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Hello, everyone! Thanks for the welcome! You got it in one, Polly!

little shack and boat are on the Thurne. My hubby retired, so we spent his pension pot! Best thing we've ever done! Not there permanently...well, you're not supposed to, are you? Try to go whenever possible though! 

So far, everyone we have met has been really friendly and helpful. Just been told off for including an Emoji...Sorry, it wasn't rude, just a little smiley face!

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Thanks, Gracie! Please can you explain how you and other members have such lovely little emojis, that move and I wasn't even allowed a smiley face? I think drinking the occasional glass of something tasty goes well with boating, helps calm the nerves! Yo, Ho Ho and a barrel of rum and all that!

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Hi Ginbottle,

We are full members, not sure why basic emots don't work for you though. Admin may have the answer. You are limited to certain areas till you have posted 50 posts and then elected to full members. Nothing sinister, just how the site works.


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Hello ginbottle,

I have logged in using one of my test logins, this is with similar rights to you so I can test the emotions.

If you click on the little smiley face in the taskbar it should offer you emotions we have on file:wave:dancecheersbar

Yes that seems to work ok.

Regarding the weight 18 KG seems about right, personally I would say 8 to 10 meters. this will stand you in good stead for locations for deeper water, ours is on chain and a windlass. Some people use their mud weight even if  mooring port or starboard side on as extra security when mooring in perceived eventful area's.



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56 minutes ago, ginbottle said:

Hi Alan,

we haven't actually bought the weight yet, but reading stuff, the recommended weight seems to be 18 kg. The boat is 20 ft long. Does that sound about right to you? We can't find anywhere the length the rope should be!


long enough to reach the bottom (sorry, just had to say that)

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The ideal length of rope on an anchor is three times the depth of water you're anchored in. That's unlikely to be more than say 10 feet so ten meters of line is perfect. A little more if you wish, say 15 to be on the safe side. I think the deepest broad to mudweight in is likely to be Wroxham Broad, unless someone says different. I'm moored in Hickling by the pub, but if I go into the broad and mudweight outside the channel, I always go 4 times the depth, which sometimes means my letting out nearly 6 feet of rope!! :) 

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1 hour ago, ginbottle said:

 I have googled, but can't seem to find the depth of any of the rivers, just the width.

You almost certainly already know this but just to highlight... Don't worry about the depths of the rivers, You are not allowed to mudweight/anchor in them. You may only mudweight in the broads themselves. I look forwards to meeting you, as given that I'm moored at the Pleasure boat on Hickling broad, I will be passing your "old shack" quite often. Which side of the bridge are you?

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Welcome from me to. I am also at Hickling and my boat is also 20`, My ropes are around 10m and always have plenty to spare, I stick to Brandy but can always be persuaded to try another spirit.


Have you much to do on the shack as they vary from a palace to a shed, sounds a great adventure, very best of luck.



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