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I don't mind dogs, used to have one myself, which is why I was happy to engage it and push it away, hoping the owner would take the hint, which he didn't until I got forceful with the owner.

Whilst I don't mind dogs, I don't see why I should have to put up with someone else's dog scratching my car bumper!


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Crikey, remind me never to pee on a post again :default_biggrin:

Dogs are lovely. I wish some owners would realise not everyone wants a dog jumping up at them and then look at you as if you have two heads when you ask them to keep the dog away x



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I think having a dog off the lead is showing a lack of respect for others, so if I see one I will confront the owner. Try, "Your dog's just done a pile over there". Then leave them looking for it. Proves they haven't been keeping an eye on it. I confronted one such owner in our marina, asking how he could see when his dog did a pile if it was out of his sight. After a frank exchange things cooled and he and his mate invited me to go with them on a cruise up to the Ferry House!

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11 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Crikey, remind me never to pee on a post again :default_biggrin:

Dogs are lovely. I wish some owners would realise not everyone wants a dog jumping up at them and then look at you as if you have two heads when you ask them to keep the dog away x



Oh Gracie! It's not good for your health squatting over someone's post in this forum, especially if the apparatus is connected to the mains! :default_coat::default_laugh:


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Changing the subject (rapidly) , I was wondering about an ex member of the forum who's name here, and that of his boat, was "Bound2Please". 

I thought if I googled it, that would lead to his boat on Craig's list. It didn't  but it has lead me into an awful lot of reading.   :-)

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29 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Changing the subject (rapidly) , I was wondering about an ex member of the forum who's name here, and that of his boat, was "Bound2Please". 

I thought if I googled it, that would lead to his boat on Craig's list. It didn't  but it has lead me into an awful lot of reading.   :-)

Most of it written by E L James I would imagine! 

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

I agree with all that's been said, it's never the dogs fault, always the owner. I sometimes look after a friends dog, often taking her ( the dog ) into a pub. ALWAYS on a short lead always with me at the other end. It really isn't difficult 

The dog sees it differently, she always takes you to the pub on a short lead

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17 minutes ago, grendel said:

The dog sees it differently, she always takes you to the pub on a short lead

Mine will take me to a pub on any lead, not just the one pub either she knows many all over the place.

She may not be well trained but that's good enough for me.:default_beerchug:

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You know what? I needed this!

Here I am, moored up at Fleet dyke, where there's no TV reception and too far for me to walk to a pub. All I can do is sit on the boat and contemplate life, the universe and everything. 

Bloody good job too. I've been living on my boat for over two years now and I realise that I'd started to take the whole lot for granted. There were several things kicking at me, trying to remind me that I was living the dream, when suddenly one of them broke through. I have Gracie to thank for this.

She started a thread called "Summer Holidays". This is something I've not done since moving onto my boat.  So I started wondering what I might do, where I might go.

Before boatlife it was easy. Go to the Broads! Now it's rather harder. When you're in heaven  where do you go for a good time? It's that "What did Oliver Reed do to celebrate? scenario. 

Some folk travel for hours to get here. All I have to do is untie the ropes.

Amazing what mooring out of range of a pub does for me, I shall have to pour myself my modest libation to celebrate.  Ahh, it's 4:30 am. Bit too early, or is it a bit too late? I only woke owing to yesterday evening's libations.

It's raining now so I think I'll finish this post and just lie here listening to it on the cabin roof wondering where I might go on holiday next year, or maybe I'll go the year after that. Who knows eh?

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This is a great thread, it's fun and MM doesn't mind if we drift a tad or if it descends into chaos, with MM involved that's usually the case :default_biggrin: It also gives us a bit of inside knowledge on life living aboard which I love to read about, so thank you for that MM

I know we don't have much of a summer but I hope you're enjoying life on board, I know it can't be all plain sailing especially in the winter. Do you have any regrets about living aboard? x

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27 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Do you have any regrets about living aboard? x

None at all. I sometimes wonder, if I won the lottery,  would I buy a house or a cleaner boat. Not sure which.


Edited to add for Gracie...

The name "Nyx" is from Greek mythology. She was the goddess of the night and was born of Chaos. 


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