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Local radio has mentioned that a number of boats have been broken into at Brundal


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One of our owners has just informed me that a Norfolk local radio station has reported that a number of boats have been broken into at the Brundall Bay Marina.

I have just phoned the Marina and it was just one boat that was on the hard standing over the Christmas holidays.

If anyone is doubt I suggest that they phone the marina office. 



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The trouble is, if you caught the theiving scum and gave them what they deserve, you`d be the one facing the magistrate, or worse, because you`ve infringed their Human rites?. Sick society we live in i suppose.  That said, everyone should be very vigilant after Christmas, it`s the time of prezzies, and boat owners sometimes get some nice prezzies to go on the boat. And let`s NOT forget, it`s BOAT JUMBLE TIME. A prime place to get rid of stolen property if not security marked or tagged.

Anyway, you all know full well, it`s OUR fault because we should`nt be so greedy and have such nice things in the first place.

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The world has gone mad. The wrong doers are protected and victims are not. What signal does this send out to our youngsters. If I had my time again I would certainly have a different attitude to life and who could blame me or anyone. I like others was brought up in a time when you respected the local bobby, certainly would never touch or take items that were not yours. If you put a million pounds in front of me I would never touch it, but that is how I was raised.

it is so demoralizing, what hope for mankind. We are now persecuting our war heroes for protecting us in war time. Back to my first comment, this world has gone mad.

It seems these days if you don't nail it down it is gone.










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There has been a spate of thefts specifically targeting high end chart plotters in the Brundall area, local officers conducting enquiries. Unfortunately it "is2 that time of year again and many thefts do not get reported until owners return at the beginning of the new season. Please remind one and all to do all they can to secure boats and equipment and don't forget to register with Boat shield via the Norfolk constabulary website as mentioned recently.



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I have been reading about Smart Water and found they do a Marine 'version' of their membership, for just under £45.00 per year.  https://shop.smartwater.com/marine.html

Smart Water unlike anything else (such as UV marking pens) will not wear off or fade.  It can be used on items even outside exposed to the weather and, if your item is stolen the Smart Water marking unlike UV pens, is chemically unique and through your continued membership wit Smart Water traces back to you. 

So from a Plotter to an Outboard this at least would mean that if goods are recovered by the Police, they are sure to be re-united to you.

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13 hours ago, Wildfuzz said:

There has been a spate of thefts specifically targeting high end chart plotters in the Brundall area, local officers conducting enquiries. Unfortunately it "is2 that time of year again and many thefts do not get reported until owners return at the beginning of the new season. Please remind one and all to do all they can to secure boats and equipment and don't forget to register with Boat shield via the Norfolk constabulary website as mentioned recently.



 The thing is Stu, even if people reported someone "on the premises, and in the act", if you report it to the police, the only response you`ll get is "we have`nt got the manpower", or even, "there`s nothing we can do at this time". Most of us have had enough of it, and some are prepared to take the law into their own hands, and then what will you do?. You`ll always find the manpower to arrest and prosecute victims who are prepared to do anything to protect their property, by never enough manpower to apprehend  the criminals in the process.  Also, with boats being securely locked, in a marina, fully equipped with CCTV cameras, when they ARE caught on film, we also hear that usual get out clause "it`s not admissable as evidence".  Is`nt it strange how some things are not admissable as evidence, but if some honest law abiding person makes an honest mistake, be it in their car, or accidentally dropping some litter, or even eating a biscuit while driving, any evidence caught on POLICE cameras, is damming evidence. 

It`s well past the time when the police forces are COMPELLED BY PUBLIC AUTHORITY, to get up off their backsides and do the job WE, THE TAX PAYER pay them for

Rant over. 

PS. we have a boat moored at Brundall too.



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11 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

 The thing is Stu, even if people reported someone "on the premises, and in the act", if you report it to the police, the only response you`ll get is "we have`nt got the manpower", or even, "there`s nothing we can do at this time". Most of us have had enough of it, and some are prepared to take the law into their own hands, and then what will you do?. You`ll always find the manpower to arrest and prosecute victims who are prepared to do anything to protect their property, by never enough manpower to apprehend  the criminals in the process.  Also, with boats being securely locked, in a marina, fully equipped with CCTV cameras, when they ARE caught on film, we also hear that usual get out clause "it`s not admissable as evidence".  Is`nt it strange how some things are not admissable as evidence, but if some honest law abiding person makes an honest mistake, be it in their car, or accidentally dropping some litter, or even eating a biscuit while 



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Speedtriple, I am not going to offer any defense as I can quite see how you and many other members of the public are disillusioned with the current state of the state.......... However if crimes are not reported then we stand no chance at all, sometimes just the pattern of crimes, locations and the property stolen can give a lead or opening, your right we cannot detect every crime, and at times the laws of evidence or prosecution do seem biased but they are the laws we have to work within. Knowing who did it is not the same proving who did it.

As for the traffic police.............. "No comment".


All I can say is there are many dedicated people not just Police officers who work hard to protect our property, the boat yards, other boat owners, local security and the likes of you and I, we will never stop crime (I would be out of a job) but we must not roll over either.


If you or anyone has a genuine idea to help let me know I will push it as hard as anyone, also if you have a genuine complaint or concern make that point also, policing is changing and the public perception of what can be done will have to change also, we may not like it but that's true of education, healthcare and many other areas. Roll on my retirement and emigration. Lol.



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27 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

And given the staff shortage you'd probably have to arrest yourself (assuming you were in the same vacinity as yourself) and even maybe interview yourself at the station. Now! Are you going to come quietly?

Well at least I would have a 100% detection rate :River Police

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We are moored at Brundall. Last year we drove down on Friday evening in early November so it was quite late when we arrived.

Had our usual stop for the level crossing (don't mind that cos I used to be a trainspotter . . . used to be?). We were stopped behind a police car.

They went straight on, obviously to check the yards and bungalows. We turned into Brooms and had only been at the mooring  a few minutes unloading the car when the police car pulled up alongside. 

I don't know how often they patrol the area but they were obviously on the ball that time.


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26 minutes ago, Matt said:

I'm an accountant.......!


and a Special Constable


and your talking nonsense.......!





My god, if you`re not the perfect example of a modern policeman Matt?. A hobby Bobby, and one who will no where to cut costs.

I can`t seem to find a laughing icon?


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Well this is an emotive subject to many...... and rightly so. I do however reiterate that our perception of public services and what and how they are delivered is going to have to change. We have to accept that we will no longer see a GP at the surgery it will be a nurse practitioner, that the local bobby is long gone, that police attending every call is gone, good service in retail establishments is waning, local shops pubs banks , post offices garages are all closing for out of town retail parks. Letting children out to play during the summer holidays is a concern, identity theft, bank fraud and on line scams are increasing, we live longer, earn more save less and are less charity minded.


Times they are a changing................


Puts soap box away and shuffles stage left.:wave

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