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14 minutes ago, Meantime said:

The problem with that is that we are almost in Winter now, and as two people have already said on this thread, they wanted to use the mooring and found it full.

It also means that local businesses lose valuable custom. We wanted to moor there and then go to the Sutton Staithe Hotel if they were open. 

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1 minute ago, SwanR said:

It also means that local businesses lose valuable custom. We wanted to moor there and then go to the Sutton Staithe Hotel if they were open. 

To be honest, most of the same culprits were there for most of the Summer as well, which in turn lost Robert some of our custom as well. Nothing worse than heading down for fuel and a pump out only to find they are already serving a customer and the green is full so nowhere to queue without blocking the turning circle. Once you've turned and passed another boat on the way in you simply head off elsewhere rather than risk going back to have to do the same thing again. Then it gets to the point where you go elsewhere rather than even risk trying. Too much of a faff at times.

Year on year we are losing moorings, Barton Turf and the TBMC quiet moorings are more recent examples. If the BA don't start to create some new ones to redress the balance then I'm sorry but they need to properly enforce the existing moorings.

I'm sure for many, given the rising costs and the reducing infrastructure the decision on whether to keep boating becomes harder and harder.

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As on the whole we can only use our boat at weekends and with the shorter days we are quite limited to where we can go, we would love to use Sutton and have a meal at the hotel. It would get us out of the marina and feel we’ve actually got away. We’ve only managed Sutton once since we’ve had the boat and that was in the summer.  

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3 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Being moored last evening opposite to the former Mermaids Slipper , Katie and I both thought that the building would make a marvellous small retirement bungalow , certainly gets us thinking 

A good idea. Super mooring opposite, just across the road from Stressco's and next door to Simpo's for a swifty pump-out, Richardsons wet shed just down the road for week-end meet and greet with the good and the just.

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3 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Being moored last evening opposite to the former Mermaids Slipper , Katie and I both thought that the building would make a marvellous small retirement bungalow , certainly gets us thinking 

Now I know why you titled this thread Pipedreams. :default_rofl:A nice daydream, but never in a million years I think.

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Last year at about this time we went to Potter Heigham and found exactly the same problem. The two electric posts wer full with 'permanent' moorers. One even had a winter cover over it. We moored further along and no one seemed to be on the boats hogging the best spots, during the day and night!

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On 28/11/2022 at 17:29, PaulN said:

Last year at about this time we went to Potter Heigham and found exactly the same problem. The two electric posts wer full with 'permanent' moorers. One even had a winter cover over it. We moored further along and no one seemed to be on the boats hogging the best spots, during the day and night!

Report those hogging the electric points to Broads Control - if done frequently enough & with photographic back up they may do something The Rangers are mostly working on the banks  at this time of year. (be nice to the controller though)

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  • 1 month later...

Moored up on …….……



yup Ranworth staithe on the taxi rank side , sadly rank itself is occupied (by the same vessel that has been there since Xmas!!!!!) .

bit of drizzle and very windy , glad we are all safely moored up .

Only passed five other boats either moored or underway.

heating on , leccy plugged in and enjoying a stove top coffee , bliss !!!!!

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Quick update on The Ranworth Maltsters opening hours for those of you that may be heading that way in the near future , the signs displayed on the doors read as in the first photo , the actual opening hours are now as in the 2nd photo , it would have been nice if they had told me this last night , grrrrrrr !!45AA5F3F-584E-4A67-8E4C-D69B899A1F79.jpeg


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47 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Quick update on The Ranworth Maltsters opening hours for those of you that may be heading that way in the near future , the signs displayed on the doors read as in the first photo , the actual opening hours are now as in the 2nd photo , it would have been nice if they had told me this last night , grrrrrrr !!45AA5F3F-584E-4A67-8E4C-D69B899A1F79.jpeg


Seems hardly worth their opening at all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can have a guess where you will be going 🤣🤣🤣

Serious question. Do you never get fed up of going to the same place time and time again?

Ranworth is lovely granted. But so are a lot of other places in that vicinity. 

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After arriving at Stalham and unpacking aboard , we ventured to The Crown Catfield for a couple ( if couple can be accepted as meaning numerous) pint of the excellent 316 ale from Grain brewery,  fruit based soft drink for the lady and an excellent bar snack we are about to return to Pipedreams for an early night .

Bramble loved her “doggie dinner” of chicken and vegetables (£3:50) and the numerous strokes and treats from the locals , I wonder where tommorow will find us ?



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