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Ranworth Update


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So, arrived this afternoon at Ranworth Staithe. As usual it’s busy with just one space on the side (cab rank). The helpful mooring attendant asked how long I was staying, and I replied overnight, but would not be paying. She said okay,  and asked me to confirm I was the registered owner of Chiltern Lady. And that was that.




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35 minutes ago, FlyingFortress said:

Nice one 👍

Hoping to do the same myself soon 

Was I full after 5pm?

I got the only space at about 3.30, but there was quite a few leaving and arriving until 5’ish. There was one space about 6’ish which was taken, so full now…😎

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I hope that in asking if you are the registered owner, which of course gives them access to your personal details, they don't intend to register the debt, which in many cases is free with members of the CICM until the debt is large enough to act.

If such a debt is registered it could have serious consequences for credit ratings.

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1 minute ago, Vaughan said:

Go on then, what else can you cheer us up with this morning?   :default_party0001:

Personally, I am far too old to worry about my credit rating!  

Me to, but you would be surprised what does effect it.

Couple (our age) in village down sized from large family home to small bungalow in same village. Their credit rating fell, why ? They became a new entry on electoral role.

Bl**dy daft.

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11 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

I hope that in asking if you are the registered owner, which of course gives them access to your personal details, they don't intend to register the debt, which in many cases is free with members of the CICM until the debt is large enough to act.

If such a debt is registered it could have serious consequences for credit ratings.

Two points here, how can the debt increase, there is no penalty charge or invoice to accrue interest,  the other is none of the staff have the authority to request details of ownership so why give it, all they can do is note the registration number.


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The logging of multiple refusals to pay. I don't thiink they were asking for details of ownership. They asked if he was the registered owner. They have details of ownership from the Reg. No.

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54 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

The logging of multiple refusals to pay. I don't thiink they were asking for details of ownership. They asked if he was the registered owner. They have details of ownership from the Reg. No.

They still  don`t have the authority to request any information regardless of how its worded, they are not rangers and no byelaw has been broken.

Multiple refusals hmmm how does that work if you receive no communication from the BA, the notice says pay in the Information Office not the attendants so no refusal there.

As Griff said earlier                                                                                                                                                                        "We received no visits from any Ba person other than their guy that assists with the moorings and runs the Ba trip boat. He’s a nice guy and was clear he has no powers to enforce payment or issue any notices etc"


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I think if credit rating is important to you it's possible to appeal and get it changed. 

Makes no odds to me but someone round here had a shock when their rating was severely downgraded. But then the neighbour next door in a rented house had been "accidentally" putting the wrong delivery address on online purchases. Soon got it changed back. People who sell you money love you if you're daft enough.

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I wonder if other forumites have received a reply from the minister?

I received the following following my complaint.

"Under the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988 (as amended), the BA has powers to determine

tolls in respect of navigation. We understand that the recent increases were made in

consultation with the Navigation Committee and approved by the board. The Act also required

the BA to maintain and report on the navigation revenue account separately from other forms

of income. Determining, recovering, and reporting on the navigation income are operational

matters for the BA. Your constituent may wish to raise concerns about such operational

decisions directly with the BA in the first instance.

Regarding wider concerns, we expect the highest standards of governance from public bodies,

such as the BA, giving confidence to the public in the delivery of national priorities such as

nature recovery, and local public services such as planning. Governance arrangements at the

BA have been subject to several reviews and investigations. While we understand that the

recommendations of these reviews have largely been implemented, we continue to have a

strong interest in the effective governance of the BA. We are discussing these issues directly

with members and staff, and will continue to monitor the situation going forwards."


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That seems to be the standard response from the Ministers.  I did as suggested there and the BA response was extraordinary but it's somewhat clear the ministers are aware of the complaints and the CEO and Chair are pretty rattled!

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  • 2 weeks later...

No I didn't pay.

Rather polite lady asked how long I was staying and when I replied overnight she asked for £10. I politely replied that I would not be paying and she took down my boat name and registration number and said as she would pass it on to head office. 

I politely replied "fair enough" and that was that.

Bit of an anticlimax actually 😲 

Suppose we have to see where it goes from here 

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I see from the FB page (BRAG) there’s been an update. A new notice has appeared stating that by mooring at the Staithe you are entering into a contract with the BA and agreeing to pay. Failure to pay will result in a £60 fine(?) plus costs…

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