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So You Can Go Swimming!


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I don't know if this was posted previously, but I'm trawling through 33 pages!!


but it has a lot of information on the details, sponsors and safety issues. 

I dont see any safety issues of I'm honest. They all had hi vis floats, was well marshalled and guidance given. I would suggest a flappy thing zig zagging across the river with a novice or nervous skipper might be more dangerous? And I have no problems or beef with flappy things by the way, but know they frighten a lot of people. 

Obviously I have no idea how much the BA were involved, but guess it's all part of the service they provide for all river users. 

Msybe in future events they might be asked to donate to the BA, but if local charities (and it might help to know which ones) did benefit as did local businesses feeding and catering for 100ish swimmers and their friends and family then bring it on. 

so is the real issue they never paid a toll? I'm actoll payer and I really dont care. If it was every week maybe I would think yeah cough up guys, but think it's great to promote the rivers and how clean they actually are. Will I be swimming in there? Nope. But I won't stop others. 

Its not a lot different to a road race (cycle or run). None of them pay any road tax either. 

Bring it on next year I say. 

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Look I'm having a really bad day and haven't the time to trawl through all of this but I would just like to add my little piece for what it's worth. It seems to me the event was a success, no one drowned, lots of people attended, spending hard earned cash in local pubs and shops I would imagine. Everyone knew the risks before entering the water, let's face it, any activity involving water has it's risks. They were all capable swimmers and grown ups, well aware of the risks the swim could entail

I'm glad it was a success, let's hope there's more events like it, well done everyone involved



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12 hours ago, batrabill said:

Perhaps the more grown up question is, if freeswimming is to become a regular thing, perhaps the BA could find a way of creating a contributing payment?

I imagine that this event was seen as a test so perhaps if it bugs you you should ask the BA

On a point of fact Jenny Morgan.

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Whilst I suspect that "safety" has in some cases been used as an excuse to stop the event, I did... no.. do have reservations on those grounds. However, I believe that if people are going to be brutally honest with themselves, the cause of any dissatisfaction is that a substantial group of people who do not contribute (directly) to the Broads, were likely to inconvenience some people who do.

This is not a case of "git orrff moi river" but a very slightly more reasonable "I pay for ()towards) this and can't use it. Not fair!!" 

I do feel some sympathy for any hirers who might have had their activities curtailed, they have their boat for a very limited time, but boat owners could (and should) have just avoided the area for that day. By the sound of it, that's pretty much what happened 

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I think everybody who wanted to voice an opinion has done so by now.

I havn't been swayed by the opinions of those who opposed the swim and I suspect they havn't been swayed by arguments in support.

So i'll leave it at that.

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I seem to have started this debate (for my sins) but one or two things have arisen from it.

1/. Like it or not, this event attracted no local publicity whatever.

2/. JM is right about the BA's involvement, paid by the toll payer. There would have had to be at least 2, probably 3 ranger's launches there to police the event, control traffic, provide communications and help with safety. So were their normal patrol areas still secure and patrolled, while they were uniquely engaged in this? On Sunday, the 1st July? The height of the high season? Was this really the best time of year to do this?

3/. This discussion is just conjecture. That is because no-one on this forum seems to have actually been there and seen what actually happened.

4/. Why was this? Was it because they felt it was going to be too much hassle during their cruise, and so they kept away? In which case it was an obstruction to the navigation. On Sunday, the 1st of July.

5/. I suggested, probably about 6 weeks ago, that this event in the way it was proposed, was a selfish activity. I still say so now.

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I love boating on the broads, but I'm not only a boater. If I'm lucky, I might spend a week or two hiring a cruiser each year. I also enjoy the bird watching, for which Norfolk and Suffolk is renowned. I like to look at and recognise the different flowers, plants, insects and animals around me. I love walking for miles along the river banks, across the marshland footpaths, or along the beaches. I always have a camera with me and take thousands of pictures every year. I'm no Edward Seago, but I love to sit and sketch, the beautiful towering skies, the white sails, the wide marshlands.

In short, I enjoy lots of the different activities the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads has to offer... The best thing is, almost all of the things I do are FREE for everyone and anyone to enjoy. I hire my boat, or pitch my tent, book into a B&B or even stay with friends and then I can do as I please and it costs me nothing. I've often walked along the River Waveney from Oulton Broad to Beccles and never been asked to pay for the pleasure. So, I really cant begrudge the swimmers, their freedom to swim along almost that same route and for free too. More power to their elbows (and flippers), I hope they had a wonderful day and visit again next year..

Waffling on, again... :11_blush:

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I also swim but be careful if you go to Geldeston there are some folks that like to swim there "sans  Vestements" so to speak. Which whilst perfectly ok is a little unexpected the first time witnessed. 


he he 



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19 hours ago, VetChugger said:

This oh so noble forum spent 30 plus pages saying why this should not happen and would only end in calamaty, alrm, disaster and pestilence!

Lo and behold, the swim has gone very well with no problem whatsoever and shows promise for future such events. Is this forum spending another 30 plus pages of hot air congratulating the success?? Is it heck, its busy trying to think up more excuses to have a go! The majority seem to be suggesting that it as some sort of fluke that the event went off without a problem.

Absolutely bloody typical of the holier than though attitude of many on here. Its almost laughable.

I applaud your post Mr VC, as there does seem to be a few on here with too much time on their hands that want to pick fault with anything that they can moan about from their armchair, but please don't get me started on the few that want to disrupt the NBN!:default_2gunsfiring_v1:  

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Ok my View, i left Beccles just as the swimmers started arriving, no holdups i was in no rush to get anywhere so took it very steady watching the swimmers swimming the last 2 and 1/2  miles into Beccles well organized with plenty of Marshall boats and we could have been an extra pair eyes too if anyone got into difficulties. the last boat following said they were the last swimmers , so i could continue without worrying i may see any stragglers  . yes it was well organized , not as many swimmers as planned probably  but nice to see.

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9 hours ago, VetChugger said:

I've heard that I have been 'moderated' on this thread! To be honest, I hadn't noticed but now that I know, I thought policy was to inform folks of moderations and the why's as a 'friendly' way of guiding posts.

Moderation used to happen as you describe now it seems posts are removed, reviewed and action taken before informing the author.

But threads like this with strong feeling held and vented will attract acts of moderation, I know, I have been one, however I'm sure the moderation is carried out in a fair and unbiased way with equal number of moderated posts on both sides of the argument.

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16 hours ago, KaptinKev said:

I applaud your post Mr VC, as there does seem to be a few on here with too much time on their hands that want to pick fault with anything that they can moan about from their armchair, but please don't get me started on the few that want to disrupt the NBN!:default_2gunsfiring_v1:  

Personally I think that your post is disruptive, what has is got to do with the subject being discussed?

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