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The intention is to go an explore the secret gardens as soon as this rain stops. 

4 minutes ago, Andrewcook said:

I do hope the weather improves for you during day much dryer I hope for you  to explore that lovely How Hill grounds 


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It dried up this afternoon, so I got my walk in after all. Went all the way to Ludham Bridge, for most of the way following a track that lead from St Benedict's church in the direction of Horning Hall, and then intending to make it a circular route by walking along the bank to 'Griff's Corner'. Unfortunately I forgot about the piling works on the BA Horning Marshes mooring and couldn't do that. Had to walk back along the road as far as Horning Upper Street. 

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That was a good long walk Helen, so pleased the rain allowed you to stretch your legs. I don’t think I know that track you describe, another one to explore. 

I also forgot about the Horning marshes quay closure. Although I thought the path up to Neaves mill and Griff’s corner was the other side of the dyke to the quay heading. Accessed via a gate opposite the far end of the lay-by on the Horning side of the bridge. 

Thanks very much for the photo. Glad she’s all tucked up away from the paddle boarders/queuing boats in the area tomorrow morning. I’m picking her up mid afternoon, very itchy feet. 

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3 hours ago, kpnut said:

That was a good long walk Helen, so pleased the rain allowed you to stretch your legs. I don’t think I know that track you describe, another one to explore. 

I also forgot about the Horning marshes quay closure. Although I thought the path up to Neaves mill and Griff’s corner was the other side of the dyke to the quay heading. Accessed via a gate opposite the far end of the lay-by on the Horning side of the bridge. 

I obviously missed that. The fields looked pretty soggy after all the rain that we've had the last few days, so even if I'd found the track it might not have worked out so well. 

The track that lead to Horning Hall was pretty wet too, but at least it was doable in walking boots. 

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Graham and Harry got back safely yesterday evening. I got quite jittery yesterday, mainly because I'd spotted on my calendar that yesterday was 62 years since my father's death (he died in an accident at work). 

We had the alarm on for 7 this morning as we'll shortly be on our way for the passage through Gt Yarmouth.

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A few weeks back I walked up to Burnt Fen and then across east past the radar station and then back down to Upper Street past Brownshill - there was at least one path that went across the marshes to the river bank so another nice walk.

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2 hours ago, NeilB said:

Spotted you going past St Benets while I was prepping my weekend fry up!

We spotted Rambling Rosie as we passed. Just didn't spot you in your galley.

Where have the promised 'sunny spells' got to?

At least it's not raining.


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1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

Phew, that was a good cruising day. Left Horning around 8am, arrived Geldeston Dyke just after 4.30. 

Just one other boat in the dyke, the very pristine (as always) Kingfisher.



We passed you on the way to Yarmouth. Breydon was very choppy when we came over has spray over the roof many times. 

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1 hour ago, BrundallNavy said:

We passed you on the way to Yarmouth. Breydon was very choppy when we came over has spray over the roof many times. 

Yes, we spotted you. Breydon was fine for us, but then we were going the opposite direction!

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Didn't travel far today. Worlingham Staithe was free, so we bagsied a spot. Another boat turned up whilst we were sorting our ropes. So that's the staithe full up. That was lucky!

And the sun is shining brightly. 



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