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New Wherry?


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Wow! If they keep buying dredging equipment at some point dredging will have to commence.

Did I understand that they were going to use the spoil elsewhere? If we end up in a situation where dredgings are actually worth something I reckon we could have the deepest rivers in the country

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Janet Anne - I think you are being somewhat disingenuous with that remark!!

There has been a lot of dredging recently on the N Rivers and indeed elsewhere and I am sure you do not need me to list locations!! They have to use motorised barges to transport spoil to disposal sites.

And yes how nice if a Norfolk company could have built it but to the best of my knowledge, there is noone who could!! The last one if my memory serves me correct was actually built in Ireland and if either Ireland or Cornwall can do it cheaper it saves some of my toll money.

And P.S. I bet they will never dredge the Waxham Cut!!!!

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1 hour ago, JanetAnne said:

Did I understand that they were going to use the spoil elsewhere? If we end up in a situation where dredgings are actually worth something I reckon we could have the deepest rivers in the country

Surely with the increasing popularity of multifuel stoves the BA could make a fortune selling off peat..We have loads more broads. Imagine that.. hmmm.. 

(Can they also dredge a new channel from Sutton to Hickling.. that would be nice.. (and then a new one from Wroxham to Norwich that will be good)..

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13 minutes ago, marshman said:

Janet Anne - I think you are being somewhat disingenuous with that remark!!

There has been a lot of dredging recently on the N Rivers and indeed elsewhere and I am sure you do not need me to list locations!! They have to use motorised barges to transport spoil to disposal sites.

And yes how nice if a Norfolk company could have built it but to the best of my knowledge, there is noone who could!! The last one if my memory serves me correct was actually built in Ireland and if either Ireland or Cornwall can do it cheaper it saves some of my toll money.

And P.S. I bet they will never dredge the Waxham Cut!!!!

Two points... 

Never take anything I say as serious. You are witnessing the ramblings of a buffoon.

We have a yacht moored at Catfield. For the last two years we can't get it out the dyke, not enough water. All season it has sat there yet the toll was for the whole system and not for the few hundred yards we can actually use. And before you say we bought the wrong boat its a Gay Lady...

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Well Jeff, you did ask! If rubbish is generated in my head at work, which is not a commercial venture, but is counted as one by the council, therefore having to pay for rubbish disposal I obviously wouldn’t want to add to the cost, so I generally keep my thoughts to myself, for which everyone is grateful. Strangely. I do most of my work thinking at home, which is a domestic property, therefore rubbish is collected through the community charge. So any rubbish disposal which is the result of mental strain and stress, would be disposed of here, even though it is technically commercial waste. Come to think of it, the whole mess described in this thread and others could have come from my head!

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Hold hard...

" The vessel has been designed to be stable, manoeuvrable and is small enough to navigate the narrower rivers in the area, such as the Chet and Ant."

The Broads Authority have bought a vessel fit for purpose? :shocked Say it aint so! :naughty:


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Thanks Pete - I knew you would not be surprised!!!

Timbo - I don't think anyone has actually criticised the BA on this thread - its a fact of life dredgings now have to be moved to disposal grounds and that motorised lighter is fit for purpose.

Just grates a bit calling it a wherry!!!!!

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On 13/01/2016 at 1:22 PM, JawsOrca said:

Surely with the increasing popularity of multifuel stoves the BA could make a fortune selling off peat..We have loads more broads. Imagine that.. hmmm.. 

(Can they also dredge a new channel from Sutton to Hickling.. that would be nice.. (and then a new one from Wroxham to Norwich that will be good)..

They could do very well indeed by franchising the very necessary tree clearance. Just imagine, three or four blokes with a lighter and chain saws, they keep the wood for sale, and share the profits.

Think about it,with the price of firewood now we could have the true Broads environment back, and make some money for JP's admin costs.

Every one's a winner!

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Some good ideas on this thread for once!!

I'm liking the wood sale idea (half price maybe for toll payers?).

And hold on a darn moment - 2 birds with 1 stone - Dig some more peat out to sell, yep, then we fill the hole in with our rubbish (dom and commercial) and no need for collection etc as we can just cruise past and dump (so to speak).

And of course (for the blondes reading this) the more they dredge the more air draft under the bridges:party:

Now if they dredge the whole of Breydon as well what will we have to talk about next year? No more groundings to keep us amused.

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11 minutes ago, Baitrunner said:

Now if they dredge the whole of Breydon as well what will we have to talk about next year? No more groundings to keep us amused.

Why not dig a tunnel near Breydon road bridge, straight over and into the Bure,  no more bridges to negotiate, simple. Good idea threads, this is the NBN ! Mark:naughty:

cheers Iain

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