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So What Is Going On At Herbert Woods


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You call them 'Blob's two three and four pieces,  Then there are 'Mixy' blobs.  You don't need the same number blob behind a blob to attempt to move it back to base, but you do need your piece immediately behind it to attempt removal

The term 'Uckers' was always used since I became aware of the game in 76.  It's not a family friendly name if followed by the same word after it but with the 'F' at the front of it


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3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

You call them 'Blob's two three and four pieces,  Then there are 'Mixy' blobs.  You don't need the same number blob behind a blob to attempt to move it back to base, but you do need your piece immediately behind it to attempt removal

The term 'Uckers' was always used since I became aware of the game in 76.  It's not a family friendly name if followed by the same word after it but with the 'F' at the front of it


I seem to recall 'Wafoo's rules', 'suck backs', 'blow backs', 'eight piece mixiblobs', and Ludo playing 'bar stewards'. Hardly a game to introduce to families. The Bootnecks had the rules written on the base of the board, they would refer to these rules when they were being beaten. I could  make a board from some of that plywood at the back of BG, 

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2 hours ago, andyg said:

Just seen pictures of fair regal, jezz that looks huge lol.. I'm not a fan of a lot of what len has had built, but it does look very impressive. 

I’ve no doubt that it will be very luxurious inside and frankly it needs to be for a boat that costs approaching 3.5k a week in peak, but I think it looks like a river bus.  Surely, there’s room in the market for an update on the last incarnation of the Connoisseur C40 and C45.  Incredibly spacious and practical for their size and to this day, my favourite hire boat.  I’d love to own one, but the cost to refurbish to the required standard would be prohibitive.

Richos came closest, with the RC45, but I think that styling came before practicality in a number of areas, but at least they look like a boat and with the sliding canopy, give better access to the Broads rivers.

Photo below borrowed from NBD’S FB page.


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Them C40 and 45 are incredibly popular still. They do need some investment put into them tho,they are looking a bit tatty now. There was one in there the other week that looked very smart. It had clearly been totally re painted top and bottom, the decks had been painted dark blue. I thought woods had started to refurb them, then realised it was privately owned. They need gutting internally and brought upto date. Plenty of life left in them weather it would be worth the investment is another thing. 

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1 minute ago, mikeyboy1966 said:

That is a big boat,

no wonder the moorings get busy with these behemoths

46ft - much the same as a lot of the new ‘luxury’ offerings from the big yards.  But it still looks like a river us to me!

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28 minutes ago, mikeyboy1966 said:

Seems a bit unnecessary to me,I guess the smaller rivers will be out of bounds,and will be impossible to moor peak season:facepalm:

im thinking I’m lucky my hopefully new to me boat is currently on the great Ouse ,I’ll just do battle with 15 tonne steel narrow boats

Which boat and whereabouts on the gt.ouse? My local territory.

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53 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

46ft - much the same as a lot of the new ‘luxury’ offerings from the big yards.  But it still looks like a river bus to me!

Yep, everyone I've spoken to about it has said it looks like a trip boat.

I think it kind of looks like a chinese copy of an Alpha Lowliner and an RF45 all in one riverbus.

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12 minutes ago, oldgregg said:

Yep, everyone I've spoken to about it has said it looks like a trip boat.

I think it kind of looks like a chinese copy of an Alpha Lowliner and an RF45 all in one riverbus.

That ‘aerodynamic’ spoiler at the stern is quite an amusing design touch.  Not sure that it will have much effect at 5mph, though and the view from the internal helm, if it’s actually on the upper deck, must be akin to looking through a letter box.

Not for me, I’m afraid, but I’m sure that there will be plenty of hirers anxious to have the newest boat available.

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16 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

That ‘aerodynamic’ spoiler at the stern is quite an amusing design touch.  

My thoughts were that I hope they got the mould tools for it because they'll want to be making up a few replacements.

It's got 'reversed into a bridge' written all over it.

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28 minutes ago, jeffbroadslover said:

Just had a look at the webcam and it looks like someone did not do a proper job of checking all unused boats are secure

Just outside he toilets area there looks to be a boat with the canopy wide open and no sign of life on board


Oops, yes, looks like one of their Alphas, possibly evening light, canopy on both sides wide open! It will be damp in the morning!

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