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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Was a 'Clout' a vest that you were sewn in in about October the year before and then released from at the end of May?
  2. How about Green Flag are they any better.?
  3. Oh good been avoiding for years. Since we went for a meal in the restaurant and had to wait an hour and a half to be served. We left and had something on the boat. It seemed to be very dark in January. It looked closed. Now we know why. Will certainly be giving them a try.
  4. Gosh I have never seen St Olaves look so glamorous. It looks positively inviting. Sun shining, flat calm, no boats about except those moored , even the Yard looks tidy.
  5. We hired a small Connoisseur in 1982 and the heating never did work. It was April and it snowed. I have never been so cold in my life. I got back to work and vowed and declared I would never never go on a Broads boat again. Strange that as we even owned our own boat for 10 years. Now we hire once more.
  6. If we are not careful , this will become the norm , that you hire a boat on the Norfolk Broads and expect to have maintenance problems. Not good enough.
  7. Their holiday cottages leave a lot to be desired as well, outside and in. When we hired we had to have the maintenance team in several times. The outside was really shabby. Smacks of since the whole world and his missus decided to hire a boat or cottage last year, and you only have a certain amount of staff that you can stretch so far. HW must have suffered with folk off with Covid , the same as everyone else. May be now most folk will be off to Spain , thank goodness things will settle down. As said if people do not report short comings , on handover , no one has a crystal ball to know if there is a problem , unless someone mentions it. These people who make the rules sitting in offices are no in touch with the real world. The only problem with the instruction regarding the running of engines, there is always exceptions, and if people explain to neighbours that they might have a problem in the evening or morning , they will understand. Holiday makers are not there to maintain the boat but to enjoy their holiday. Over the years I’ve spoken to hirers who’ve told me that they’ve been instructed to run their engines when running the heating. There is no excuse for this, it flies in the face of BA guidance about running engines at moorings during the hours of 20:00 and 08:00, causes nuisance to others moored nearby and is usually on boats with smokey old engines that churn out clouds of noxious gasses (also not great for the environment).
  8. I am fortunate to have had the 4th jab. It is apparently a full dose and was Pfizer once more, so at least I have been consistent all the way through. May be I am the odd bod out on here (so what's new) but I always wear a mask and in Morrisons in Beccles where I shop, they ask you to wear a mask. In fact most places ask you to wear a mask in Beccles, from the hairdressers to the pharmacy. Apart from a sore arm for 24hrs and the day after feeling 1 degree under there were no reactions to the jab.
  9. Not only expensive and long but at times the lads really put themselves in danger , diving under the boat from what I recall.
  10. Oh no that is so sad. Those guys put in so much work.
  11. I viewed a You Tube video this morning and it was a good video about the raising of a wooden boat in 2012 that had sank outside the Beauchamp Arms. It really was a a mammoth task but they did it. Does anyone know what happened to the boat afterwards? https://youtu.be/Icw3gaQFhec
  12. Thank you Jean. Good to see you and hubby out and about again on the river. Thank goodness everything went ahead as planned and no hiccups this time, what with either the 'weather' or 'covid'. In fact the weather has been out of this world and although a tad chilly in the wind at times , behind glass it is lovely. How wonderful to have all those moorings to yourself. Keep your tale coming, it is keeping the rest of us going, until it is our turn to once again be out and about.
  13. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/discarded-bbq-thought-to-have-caused-cromer-fire-8780406?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=DM56116
  14. Old saying and true to this day - No love loss in business. Hope they are proud of themselves.
  15. I agree and we have so much to be thankful for.
  16. Looking at the Government's Covid web site which I do daily, infections are on the up but thankfully deaths and admissions to hospital seem to be going down. Norfolk/Suffolk had gone in the pink but we are back again the blue once more. I personally will not stop wearing my mask. Even though my glasses steam up every time and I have trouble seeing. I have noticed that here in Beccles 99 % of shoppers are wearing a mask which is good, that is in Morrisons.
  17. Good to see , as you say at long last open for all.
  18. It left me quite underwhelmed. The first part from Wayford Bridge ending up at the holiday home. The way the property has been altered has taken away the lovely cottage that stood there for many many years , a proper chocolate box scene especially when the Wisteria was in bloom. All too Homes and Gardens for me. I would put money on it was built with Americans in mind. I thought to turn a wind mill had to have sails. The other properties were just the same. It is ok having a holiday home off the beaten track but you have to get your gear and food etc (sadly lacking to be shown in these programmes) there. The presenters dont even carry as much as a handbag. it is all so false. We are not all as mobile as we used to be, far from it.
  19. Hylander

    Barking Dogs

    Watching the guy on the TV who travels around to help folk with their pooches. He reckons that it is to get attention and if everytime they start barking you or whoever gets up tight and starts yelling , it is 10 points to them as they have got your attention. What he did with one dog that had a most peculiar habit of licking the floor until they started to tell it off. So everytime this dog started to lick at floor door anything actually (dont go there) , they walked out of the room and shut the pooch behind it. When it stopped they went back in. This is ok if you have forever to dedicate yourself to the problem. Eventually the pooch got the message that licking just made everyone clear off and his/she was left on its own.
  20. Oh dear, how sad, such a beautiful face. So sorry. He bought you such joy.
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