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London Boat Show


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The Sheerline - they have really taken a leap forward in the interior look and feel, very modern and yet still classic  and crafted by real experts, not having a 'mass produced' feel about things and a real feel of space and great colour palate to keep things light.

As far as the look of the boat outside, no not my thing. It feels like they have wanted to take styling of the boat to another level outside as they have inside, but have not wanted to alienate existing customers too much and so the result just feels like areas could have been more 'wow' but have been toned down.  That said, if you like Sheerline's aft cockpit boats this will be all you expect and a bit more if you are new to the brand and design, you might be left wanting a bit more 'bling'.

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Well, like the show and exhibits or not, there is one thing at least one can do when leaving a boat that we won't be able to do on the Boads-throw any litter straight into a bin! If only we could have sneaked some of those bins out and up to the Broads!

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3 hours ago, johnb said:

Perhaps we could sponsor a visit from some council officials and show them how (well) it works!!

No! They would love it, a real nice cushy 'fact finding mission' to London - all expenses paid, and it would encompass boating and bins not to mention sampling riverside pubs and restaurants along the Thames.

At the end of the day they would no doubt conclude that a study be undertaken that would take several months to, oh at least September whereby further fact finding would be undertaken perhaps to see how things are done in, oh you know perhaps Southampton

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   I think if they are to do this study properly then a full seasons study on both the French and Dutch canals/rivers should be undertaken. If a jobs worth doing.......

As an aside, how is rubbish handled on other rivers/canals in the UK? Last time I did a canal boat I don't recall us having any problems with rubbish disposal, but it was quite a few years ago.

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1 hour ago, Baitrunner said:


   I think if they are to do this study properly then a full seasons study on both the French and Dutch canals/rivers should be undertaken. If a jobs worth doing.......

As an aside, how is rubbish handled on other rivers/canals in the UK? Last time I did a canal boat I don't recall us having any problems with rubbish disposal, but it was quite a few years ago.

Hi Mark,

Sadly some of the bins have been removed from some of the flight of locks or limited to to one location. 

It is much easier to double bag the rubbish and store in the well at the front of the boat until you manage to find a a refuge point, assuming any bags do not get washed overboard from leaking lock gates.



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Morning all and a belated happy new year. I went last year and my husband and our friends went this year (don't go running with a bad back several days before  it stops you attending). 

We all had free tickets which was great. It is a nice day our in my opinion - just after Christmas and a nice prequel to the year's boating. 

Having a chat with the stall holders and picking up a few ideas is always a favourite  of ours. A few freebies were also on offer. I really wanted to see the Massey Shaw Thames fire boat but had to be satisfied with a few photos. Pop along and have a look at the boat - it's outside. 

A few purchases were made to make life on our boat a bit better and a good day was had by all - we always go in a Friday. 

Have a great time if you decide to go! 


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Just back from a day out at the London Boat Show.  Had a mixed review of this years show, the star of the show for me was the beautifully restored varnished yacht from Mylor Cornwall. The varnish is a new product from Awlgrip and cost £500 a gallon and they used 14. Gallons on the whole boat but the finish is amazing.

Richardsons stand I thought was very good and the two boats are stunning for hire craft I suppose time will tell how they stand up to years of wear and tear.

Some very nice small wooden models for a reasonable £300 delivered, had a long chat with the IBTC stand and the new owners and blagged a free coffee.

The bling boats where a bit thin on the ground and the worst one had the be the light blue hulled monster ( I forget which stand ) which looked hideous. Managed to get on the small Broom 30 and not much better than Richardsons new boats, chandlery was disappointing unless you wanted boat shoes. The life jacket rearming kits were no cheaper than available locally so that's where my money is going.

Had some really nice roasted chestnuts from a stand just outside which kept me going on the train journey home.


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We went today and I thought it was better than two year's ago when we last went.

Quite tempted by the Beneteau 880.  Very nice with twin 150's and the show boat is £12k cheaper than order and never seen water.

I thought it was reasonably laid out with fairly clear sections: motor boats, yachts, ribs, sailing dinghies, goodies.

A worthwhile day out, bring on Southampton.

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Well we spent 8 hrs there today and enjoyed it. 

Sure some odd stuff not very boaty, some boats out of our league but we thought a bit of something for everyone. Seemed quite a few small boats as well. 

Deals to be had and one of my friends wants a new chart plotter/ radar and had a good chat with a few stands and has narrowed his search down and got details of the local agent. 

It wasn't over busy and then people we spoke to had plenty of time for us and seemed knowledgeable  

I managed to get my fish finder (let's hope it finds me some fish). 

We also bought some other odds and sods and I finally signed up to donate to the rnli so happy with that as well  

One of my friends doesn't have a boat and never hired, but he really enjoyed himself as well. 

It could be better, could be worse. we had free tickets so apart from the Guinness bar it worked out pretty cheap. 

I will definitely go again next year. 

MM. Sorry didnt see you in your dodgy tee shirt!!

and those nuts must be pretty toasted by now:naughty:

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I was there Mark, complete with dodgy tee shirt. Guiness was nothing special and I had a sausage roll from the Guiness stand. That really was dire!!! I thought the price, £4.90 a pint pretty reasonable for a London Exhibition, far more so than the £3.50 for a lump of flavourless unidentifiable meat in an oil soaked tube of mushy pastery.

Next year I'm going to try to be wearing an NBN tee shirt!


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MM yes the pies were also mediocre (we had the chicken) and about 3 times the price of the local chippie!!

We had a pizza in one of the restaurants on the route back to the DLR and it was pretty good value for such a location. £10 for a pretty large pizza in London at Excel - unheard of!!

Hope you enjoyed it anyway?

Not sure about the kilt Iain, but maybe a bright red "Jimmy" wig with tartan hat? SHould stand out a bit?

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Hi Mark (Baitrunner), good to hear you`ve signed up to the RNLI. i did so 10 years ago, and pay a monthly fee. I think i`m a life governor or something like that. Down here in Poole, we have their baes, which has a very nice restaurant, which i believe is supposed to be very good, and open to all members, but i`ve not been in it yet. When we eventually go, i`l post up my thoughts.

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4 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

which has a very nice restaurant,

Indeed, Neil, our past Coxwain has used often. 

Many people I am sure would be staggered at the size of the RNLI set up at Poole. Perhaps you could take some pics and post on here. I have some on disc, but cannot find them just now ! Grrrrrrrr! 


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35 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

Indeed, Neil, our past Coxwain has used often. 

Many people I am sure would be staggered at the size of the RNLI set up at Poole. Perhaps you could take some pics and post on here. I have some on disc, but cannot find them just now ! Grrrrrrrr! 


I`l talk Karen into going there in a couple of weeks, so i`l do it then Ian.

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