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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Grace, Hi........... I've just read the posts since I went offline last night and when I read your above I found I'd actually forgotten what the thread was about........ I had to scroll back up to the top to find out!
  2. Its been a lovely sunny day here in Norfolk!
  3. To your first paragraph I can only apologize as I was recently pulled up for using GH for Great Yarmouth! To your second I can only say "You'll go far, young man!"
  4. Winter Wensum for December, please, Peter! :clap
  5. Quite so, Andy. We have enough with pro and anti BA without extending it to Private/Hire, surely?
  6. Sonia, Hi and nice to hear from you! It was also good to meet up at last! There may be a "bit of a do" at Coldham Hall, (most probably NYE), but it's not being organised by the NBN, I'm afraid.
  7. I wonder if there's anyway of stopping them that wouldn't be injurious to native Broads river life? And is there any type of anti-fouling that will keep them at bay?
  8. Lovely pics, Carol... they do make a mess on the foredeck, don't they?
  9. As before, I couldn't put it anyway better than Grace now has! :clap
  10. I couldn't put it any better, Alan, so I've repeated it!
  11. However do those Starlings formate like that without crashing....................? Looking forward to the next installment, David!
  12. Looks like Hindu or Hebrew script, Jill.............
  13. Many thanks, Mow & Strow, for your informative posts. I hope this will now close the matter? (Well, I can hope, can't I?).... (Non-Mod hat on!)
  14. Don't you go criticising our capital overspill, Dave!
  15. What a lovely way you write, Mouldy, it's a pleasure to read! Did you take any pics?
  16. The Red Lion is my favourite pub in Colt, as the RS is a bit too far to walk back from! However, the sign prohibiting hire boats from going to the head of navigation had gone in May this year. I don't know if hire companies directly prohibit it though.
  17. I guess I'm also an old softy at heart.....
  18. Not really, if the moisture level keeps returning. So long as there's moisture about it will continue to run. Does yours have an outlet pipe you can run into the sink?
  19. That's a nice start, David, please keep them coming! Any pics to share?
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