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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Oh has the A47, sorry the Siverstone racetrack been moved then I could mention a lot of places far noiser, except for the other evening when a Stag Do on a Richos boat decided to have a firework display in the car park of the Tappas Restaurant. Late at night which huge rockets and a number of very noisy explosions. Must have absolutely scared the life out of motorists who would not have been expecting that at night. You could hear dogs barking for miles.
  2. Oi!!! you leave our lovely peaceful Stracey Arms alone......
  3. Are you planning a career change Robin, our very own Arkwright. Are you planning on several on the Southern Broads as well as the North (us meanies dont want to waste too much fuel to get to you to top up). Will you be doing daily papers? One downside to all of this - all of your profit will come in the 'Season' as not a lot of 'drop ins' in the winter months. It all sounds very romantic and wonderful but really the folk who already have taken on this task do a very good job and thank goodness they are there.
  4. Now that is a good idea. Why are the simplest solutions always the best. I find that in life. Will get some of those plastic ties. Thank you.
  5. Has anyone got any suggestions as to how to keep the ever increasing number of cigar type connectors , phone, laptop etc and then all of the mains connectors etc tidy. At the moment ours are in a drawer and they do rather like to get tangled up together. Personally I would like to label them all and keep them in a box with sections. Cannot be too big as restricted for space but anything has to be an improvement on the pullover that is being knitted in the drawer. Please.
  6. well that wasnt very successful was it, they will only come out tiny. Sorry.
  7. One of the joys of sailing Breydon in a stiff breeze is the look on the face of (mainly hireboat) mobo crews as you overtake them! Especially bathtubs because they hardly ever see you coming and the first thing they tend to notice is a bowsprit entering their field of vision. As the owner of a Bath Tub as you call it , I did not appreciate that statement. Here goes with some snaps of the Yare Race.
  8. Phew all that hot air about our Janet. Well for someone is not very popular she seems to be always in demand and obviously is making mega bucks. I do think she has mellowed over the years and really and truly she cannot be as dreadful at times as she comes across. Notwithstanding all that I think she is quite a good cook. Not a Chef but a cook , a bit like the rest of us. I will look this programme up on Catch Up when we get home. Thank you for posting.
  9. We love Langley Dyke and often get into conversation with folk who moor there. Some people have been unfortunate to have their boats broken into two or three times. Hopefully that is a rarity. It is always well kept and we saw the chap the other day spend a long time mowing and generally sprucing the place up.
  10. I notice they have got their own Fire Station at the Factory but this was obviously out of its league. Glad no one was hurt.
  11. Brace yourself for a shock, they ain't cheap. Ours was nearly £700.
  12. Peter watched you go by the Tea Gardens on your return on Sunday afternoon. What with the Yare Race and the Brown Navy it has been a really interesting time on the Broads.
  13. I have a Nokia 520. It has been threatened several times with going out of the window. I cannot get on with the stupid idea that when you unwittingly happen to speak when you go into the phone section , for no good reason it starts to ring any old number that you have stored. Then each time I put the phone down it blessed well starts saying Speak Now and some woman starts bleating on about she cannot hear me. Well that is because I didnt want that service in the first place. Whatever happened to a mobile that just phoned telephone numbers that you required and only came on when you switched it on. It drives me witless.
  14. Well said Paladin, (first page of this post) I too found it all very sad. I enjoy being a member of both forums and have always been made welcome both here and on the NBF. Always without fail someone on here has been able to help with suggestions of how and where to find items we have been looking for. Ranworth Breeze - Alan - thanks to your suggestion of using Judith, our curtains are now on order and should be fitted in the not too distant future. Judth has been a pleasure to work with. Now that is what I am talking about, priceless help.
  15. My vote definitely goes to Carol. Her web site brings such immense pleasure to a lot of people. One of whom is my elderly sister, she cannot get out much but loves the Broads and although lives a long way a way she can view all about the history of the Broads by just sitting at her laptop. Woodwose definitely as well.
  16. Hylander


    Didnt WatchDog on BBC do something on this line and it is unenforceable. See if you can find something on their site. I think it was if you fight it it is unenforceable but not absolutely sure.
  17. Nearly gave me a wet patch Pauline May be a Tenna moment.
  18. Is there, blimey I have got no excuse then. Beccles is my homne town. Thank you.
  19. Not being able to get to a bush or tree that bears sloes, can you purchase these in the shops at all. Speaking of Wales when we visited late August one year my sister in law offered me some sloes to make some sloe gin but I really wasnt into making your own, how times have changed and I would love to do it now.
  20. What were those immortal words when Richos were taking over Moonfleet - oh nothing will change!!!! Long way to go for a pump out from Stalham. I have just searched Hoseasons for May 2015 and they are still agents for Bridge Craft at Acle according to the Hoseasons site , they are taking the bookings. I cannot see anything about Moonfleet moving their base.
  21. Go on then - what is a ' A shackle spanner,' Is it that different from normal spanners? Mon
  22. Oh Maurice. I like your style. If we could afford it we would have it as a house and you can bet your bottom dollar you would end up serving teas and home made cakes and generally stocking the odd things that folk need and run out of. We can wish. I dont think Ernie know my numbers are in there anymore than the Lottery recognises any of my tickets. I am sure I am not alone in thinking this.
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