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another defector!


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Hi all.The 'other place' seems to be in self-destruct mode so I've transferred my allegiance here,along with a few(!) others.

I've had to adopt a new id, because I've forgotten my password etc.

Hopefully this forum won't lose the plot like the other!

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now orf my land ................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


welcome and start moaning.it easy .............................



each to thar own I say ........................................

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It seems that I am alone in regarding all this talk of ‘defectors’ to be rather sad. I joined NBN before I joined NBF, and post on whichever one presents me with a topic to which I wish to contribute. However, if I choose not to post, for whatever reason (as with a dissimilar forum on which I no longer post), I don’t regard that as defecting, or deserting, or transferring allegiance, or any other emotive term. I am simply exercising my right of choice.


I regard the fact that some new members have only joined a forum because they have fallen out elsewhere to be something of a ‘damned with faint praise’ situation. I joined NBN because it attracted me (as did NBF), not because I didn’t fit in somewhere else.


I really hope that these new members do contribute positively to this, or any other, forum they choose to join and don’t simply live in the past.

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.....It seems that I am alone in regarding all this talk of ‘defectors’ to be rather sad......


Don't worry Paladin, you're not alone in that thought.


As you know, I too have been a "member" of both forums for many years.


To me, a Forum is not a Club, but a place where one can participate in discussions about specialist subjects with fellow enthusiasts.


The competitive aspects of people rooting for one against another are unattractive to both.


I've stopped posting on the other one simply because I was disgusted by the way two  of it's most loyal long term financial supporters were grossly insulted after enquiring about  charity donations.


The real root of the problem has nothing to do with "Teddy Throwing" or "Mod Bashing".

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Paladin,haven't 'fallen out' with anyone. I chose to no longer post on NBF due to the fact it was no longer a pleasant place to visit.

Constant bickering/infighting etc which i have no wish to participate in,but more than that,the constant threat of a thread/post being locked.

Not being able to mention the sea(if that is true) is ridiculous in the extreme. The Broads are connected to the salty stuff!

My boating(at present) is salt water based,so a forum that won't accept mention of the sea is no longer so attractive.

It's a shame things have degraded to the extent they have,in the year i was participating in NBF i got good advice and had a chuckle at times too.I still look in everyday but it really isn't the same anymore.

Fingers crossed NBN continues as it is!


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Paladine & Strowager, how right you both are. However, in reality a number of us have turned our backs on the other forum & taken up residence over here, I suppose that makes us defectors, whether we see ourselves in that light or not. Personally I have spoken to John, Holkham Admiral, myself feeling slightly uncomfortable at making the move. After all I had never been a member of NBN, for various reasons that are entirely irrelevant now. John, bless him, made me entirely welcome, I thank him for that.

I personally looked at Google, not to gloat, more to see how a long time friend was faring following what I regard as a very regrettable mood change. It is sad to see an old friend flounder but it had become time to move on. I am grateful to NBN for its welcome.

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JM, you rather confirm the points I was making.


"In politics, a defector is a person who gives up allegiance to one state in exchange for allegiance to another, in a way which is considered illegitimate by the first state. More broadly, it involves abandoning a person, cause or doctrine to which one is bound by some tie, as of allegiance or duty.


This term is also applied, often pejoratively, to anyone who switches loyalty to another religion, sports team, political party, or other rival faction. In that sense, the defector is often considered a traitor by their original side." (source: Wikipedia).


Leaving one forum for another cannot accurately be described as 'defection'. That action just doesn't fit the definition in any way. Pedant I may be (well, yes, I am), but I simply see the use of that term as an effort to somehow glorify the act. 'Wow, look at me everyone - I've d-e-f-e-c-t-ed'. Cobblers, I say, you've simply exercised a right of choice. Big deal - not.


I haven't personalised my comments regarding a falling-out, but, if the cap fits...you know the rest.


As a contributor, valued or otherwise, to both forums, I take exception to being dragged into a dispute, not of my making or even, to some extent, my comprehension. Nor do I do triumphalism. It was my vain hope that members disillusioned elsewhere might just join here and enrich the content, without drama. Some have and some haven't. I'll leave the reader to decide whether that is a pertinent reference or not.

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Oh dear, seems that there are those intent on making this forum go the same way as the other. Someone has joined here and does not like there. That is fine by me. It needs no analysis. It is a fact that they have joined for whatever reason so I shall say welcome and leave it at that!

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