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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Nigel, It is not an issue. Regards Alan
  2. Hi M, We had Judith make us new curtains to material we supplied (she does have loads of samples) for the start of this season. She provided us with an excellent service and I fully recommend her. Judith's Workshop Unit 17 Damgate Lane Industrial Est Acle Norwich NR13 3DJ 01493 751 500 Regards Alan
  3. Hi Strowager, I can think of quite a few on the Essex seaside towns that are similar unless they have improved in the last few years. After saying that the walk from through the town to get to the beach at Yarmouth is one that I would not repeat. Regards Alan
  4. A way of helping the local economy would be to employ two or three parking attendants and do away with the machines which would have been expensive (the constant repairs charges for vandalism will be ongoing plus conversion charges for the new coins to be introduced) and the security company. By all accounts the security company have imposed fines around £90,000. with the trust taking £100,000 in parking fees. Regards Alan
  5. Going by the parking rates on the featured tariff board the charges are not excessive. It is a pity that they need or want to employ a security company for any form of enforcement during opening hours., to me it seems heavy handed, it would be interesting to survey for repeated visitors. Regards Alan
  6. Hello Roy & Diane, I guess you did not see the topic we had already running on this story. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Doug, That is a wedge of cash. Whoever buys the site will also be responsible for the upkeep of the mill. This will not be an easy task no doubt with all the restrictions that will be put on it. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Doug, Do you think that the water tanks have contributed to the rot on the boat? Looking at your pictures is there some rot on a couple of the bottom boards? or am I looking at the wrong area. I love the new bearer, I like working with hardwood as long as the tools are very sharp. I tend to spend more time sharpening my tools these days rather than working with them. What are the bulkhead made from, are they hardwood or softwood? Please keep the pictures flowing as you proceed with your restoration. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Tim, I found some information that I found interesting and this may be the reason why the Abbey was such a large structure? http://www.norfolktouristinformation.com/norfolk-tourist-information/detail.php?siteid=101 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=st+benet's+abbey+norfolk&rlz=1C2AFAB_enGB469GB524&tbm=isch&imgil=3wZmXcoevDzOeM%3A%3BTV-ij6Huzl2BYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.norfarchtrust.org.uk%252Fstbenets&source=iu&usg=__nlxf0fF7BHyLi6yJYr7Uy1lgDto%3D&sa=X&ei=WRTyU4rTA-iM7QaGvoCQAQ&ved=0CDgQ9QEwBA&biw=1024&bih=673#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=UVaaJMef9pn7dM%3A%3BTV-ij6Huzl2BYM%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.norfarchtrust.org.uk%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpictures%2Fstbenets%2Fstbenets_plan_450.jpg%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.norfarchtrust.org.uk%2Fstbenets%3B450%3B517 Some of the pictures seem to make more sence of your earlier plan, but also raise more questions regarding the gatehouse. Regards Alan
  10. We tend to not mention other forums unless they are having difficulties, then we try to help and keep their members informed. A number of our forum members visit a range of boating forums, there is nothing wrong with that; every forum differs in what it offers to its members. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Nigel, Thank you for sharing. The pictures are very interesting including the ones from more recent floods. Regards Alan
  12. A public appeal has been launched to complete the work on Vaxhall Bridge. For the story please see the link to the report:- http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/campaign_to_complete_work_on_great_yarmouth_s_grade_ii_listed_vauxhall_bridge_1_3728418 I know what my thoughts are but what are yours? Please keep it clean! Regards Alan
  13. Hello Tim, I am sure we are all up for some culture. Sadly I could not get my head around the site plan, I know the site covers a very large area, if the plan had show the river then I would have had my bearings. I would think that the ruin that is left must have been a small part of the Abbey at one end of the site. Best of luck with that latin. Please keep us updated. Regards Alan
  14. Guys, Debate is good but please play nicely! Regards Alan
  15. Hi Alan, The boat is now looking very well indeed. You should both be very proud of yourselves. Please keep us updated. Regards Alan
  16. Temporary repair work involving the removal of the cap and stocks on Sutton Mill is delayed until there is a suitable break in the weather. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/photo_gallery_weather_delays_repair_work_to_iconic_sutton_mill_1_3729545 Regards Alan
  17. Hi Grace, Iain was not around when there were dinosaurs, but like myself ( I guess Iain is slightly older) he can remember beer when it was less than one & six (8p) a pint, fish & chips were two & six (13p)for a family of 4/5 people, petrol was about 4 & 6 (23P) a gallon after saying that the average weekly wage for a tradesman was around £13 per week. We listened on the radio (after time for the valves to warm up) on Sunday afternoon to Kenneth Horn, the Navy Lark or Jimmy Clitheroe. Happy days. The TV on Sunday was Dixon of Dock Green, Doctor Who and Sunday Night at the London Palladium, our old set had a pink covering screen, a screen about 9 inch to 12 inch square and took about 3 to 5 minutes to warm up, by then in the early 50's we had two channels, children's TV, was Andy Pandy, the Woodentops and Bill & Ben. The above could be why we tend to be grumpy now. As Iain said we had to make our own fun as a child (even today) I was never bored, you just did something or made something. Go carts, tin cans on long strings to talk down or short strings to use as stilts. There was a hill at the end of the road, all the kids used to sit on a book balanced on a roller skate and go down the hill, great fun until you fell off. On the old button B telephones you used to be able to tap the receiver to make a free call, or see how many kids you could get into a telephone box etc. Just like now kids were kids, but unlike now there was no malice in them. Sorry re the trip up memory lane. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Iain, Thanks for sharing, sadly like yourself my bin is full of all of these messages, Friday we were bombarded with bank messages, invoice messages, injury claim, gaming sites and stimulation medication, all of it utter dross. Just delete them and never open any. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Grace, Sorry to hear about your missing items. pity we can not see the pictures, were there any cards or identification in your purse? if so cancel the cards straight away be they credit, debit or store cards. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Matt, We tend to go for 4.5 & 13.5 tog duvets and let the owners choose which they want to use, if they have guests then they have to work it out. we swap out the mattress and pillow protectors on every visit we make down to the Broads, even so it makes sense to replace the duvets, pillows and protectors each season. We all fight mould on any boat so any steps taken to reduce this is worthwhile. How many of you use the moisture traps? Regards Alan
  21. Hi John, We don't have them either but I know of boats that have had them fitted even though the boatyards fitting them have said it was a bad idea. A narrow boat we hired had two electric toilets fitted the forward one used twice the amount of water, we ended up having a pump out after 3 days, the crew of course were all using onshore facilities as per our normal regime when ever possible. Hi Tim, A mate of mine came aboard and decided that we needed a chart posting outside the toilet doors, you could have so may ticks only against so many number 1's and number 2's he was only joking, well I think he was Regards Alan
  22. Hi Mark, You have my sympathy there, the macerators just get clogged up with that stuff and toilet repairs are not the best jobs aboard a boat. There is a trend for fitting electric toilets without thinking about if the boat is suitable. There are issues in operation (easier to clog up) use more water and hence earlier put outs. Sorry for going off topic. John, I don't mind getting my hands dirty, likewise we have a few other owners who are also engineers or are handy on the tools, not everyone who owns or hires a boat is that way inclined. Regards Alan
  23. Lets face it Austin went through a bad patch with all of those models and the Marina (slightly earlier Tan's Dad had two of those, I drove it once!) apart from the Mini, they never really recovered. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Guys, I have added a couple of other tables. Regards Alan
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