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broadophile video


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Thank you Lori,


I watched this from beginning to end, I liked the way he filmed and presented the video, it was not only professional it was somewhat compelling.


If the author of video is not a member of our forum he should be.


Lori do you know who made the video?




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Well found Lori that is a really nice film, wish I could do a video that good, there's shots in there that would have made good individual photographs in my view, the butterfly jumps immediately to mind and some of the sky shots. Oh! And since we were mentioning flirting elsewhere BC :wub:  was on TG Sunday evening. ;)

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Yes coowee, ben is lush , especially in sherlock lol , his mum wanda ventham actually did a horror film down norfolk somewhere, but not sure where, i seem to ave got quite a following on pintrest with ben pics ,rofl.gif lori ;-)

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Ran out of likes, so that's is all the liking for this evening, I liked both your last posts.


I've only managed about 10 minutes of the second film, but it certainly looks good.


Nite nite ice slice



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  • 2 months later...

Re Diary of a Broadophile etc. I filmed them, so many thanks for your kind comments. I was recently encouraged to join the forum so here I am.

I need to put the record straight though, do I sound American? Help! I am from Yorkshire, lol, but I live in Hong Kong at the moment. My daughter who was with me on A Spring Tale (spoofy) is living in New York, she is a composer and is at present the Musical Director of a Grammy Award winning Jazz Orchestra there. She composed music for my Cambodia film, and conducted it live in Brooklyn Concert Hall while the film rolled on the big screen! Awesome. She recently put Emily Brontes poem, "No Coward Soul is Mine" to music, also premiered in New York, so I must film in Haworth next time I go home for Bronte fans. Trouble is I need a stormy day, every time I go there it's sunny! (No joke.) My son, with me on Broadophile, studied drama in Aberystwyth U and Theology in London. He lives in London.

I now have Pro 4k cameras and am producing 4k films for TV. South Korea is launching the first 4k video channel in the world. The Broads videos are really just personal videos, but when BBC Norfolk (http://norfolkonfilm.tumblr.com) asked to use Rub a Dub Dub I put a little more time in and produced Diary of a Broadophile. I was back in the UK recently but Ryanair tempted me to skip the Broads for once. I filmed in New York, Marrakesh, Girona, Costa Brava, Barcelona, Malta and Pisa. Watch prsw100 on youtube for my latest films from India, Burma, China, Norway, Nepal and Macau. Mmmm, I just read that list again and got jet lagged, lol.

Will be back next Spring to film the broads in 4K. I need a new angle, any ideas?


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Wow Paul. I've just watched Broadophile all the way through and I thought it was fantastic. Its the best YouTube Broads video I've ever seen - beautifully shot, well edited, informative and yet very personal. I've been coming to the Broads a long time and so I know all the places you went to very well but I still loved watching them. I've never been on the Electric Eel though and I will now thanks to your film.

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Thanks Simon, getting the professional/personal balance is what I'm working on. Trying to major on the place without getting in the way.

For Lori, my home is in Yorshire about half an hour from Castleton, I must do a Derbyshire Hills video!


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