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Good morning

I’m new to the Broads and I’m based at Brundall in a Broom 42

If I want to visit Norwich how far can I get? Looking at a chart it looks like I could get as far as Trowse Bridge and moor up at Whitlingham Park? 

Does that sound possible? 

Thank you 

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We have a Sunquest 34 moored at Brundall (Cove) and with 15ft 11 inches with the arch up, face similar bridge clearance challenges to you with your Broom 42. You are correct that the trowse Swing Bridge is our effective limit up river. We often cruise west from Brundall and then turn around at the second rail bridge over the old river at Thorpe and then head down river.

I don't believe that there are moorings available at Whittlingham Park. 

Commissioner's Cut has moorings, and is not too inconvenient for accessing Norwich via a shortish walk and then bus.

The train from Brundall is really excellent and is about 11 minutes...

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Think Mouldy is right - that went with the changes a few years ago at Whitlingham.

You can get a few hundred yards further upstream to Trowse Eye where the Wensum and Yare join, just by Carrow Yacht Club - plenty of room to turn there as that is where the bigger coasters used to turn.


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3 minutes ago, marshman said:

Think Mouldy is right - that went with the changes a few years ago at Whitlingham.

You can get a few hundred yards further upstream to Trowse Eye where the Wensum and Yare join, just by Carrow Yacht Club - plenty of room to turn there as that is where the bigger coasters used to turn.


We turned at Trowse Eye a couple of weekends ago, interesting experience due to paddle boarders, canoeists and rowers...

We did wonder about mooring at Whittlingham Park but when we got there it was pretty cler that the moorings were closed to us...

From Commissioners Cut, Thorpe is about 15 minutes, decent coffee @ Harleysand the Rushcutters is OK....

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10 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

There still showing free moorings on Google maps.Dont know how often they update  information. 

It must be a couple of years since the Whittlingham moorings were lost, so not that often, apparently. 😉

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Whitlingham country park has a few no mooring signs along the edge of the quayside, however they seem to be routinely ignored. 

I was coming alongside to moor up a couple of months ago and a gentlemen walking his dog along the moorings said something I didn't quite hear, so he repeated it, saying there are no mooring signs along there somewhere and pointing down along the edge. 

Since I knew which boat he was from I said "I'm sure I'll be fine for one night" and continued to moor. What's good for the goose and all that. :default_norty: He carried on walking his dog and then returned to his boat. He was still moored there a couple of days later.

Apart from the thunderstorm, i had a very peaceful night there and moved off the next day.

They are no longer BA moorings and are purposely not being tended to discourage mooring, but enough boats are routinely mooring there to keep them usable. The electric posts went as soon as the BA handed them back. 

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Thanks for all your replies. I think I’ll go up and find out what the commissioners cut is like? Going down river it looks like Reedham is the first bridge. Presumably I can get them on VHF for an opening

We’ve come up from the Thames and from what we’ve seen so far The Broads will suit us better

Thank you 


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7 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Can’t you demand that the rail bridge swing open for you?

it was built as a swing bridge for a reason - supposedly river traffic has a legal right to cruise the river. 

Btw, what clearance is there at low water?


Correct. You have a right to ask for the bridge to swing. But you have to give notice. That notice I think from memory may be some considerable time. Several hours, or days, I may be wrong.

Then Carrow Bridge, Several weeks to get that to lift. Then Julian Bridge, then The Friendship Bridge and then, to reach the Norwich Yacht Station, Foundry Bridge. That does not lift or swing. 

You are then in-between a rock and a hard place.

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I don’t think the Whitlingham moorings are shut as such. They are, I believe, under the care of Whitlingham Charitable Trust but are being totally neglected. Liveaboards have moved in and a couple of ‘no mooring’ signs have been attached to the quay heading but it’s questionable as to whether these are ‘legal’ or not. If there is a space available, there is no reason why it should not be used as far as I am aware. 

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There are ‘no mooring’ signs along the whole stretch of the Whitlingham moorings. That’s a real shame, we used to like mooring there as it was so handy for taking the dogs for a good walk. Some boaters (possibly liveaboards) are clearly ignoring the no mooring signs, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of us should ignore such signs. Just because someone else ignores ‘the rules’ doesn’t mean that it’s okay. 

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10 hours ago, DT42 said:

Thanks for all your replies. I think I’ll go up and find out what the commissioners cut is like? Going down river it looks like Reedham is the first bridge. Presumably I can get them on VHF for an opening

We’ve come up from the Thames and from what we’ve seen so far The Broads will suit us better

Thank you 


You can also phone them - the number is in the Broadcaster Magazine ( also Somerleyton  slightly lower bridge but same design Always worth checking the train timetable ( Norwich to Lowestoft ) as most trains cross at Reedham & bridge is right by the station at Somerleyton so you can predict most of the times the bridge will not open & save having to hang about

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