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One of my mates here in our village had a visit from a large dog fox to his rear garden, the &&&&&ing thing murdered one of his three ducks - bought, reared and cared for by his grandchildren.  My mate just knew the Fox would be back to murder the remaining pair of ducks and no doubt his dozen hens too, so he lay in wait for it.

Said Mr Dog Fox won't be helping hissen to any more domestic pets ever again :default_beerchug:


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I have lost chickens here and ducks at a previous house.

I am on the edge of a rural area so get foxes, sparrow hawks and herons, they all want to eat things from my garden.

My daughter in law and two grandchildren live just around the road from us, they discovered a den with five cubs under their shed earlier in the year. Grandson re-purposed the video door bell to watch  them come and go, I suspect this one is one of them. I will get number two son to come down and let his dog run around and leave his mark.


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waited until it started cooling down before heading on my ride tonight, I wasnt going out in 30 degrees so tonight i did the flat riverside route (8.7 miles) this brings me to a total of 326.4 miles in just 2 months (9 weeks tomorrow)

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I’ve spent the last two days watching some people make a ruddy mess of our living room.  Fortunately, they tidied up after them, but they’ve left a huge hole in the carpet!

To be fair, it was planned.  With just one room left to decorate, it was time to get it underway.  This is the first property we’ve had with a fireplace and chimney, so we decided to have a log burner installed.  One of our neighbours had some similar work done, so based on their experience, we got a quote, which was less than I expected and they duly turned up yesterday to start.

The first thing to go was our already disconnected and rather old fashioned gas fire, followed by the fireplace and hearth.  The aperture had been lined with fire board, tje chimney swept in preparation for the installation of the liner and the chimney breast has been re plastered.  We also took the opportunity of getting rid of the hideous Artex on the ceiling, by having it skimmed to leave a smooth finish.  Just got to wait for the plaster to dry before I can pop the lamps back.

The contractors have taken relevant measurements for a granite hearth to be cut and are due back next Friday to finish the work.









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My day? More like my month to come…July looks to be fairly busy.

First week of July on Moonlight Shadow should be nice and relaxing. 2nd week, Ive decided to take an extra week’s leave to try to get our chaotic house into some sort of order for visitors for the following weekend, when it’s our 40th anniversary. (The Victoria Meldrew in me can’t help thinking ‘I don’t believe it!’…can’t have been that long.) We have special plans for the weekend, which says something, as Graham and are normally beyond useless at celebrating normal anniversaries and birthdays.

I also have a commitment for the final July weekend. I’m part of a choir that is singing the weekend services at St Alban’s Cathedral. I’ve only recently rejoined the choir, after a gap of 10 years or so. Very much looking forward to the weekend.

After that, I only have to work August and September before I retire.


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6 hours ago, YnysMon said:

First week of July on Moonlight Shadow should be nice and relaxing.

You might well come across Sprjnger’s Retreat, Helen. New granddaughter’s first trip (6 wks old) from 1st July.
I’ll tell Catherine to keep an eye out for you. 

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8 hours ago, kpnut said:

You might well come across Sprjnger’s Retreat, Helen. New granddaughter’s first trip (6 wks old) from 1st July.
I’ll tell Catherine to keep an eye out for you. 

Hope we see you!

We are planning to go south at some point but now that the syndicate has got permission to use the Wroxham pilot I'm determined to go under the bridge at some point during the week. After our last trip, when the pilot said they could no longer take private boats through, I emailed NBD on behalf of the syndicate and had a very helpful reply from James Knight. 

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well since the quiz tonight was postponed and it was cooling outside i took the opportunity for a bike ride, my normal short route (8.7 miles) left just before 9pm, and by the time I turned around to head home was using the lights for the first time, I have to say they do a good job, just arrived home, so it was a quick run at just about 1 hour, the only issue with the riverside route, ploughing through what felt like a sandstorm of flying bugs.

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My day,

Got to HSC about 09:00, retrieved my boat from the other side of the river, did some repairs.

While doing that got asked to cut a hole in Hemsby life boat** which I did.

Meanwhile an ambulance appears at the Village staithe dinghy dyke. Then a van with red yellow hazard stripes, then two coast guard 4x4 . Then the broads rangers boat and later the police boat.eventually Hemsby new lifeboat appears in HSC carpark gets launched and disappears down river,, stopping by the ambulance on the way.

Some time later it reappears stopping by the ambulance again, goes to put car park is recovered and disappears..

Even later a helimed fly's over circles then 

And somewhere down river, then reappears fly's off in the Direction of Norwich and the hospital..

Nothing yet on the Hemsby lifeboat pages.

**** Oh hole in Hemsby lifeboat? The sailing club now own Hemsby's old one and it's going to be used as a workboat for the club + standby rescue boat.

Anyway today's reason for being at HSC, it was pursuit race day. Two 1 hour races you start at a time derived from your boats handicap, slowest boats first fastest last , and if every thing is equal you should all finish at the same time.. it never happens of course, and today favoured the light dinghies as a strong incoming tide slowed the displacement boats.

but I was happy with my boats performance, much better than last week after some changes to the setup.

Tomorrow we have a down river race to the Thurne lion have lunch then race back again.

I believe there is also racing by EACC at Thurne tomorrow which might make thing interesting down there.








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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Tomorrow we have a down river race to the Thurne lion have lunch then race back again.

I believe there is also racing by EACC at Thurne tomorrow which might make thing interesting down there.

That’s no lie-in for me tomorrow then. I’ll make an early start and be out of the way. Thanks for the heads up. 

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My day Saturday: I was reminded of the arrival of our first Grandson in 2005. He had all sorts of problems including a heart on the wrong side which caused his blood to circulate the wrong way, and something I can't pronounce known as PCD, a lung problem. At 18 months old he had an 8 hour operation where they reversed his bloodflow by snipping the main arteries and reconnecting them reversed. Unfortunately his heart couldn't stand the strain long term so he had to have a pacemaker fitted. We were told that he would depend on the pacemaker for life and should it fail, that would be that.

At 5 years old he collapsed at school when one of the pacemaker wires detached but that wasn't that, because as he was laying down his little heart had just about enough in it to keep him going until the paramedics arrived. He was re-connected in hospital. He was later diagnosed as being mildly autistic with Asperger's.

Anyway, I was reminded of all the above stress because yesterday (Saturday) I went with him to Birmingham University Open Day as he wants to study Geography. A day we thought we would never see and what a day! I've never been in a place with so many happy, positive people. I'm sure there are a few of you who have had the same experience and I wonder if you thought the same?

Plenty of students on hand who were more than happy to talk about life at uni and the courses, and even one of the professors gave his time to talk to my Grandson as an individual, who came away very motivated. So we have to hope this new enthusiasm results in decent qualification grades.

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10 hours ago, floydraser said:

Anyway, I was reminded of all the above stress because yesterday (Saturday) I went with him to Birmingham University Open Day as he wants to study Geography. A day we thought we would never see and what a day! I've never been in a place with so many happy, positive people. I'm sure there are a few of you who have had the same experience and I wonder if you thought the same?

Plenty of students on hand who were more than happy to talk about life at uni and the courses, and even one of the professors gave his time to talk to my Grandson as an individual, who came away very motivated. So we have to hope this new enthusiasm results in decent qualification grades.

What an amazing story, and a strong, brave boy !

Co-incidentally, I too was up at Birmingham Uni open day with my youngest, who is looking to start next year

It is a great Uni, a lovely campus and the student halls in The Vale are located in a wonderful green expanse complete with a lake. He won't regret it as a choice.

Maybe I am just a little biased, as my eldest also went to UoB, and had a brilliant time there, and I also know quite a number of other happy UoB alumni from over the years up to the present time.

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G1 above lives in Gloucester and stayed with us over the weekend. It's fairly easy to put the stresses in the past as to look at him you wouldn't know any of the above; he looks like a normal, lanky streak, annoying teenager with a permanently runny nose due to the PCD. At home in the evening he had the hump because I would let him have sole control of the tv remote. Thanks Grandad. :facepalm:

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Took the wife’s car to the main agents in Thetford yesterday morning for its first MoT, which it passed with no advisories.  To be fair, for a three year old car with just 25k on the clock, I expected nothing less.

Back home, after some lunch, I took my bike out for another ride, trying to build up the mileage, ready for its first service.  It’s been limited to 4000rpm (equivalent  to 52mph in top gear) up until now, with the digital rev counter flashing like a strobe light if exceeded, but as I passed the 300 mile mark, I was grateful to see that I can now use another 1000 rpm, allowing me to reach the dizzy heights of 65mph!

Maybe, the next 300 miles (until the first service) won’t take so long! 


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I am off to work shortly as I have started my day since before Christmas working as a classroom assistant, mainly working with 5 and 6 year olds who are an absolute delight (some of them anyway :default_biggrin:) I consider myself very lucky in doing a job I love and I get school holidays off too to be with my own kids which is a bonus

One little girl asked to whisper something to me a while back, I knelt down to her level and she leaned in and whispered "I really love you Miss" I had a lump in my throat and felt on top of the world :default_icon_luvlove:  Life can be good can't it

Have a great day everyone x

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We went to the boat today,first time since my treatment. We were going to do cleaning,but we needed fresh water and top up fuel.Im still trying to get to grips with reversing and mooring.It is different  from Sweetkingfisher. Partly due to us only so far taking the boat out on short trips.After water and fuel We went to Barton Broad then back.From there we went to the garden centre  at Stalham and picked our own Strawberries 🍓. A few didn't  make it.I had to see if they were good.:default_biggrin:

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8 hours ago, SwanR said:

Have a great day Grace. All parents should be thankful that there are so many people happy to work looking after and teaching our children.  :default_icon_clap:

Thank you Jean. I don't actually teach but assist in every day activities. Setting the class room up for the day etc. I read with children who need extra support in some way, it's so rewarding knowing you've helped them just a little bit

I could string up some of the little blighters at times too :default_biggrin:

God help the children if I actually taught them, lordy knows where they would end up :facepalm: :default_biggrin: x

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19 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Thank you Jean. I don't actually teach but assist in every day activities. Setting the class room up for the day etc. I read with children who need extra support in some way, it's so rewarding knowing you've helped them just a little bit

I could string up some of the little blighters at times too :default_biggrin:

God help the children if I actually taug:facepalm:ht them, lordy knows where they would end up :facepalm: :default_biggrin: x

I like kids,but I couldn't eat an whole one.:facepalm:

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19 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Thank you Jean. I don't actually teach but assist in every day activities. Setting the class room up for the day etc. I read with children who need extra support in some way, it's so rewarding knowing you've helped them just a little bit

I could string up some of the little blighters at times too :default_biggrin:

God help the children if I actually taught them, lordy knows where they would end up :facepalm: :default_biggrin: x

Won't be long till you're a TA 1 . Keep it up it's so valuable for all that use and supply education. Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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