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Fuel Prices On South Side.


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Hello everyone,

been watching the write ups on Salhouse and very envious that we missed a good meet.

To get to the point - have to fill up my gin palace to get her back north in next 6-8 weeks or so, therefore looking for best prices, we are in Brundall currently and I understand that Brooms are now over £2 a litre - when they have it - and that is somewhat scandalous. Will be looking for approx 600 litres so it will have to be somewhere with a big storage tank and on the south side as I cant get the boat under Yarmouth bridge!


Appreciate any intelligence that members can feedback and indeed for the benefit of other members price of fuel in the north too - Boulters was always my goto yard, do miss 'em.


thanks in advance, have a great season and most of all stay safe.



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12 hours ago, Tobster said:

You can get diesel at the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club, best to call them for price and availability, it will be a lot cheaper than Brooms.

We always found RNSYC to be more expensive to buy fuel then on the Broads.

But needs must when you arrive at Lowestoft with the fuel gauge most of the way down the red :default_blink:

Goodchilds were always competitive with their fuel prices. We always used to head there on our way back out of the Broads to fill up.

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2 hours ago, Cal said:

Goodchilds were always competitive with their fuel prices. We always used to head there on our way back out of the Broads to fill up.

We tried to fill up at Goodchilds a few days ago and they had no diesel (or what they did have was reserved for their commercial customers and operations), plus berth holders in their marina are currently limited on the amount of fuel allowed when it is available.


By the way, they also have a label apologising for the fact that they now have to charge £30 per holding tank pumpout due to their massively increased costs for disposal).

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Hi Trevor suggest you ring Hippersons at Beccles or Goodchilds. getting F A M E free diesel rather then cheapest would be my priority. Fish dock at Lowerstoft is cheapest but you will have to pay to go through lock gates at Oulton Broads so for only 600 lt probably not worth it unless you sail round through Yarmouth. John

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On 26/05/2022 at 11:02, annv said:

Hi Trevor suggest you ring Hippersons at Beccles or Goodchilds. getting F A M E free diesel rather then cheapest would be my priority. Fish dock at Lowerstoft is cheapest but you will have to pay to go through lock gates at Oulton Broads so for only 600 lt probably not worth it unless you sail round through Yarmouth. John

Just read elsewhere that Hippersons are out of diesel, as are Quayside.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback, much appreciated. Seems it is a bit of a minefield what with prices, availability and scarcity. The research goes on. Will be in touch clive.



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