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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Next it will be plugging in electric blankets to keep warm during overnight fishing Regards Alan
  2. Hello Vanessan, I thought it was posted as a 24 hour moorings, I know it is handy for walking up to Brundall to the shops but sadly never used it other than mooring practice for new owners on the boat. Regards Alan
  3. Dear all, We have just been informed by Network Rail that Somerleyton Swing Bridge is currently not operational until further notice due to the high temperatures. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Digital Communications Officer Tel: +44 (0) 1603 756034 Mob: +44 (0) 7769 696117 Twitter: @BroadsAuth Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  4. When mooring up we tend to moor as close to the next boat as safely allowed so we leave a gap, if stern on mooring, a small gap is usually sufficient to allow us to get in. Most owners will come up top to see if you need some help walking you in. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Polly I have merged the two topics. Regards Alan
  6. He is a link to EDP24 and a picture of TS Lord Nelson going through Haven Bridge http://www.edp24.co.uk/great-yarmotuh-boatyard-finally-receives-norwich-s-ts-lord-nelson-1-5589142 Regards Alan
  7. Sorry for the delay his message came in just as I was leaving work. Dear All Urgent Boating News – The Authority have been informed that Somerleyton swing bridge is now operational. Kind Regards Laura Milner
  8. Dear All Urgent Boating News – The Authority have been informed that Somerleyton swing bridge is currently not operational. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  9. When we first went boating on the Canals, we used to buy Fray Bentos pies and Smedley sausage rolls that were wrapped in grease-proof paper and then canned. These days we tend to take the Morrison's Cured Pork Loin Joints, these have a good use by date (we picked one up on Thursday and it has a 17th July date on it) these are ideal and at a pinch will feed 3 people. Regards Alan
  10. Hello John & Wendy welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  11. The Email came in at 17.03, I posted it as soon as I came on the forum. Regards Alan
  12. Dear all, Officers of the Broads Authority and Network Rail have been meeting regularly over a long period to discuss the significant problems that arise for boat owners when the two swing bridges at Reedham and Somerleyton are unable to open in very hot weather as a result of the thermal expansion of the rails. One of the potential short term measures considered was to cool the rails by spraying water on them. There is no fresh water at Somerleyton and the engineers have concerns about the impact of using semi-saline water on the bridge structure. However, given the current very high temperatures, the company is going to pump water out of the river onto the Somerleyton Bridge for the next two weekends as a trial in an effort to keep it operational. Boat owners should therefore be aware that water drawn from the river will be cascading off the bridge back into the river. Network Rail is doing its best to obtain the necessary equipment so that water spraying can commence this weekend (30 June - 01 July). For any further updates please visit the Urgent Boating Information webpage. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Digital Communications Officer Tel: +44 (0) 1603 756034 Mob: +44 (0) 7769 696117 Twitter: @BroadsAuth Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  13. to the NBN ; Rachel, Liam and your hound Sydney. Thank you for the pictures and introduction. Regards Alan
  14. Hello R4H, Welcome to the forum, you will find we have many members from the various syndicates on forum including the Thunder Syndicate. I have been in the Ranworth Breeze syndicate since its launch in 2001 after many years of having canal holidays. Handling the boat after being on the canals is very different because of the wind and the tides and of course you are presented with a wheel rather than a tiller. I assume that the Thunder Syndicate will have initiation training or ask you to attend a training course. If you do have questions on boat-share/syndicates please feel free to contact me. Regards Alan
  15. This will effect all pubs on kegs both on beer and lager, only pubs with hand drawn pumps will be exempt. Regards Alan
  16. It is not only Somerleyton it is also the lift bridge at Mutford lock that is still out of commission after an accident effecting the barriers. This has virtually cut the Broads off from the the two port entries. By all accounts the boats involved in the Belgium trip should have been back to their moorings today, needless to say that will not happen, they were effected on their out-wood journey because of Somerleyton Bridge, the convey was split up because of these delays at the bridge, at the time they managed to get through Mutford Lock, until engineers have sorted out the repair to Mutford Bridge the only passage through here will be by lower craft. Regards Alan
  17. Sorry to report Somerleyton Bridge again none operational. One of our owners had to wait on the pontoon below the bridge for the tide to be low enough to get under the bridge yesterday afternoon. Dear All Urgent Boating News – The Authority have been informed that Somerleyton swing bridge is currently not operational. Kind Regards Laura
  18. At the moment the watering regime is taking a lot of time in our garden with the pots and baskets. The roses as you say have been spectacular this year and our hydrangeas are doing much better since we moved a couple out of pots. Regards Alan
  19. Dear All Urgent Boating News – The Authority have been informed that Somerleyton swing bridge is now operational. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  20. I remember the poor German family that had hired a boat (Richardson's I think) about 3 or 4 years ago and had their lines cut at the Yarmouth Yacht station and only awoke in the early hours travelling down river towards the bridges. Needless to say that spoilt their hoiday, that was the worse report I have come across. Regards Alan
  21. There is nothing wrong with Becks and if you can find it on draft even better or Peroni rather than the old brown sludge Regards Alan
  22. I used to have on my Mazda Xedos 9 registration number 111 A, sadly it had to be sold. Regards Alan
  23. Dear All Urgent Boating News – The Authority have been informed that Somerleyton swing bridge is currently not operational. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  24. As others have said drop the mud weight and tr to tie off on the boat when in these potential black spots. Another word of warning stow items such as spare fenders or boat-hooks etc away from the moored side, the physical act of getting onto a boat acts as a deterrent, sadly it did not deter the person that took our aerial and mast off of the boat a couple of seasons ago while moored at the New Inn at Horning. Our owner aboard at the time was totally unaware. Regards Alan
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