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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. That the one, if it's kept it's colour scheme should be quite noticeable. They had 2 built at the same time and one of my first jobs was piloting one in red board conditions, makes the tides at Yarmouth look a little tame and gets the pulse rate going!
  2. I worked on that boat for several years but I never recognised it! The upholstery and carpets have been changed and I'm sure the bath was white, last time on board was 2001 though! Do you know what happened to the AF38 Chris sold at the same time, or do you have that tucked away somewhere?
  3. My son is 6ft 3’ and struggles with boat beds!
  4. NeilB

    My Day

    Cheers, may have a nosey when I'm up in July.
  5. NeilB

    My Day

    Looks like an ideal mooring for a Bounty or Caribbean! Where’s about seas it?
  6. Here you go, service manual and parts list. https://www.separ.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/kwa.pdf There should be a shut off valve somewhere but you may still spill some diesel. Any doubts then I would seek the assistance of a local boatyard.
  7. NeilB

    Next Please..

    I heard somewhere there's a few H&S issues which means you need a team of people for 1 diver to go under a boat and remove a rope, tyre, towel etc from a prop. Gone are the days you could put a pair of goggles on and jump over the side! Luckily I only did this a couple of times as the other engineer went scuba diving as a hobby!
  8. This is exactly what we used to do in the hire fleet and I expect most still do. You’d be amazed at how many pieces of pasta and spent matches accumulate behind a cooker in just 1 year!
  9. That’s a coincidence, we only walked past there on Sunday and noticed the DC30. I’ve no idea what the other one is, could have been Thames built.
  10. Unfortunately I cannot find it now but I know someone who was filmed for, I think, ITV news taking a flight in a Spitfire. It was his retirement present to himself and the grin on his face was huge!
  11. One of the best curries I had was a place called Zaika in Ipswich, they had a dish called Vada Curry which is a south Indian dish. Pakoras cooked in gram flour based special sauce, green chilies, onion and yogurt. Fairly spicy but doesn't blow your head off! I've never seen it anywhere else in Norfolk or at home in Warwick, if anyone does please let me know! I need to arrange a sea trial with Fairline so looking forward to another visit
  12. For some reason the swear filter does not like ****, as in doorknob! I obviously have no idea for any other use of the word...
  13. Another issue is most hire boats have restricted rpm to prevent them from going too fast, but this also reduces the power available in reverse. Whenever possible we used a bracket behind the dash or simply moved the lever on the splines so it hit the dashboard to restrict rpm in forward but allow full power in reverse. You can unscrew the **** for a modest increase or take the correct size allen key to move the lever on the splines, but that would be naughty!
  14. We had them on board last year, were quite tasty actually.
  15. I've not been across Breydon in weather like that for a long time, I quite enjoy it ! The ex Summercraft boat is the same model as Evening and Moonlight Shadow, Thunder and Lightning are longer
  16. Glad the new mop is working well, I’m sure the shaft on the old one was made from a rubber tree as it flopped all over the place!
  17. NeilB

    My Day

    I had 2 uncles work at Rolls Royce in Watford. One of them earlier worked for De Havillands in a reserved occupation and managed to get permission from the MD to join the RAF. They promptly threw him out as he was more valuable to them at De Havillands, he went to Colney to work on the Mosquito before ending up at Watford. He had a dodgy eye from where an engine blew up in the test cell ! Really interesting guy and as my parents were not just related but best friends with them we all spent a lot of time together.
  18. Even had the strap the handrails down to stop them blowing away!
  19. When we went past a couple of weeks ago it looked like one of the totems had gone missing. Are they both still there?
  20. Wonder if it would make the exhaust smell of bacon?.....
  21. Ad Blue would make short work of the bearings, nasty stuff and you don't want it anywhere except inside it's own tank. Ad Blue is actually a brand name who seem to have most of the market, for some obscure reason our US colleagues prefer to call it DEF / diesel exhaust fluid or AUS / aqueous urea solution.
  22. I expect you will get a warning when the level gets low, if it actually runs out the engine could go into "limp" mode with reduced rpm until the tank is refilled. As to how long the time is between the low level warning and actually running out probably varies between manufacturers but I would expect at least 100 miles or so.
  23. When I was selling mum's house I had a very silly offer from an investor, about £60K below the asking price. Cheeky blighter then said he would withdraw it within 48 hrs, I suggested he could withdraw it now - I shudder to think what my mum would have said to him!!! Sold about 2 weeks later for virtually the full asking price, icing on the cake was it sold to a local couple which mum was very happy about as it was quite unusual for locals to afford houses there - I know I couldn't at their age !
  24. We very rarely use cash anymore, but I make sure we have a stash of £1 coins for this very purpose although new hirers may not be aware.
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