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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Griff, It is still snowing here at 7.00 am it was white over and is about 2 inch deep going by the snow on the top of the fence posts. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Polly we have some in our pond that I noticed the other day whilst doing a bit of tidying up in the garden. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Bruce welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  4. I sadly had to report that I had knocked over a sheep in Derbyshire many years ago. I went to a police station near where I worked to report the incident, there was a lot of head scratching by the sergeant and the pc on duty at the desk whether it needed reporting or not. These days you can not even park at a police station. Regards Alan
  5. I came to the Broads in 2001 a novice in respect to the Broads even though I had over 25 years experience on the Canals, I found myself in charge of Ranworth Breeze just two weeks into its first allocations, it was a quick learning curve getting used to the tides and wind which seemed to come from all directions. People hiring boats can be tug boat or pilot skippers can have 20 years plus experience of Broads boats, likewise like me they could have just walked onto a boat for the first time on the Broads, so lets not make general assumptions. Regards Alan
  6. Hi JohnK , I agree that Chinese does not mean poor quality, would I buy something that they have produced, yes I have the prices were exceptional but the delivery costs were staggering. Like many of the people above I avoid buying products from British companies that have moved their production abroad. That of course is just my personal standpoint. Regards Alan
  7. Yes there are places at the Fisherman's and also on the 24 hour moorings near to there. Regards Alan
  8. I am glad we are not on the boat that week, I will be advising my fellow owner who is on the boat that week of the situation and my advice to him will be to avoid the area because I feel the risks to swimmers by boats be they yachts or cruisers is too high. I dread to contemplate the results of a boat coming a bend to see people in the water. In my honest opinion the swimmers are just at risk with any safety boats that are marshaling the event, unprotected props and people in the water do not mix. Regards Alan
  9. I think you will find that JayFire is on Moonlight Shadow which is one of the syndicate boats moored on the Southern Broads. Regards Alan
  10. Mel Holland contacted me and has allowed me to post the message she was going to submit to the swimming topic. Regards Alan Hi everyone, Please let me introduce myself, I'm Mel Holland and the event organiser for the Waveney River Swim. I apologise now for the lengthy response but I think that given the comments that I've read here, I hope it's viewed a good thing rather than being brief. One thing to get out there, open water swimming is a personal preference. I completely recognise that it's not for everyone. However, it is a hugely growing sport in the UK, one I think personally I have a lot of experience in. When it comes to swimming, you name it, I'll have likely done it. From swimming in shark infested waters to being stung by jellyfish or swimming through a group of swans, competing in 0 degree water (no wetsuit!), sprinting 25m free to swimming 24 miles, in lakes, rivers, sea, pools, busy with boats or completely clear of any obstructions, I've done it. I completely get this can be viewed as bonkers by some! This event will not only bring quite a lot of local swimmers together, but there's a lot of interest from people out of the region interested in coming to the broads not only to swim the event but holiday alongside it. I'm sorry if you'd rather it didn't. Firstly, I can't comment on any recommendations or advice that you may or may not have been given by any organisation about swimming in the broads. All I can comment on is the event itself including what safety measures have been taken. And before I get into any details, please let me say that safety is paramount to the event. If you have any concerns, the best way to raise and address them is by contacting me via the event website at broadsswimming.co.uk. I have addressed numerous safety concerns raised by this forum already which have been documented within risk assessments, normal operations procedures, an emergency action plan, and go/no go criteria. All those documents have been assessed or are being assessed by the Broads Authority, insurers and the RNLI to name a few. It's not been simply write a document and you're good to go, the reviews are rigorous and for the right reasons which I welcome. Secondly, nothing will be shut to any river user. We are here to co-exist with everyone. No moorings will be shut, nor any section of the river. The Broads Authority have been very clear that we co-exist with all other river users. I get that our event may not be conducive to other river users but we are here for one day of the year. If you choose to avoid the section we're in during the swim, that is your choice, however we are to here to work with you. All we need is access to the ladders at each mooring to allow swimmers to enter/exit the water safely. I hear what you're saying about fishing, a number of signs about swimmers in the water strategically placed as well as a course recce prior to the swim starting will alert other river users on the course about our presence, if not already known. Thirdly, event safety. As mentioned we are working closely with the Broads Authority who have been insistent that the event adheres to river by-laws. E.g. swimmers are to stick close to edge of the river. That being said, any other river user will also need to adhere to the rules when overtaking. We will have both powered and non-powered safety craft on the river adhering to the safety level of cover set by both Triathlon England as well as the ASA. Our event staff will be briefed what to do when encountering other river users including if they are not very experienced. We also have a plan for divers to clear the course of things like fishing line or other underwater obstructions prior to the event. Swimmers mandatorily must wear tow floats to make them more visible. Contact will be made with every day boat hire company, whether northern or southern broads based, to alert them about the event. Also, the reason I've chosen 50 swimmers per wave is because this is actually a significantly reduced number per wave of similar swims elsewhere in the country in rivers of the same size. There are multiple reasons for doing this, not only because it reduces the amount of swimmers entering the river at any one time, there are medical reasons for doing so also. To be honest, there's quite a lot more that I could go into about the safety measures that are being put in place for the event. As mentioned, the best way to get in contact should you have any concerns is via the event website at broadsswimming.co.uk. The documents I mentioned above about risk assessment etc are not a one time thing for me, they are living documents that can be added to as any potential risks are identified so as they can be addressed. I do hope this addresses any concerns, but please do get in contact if it doesn't via the website. Regards, Mel Holland
  11. I have asked you all to wait until the organiser has got back to us, respect my wishes or I will lock the topic. Regards Alan
  12. So can we please leave it here until the organiser gets in touch.
  13. Hello Ian I agree with you it is time for everyone to respect everyone's point of view and not let it get personal. Regards Alan
  14. If the swim has to be in Beccles then to me it would have made more sense to do it above the low Beccles Bridge to limit the number of craft on the river. Regards Alan
  15. If the cable is on a drum always fully unwind it to prevent it from overheating. Regards Alan
  16. Welcome aboard Aristotle. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Londonlad1985, We have all been there with your first week on a boat that you own or have shares in, you are conscious that you could make a mistake cause damage and in the case of syndicate you are aware that the boat belongs to other like minded owners. With regards to Boulters if you contacted them they would always help you in, when we were moored at Ferry Marine their fuel station and workshop used to be at the back of the site unlike on the river as it is now, Boulters to us was a better option and their help was invaluable. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Simon, When you get a mooring sorted out, you may want to fit dock fenders to the moorings or fix eyelets so you can string large fenders to the moorings, maybe even make up some dock lines so you can moor up easily. Larger ball fenders can help when mooring on the Southern Broads if you encounter the heavier river pilings or at locations such as Reedham where the concrete edged moorings can damage gel-coat. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Monica, Here is a link to BCBM for you to have a look around their site. Back in 2012 we considered using their services for Ranworth Breeze but in the end decided to manage our syndicate by an owners committee instead. http://www.bcbm.co.uk/ Regards Alan
  20. I use mine, I bought a couple of different types from Norfolk Marine years ago. Regards Alan
  21. Loads of clocks, watches etc to change tonight, on the dresser clock it will be changed and wound, if fully wound it will last usually while we are away. Richardo you are not that old. Regards Alan
  22. Maybe it is the combination of the deepest pockets and the shortest arms Regards Alan
  23. Hi Stuart, I use Danish oil on furniture as you say it is a bootiful finish Regards Alan
  24. Many Years ago we had booked a holiday on the Caladonian Canal, we were informed that we could only go so far on the canal because the locks at Laggan had collapsed. Basically we could go on the canal sections between and including Loch Oich and Loch Ness but no further. It was a great holiday but the 12 hours plus journey to get there was somewhat tiring 4 adults and a baby in an Escort Van, the 25 foot steel hulled cruiser was also a bit cramped. Regards Alan
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