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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. That's good, I haven't been able to use last years diesel yet.
  2. Good news then, and we'll soon be able to go boating again, and summers coming, all good news. Just remember when to duck this year.
  3. You'll get given a card with the batch number so add it yourself.
  4. 'Elsewhere' it's being called BnA, I believe it means broads no authority due to some of the advice given that it has no place or authority to give. I can't see any changes on the postal toll renew as got ours today, it's just got to the same as we were due to pay in 2012 on the great ouse/cam for a smaller m2 boat so not going to complain about the cost. I might complain about the numbers they supplied though as the starboard ones have completely faded, and they spend most time out of the sun.
  5. It must be handy to have a spare liver, I'm stuck with just the one so it doesn't get a rest...
  6. Smoggy


    It's what provides lots of our oxygen and props up the foodchain, be greatful for it. Keeps Nyx out of sight too.
  7. 1: Yes 2: Yes It's not just you though....
  8. I have to admit it's nice to get daylight for the morning dogwalk now as well as leaving work in daylight, both in darkness is so depressing.
  9. For me fenders down on the rivers, I'm not going to pretend to be a navy captain chasing down the spanish armarda instead I'll accept being some bloke with half a clue at best bumming about on the river looking for the next pub, and I'm no raggy so won't be heeling over at any point. As soon as I head for breydon and beyond they come up onto the deck (still attached for quick deployment but secure), they are a menace once it gets fast or bouncy.
  10. The last stamp should be 2nd class as it's not a real np....
  11. For buying a motorhome you'd be better off waiting till foreign flights are unrestricted as the prices will likely plummet as all the ones snapped up last year come up for sale.
  12. The coastal voyager trip looks good fun but very wet(they give you waterproofs), they have come and played in my wake a few times when the sea state hasn't been exciting enough, most disconcerting the first time when they look like they are coming through the back of the boat but they don't actually get too close or daft till you give them the thumbs up to show you're not being terrorised by it, then the fun starts.
  13. Pretty much what I did Griff, just took the first one offered. I had the pfizer jab tuesday morning and have had a bit of a headache and felt tired for a couple of days but nothing that stopped me working, seems to be much less today, a very small price to pay for a good level of protection in a couple of weeks time.
  14. I was like that, mainly as I didn't expect it so soon but probably also because it's part of the light at the end of the tunnel.
  15. You'll need a quality control person, just saying, where do I send the CV?
  16. Asking BA would be more accurate though.
  17. I'm pretty sure the berney had a sceptic tank, I remember Tracy clearing up after their dog via the pub bog and having to explain to a slightly horrified customer that her sceptic tank don't discriminate between species.... Larf I did! Wos all this 'ol tosh them locals are trying to say? Normal for norfolk I hear, there's nowt bloody normal about norfolk! (or suffolk in case anyone feels left out)
  18. And most doctors are saying please don't call, we'll call you as they were getting bogged down with queries about the jab.
  19. I think the announcement did say they expect a bit of a rise.
  20. WooHoo I've been pfizered! Does that make me an oldie now? (please say no, I'm only 52)
  21. After June 21st can we all stay in your shed? PS. I don't actually want to stay in your shed, I just want everyone else to stay in your shed so the rivers are clear for me....
  22. What was said was "no sooner than 12th april", it can change so don't jinx it.
  23. Remember the dates mentioned were "no sooner than", they are not certain and rely on numbers doing as expected, those dates could change very easily.
  24. When the govt rules allow it I will use my boat, the BA do not make these rules and their interpretation has no more clout than my interpretation.
  25. As long as they've not been on the river lot recently....
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