Just like what used to go on inside... 

...a pub. :default_beerchug:

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Well, I for one will be more than happy to go in a pub knowing everyone has been vaccinated with at lest the first dose a couple of weeks earlier, I will feel a lot safer.

I believe I'm right in saying, that under our licensing laws, the licensee can chose who he wishes to serve and a public health issue would seem reasonable to me.

No doubt I'm in for a lot of criticism but like it or not, that's how I feel.

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42 minutes ago, PaulN said:

Well, I for one will be more than happy to go in a pub knowing everyone has been vaccinated with at lest the first dose a couple of weeks earlier, I will feel a lot safer.

I believe I'm right in saying, that under our licensing laws, the licensee can chose who he wishes to serve and a public health issue would seem reasonable to me.

No doubt I'm in for a lot of criticism but like it or not, that's how I feel.

In principle I would agree. I think the issue is the pressure it would put on landlords to actually police it. 


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10 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Grendel,like a friend of mine with a old phone.Asked if he could have an up grade and was told two tin cans ans a piece  of string would be a up grade on he's phone.:default_biggrin:

No, an Aldis Lamp goes much further but not around bends, mind you two cans and string has that problem too.

How about smoke signals? Just keep a fire extinguisher handy!  :default_biggrin:

Mind you carrier ducks could be used but I have heard that they are not all they are not all they are quacked up to be.  :default_coat:

Please feel free to groan.

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2 hours ago, grendel said:

also the decks are not really big enough to land the planes on

I thought we were talking about ducks, y'know those pesky things that wake you up at ridiculous hours in the morning, not a ruddy 747, I am talking about a Ruddy Duck. :facepalm:

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25 minutes ago, ES2 said:

I thought we were talking about ducks, y'know those pesky things that wake you up at ridiculous hours in the morning, not a ruddy 747, I am talking about a Ruddy Duck. :facepalm:

If a 747 tried to land on your boat trust me, you'd ruddy duck alright.

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2 hours ago, ES2 said:

I thought we were talking about ducks, y'know those pesky things that wake you up at ridiculous hours in the morning, not a ruddy 747, I am talking about a Ruddy Duck. :facepalm:

carrier ducks, as in aircraft carriers???:default_coat:

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