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Are You, Like Me, A Fat Pig?

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I always thought that beef dripping was what you fry your chips and cook your Yorkshires in, whereas pork dripping is what you spread on bread with the lovely tasty brown gloop from the bottom of the pan and a good aneurysm-provoking pinch of salt.  Wouldn't  much fancy the beef stuff on bread. 

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Well in our house dripping was dripping the fat / stock was all poured in the same metal bowl, some was used for the beef / pork and some for the roast tatties, then any left was put back in the pot, the stock was taken off the bottom for soups.

to be honest my parents are probably still using the same dripping, I dont think its ever restarted from scratch.

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I am 6' 4" and I have been 12 stone when I was really ill, and i was just skin and bones, most unhealthy, I reckon If I was fit and trim, I would still fall in the overweight category, and weigh in around 16-17 stone

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No, not really, the BMI just doesnt work for some people, as it doesnt account for bone density, at just works for an average person, and some of us just arent average, when I was little I was seriously being considered by the doctors for gigantism, fortunately I stopped growing just in time at 6 foot 4 inches with size 14 feet. but my skeleton would probably weigh in at well above average as I have large, heavy dense bones, In water i dont float, I just have to breath out to sink like a stone. left alone in water I will float vertically (as long as I have a lung full of breath) with just the top of my head above the water, despite all the assistance of the extra buoyancy afforded by my blubber layer.

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

No, not really, the BMI just doesnt work for some people, as it doesnt account for bone density, at just works for an average person, and some of us just arent average, when I was little I was seriously being considered by the doctors for gigantism, fortunately I stopped growing just in time at 6 foot 4 inches with size 14 feet. but my skeleton would probably weigh in at well above average as I have large, heavy dense bones, In water i dont float, I just have to breath out to sink like a stone. left alone in water I will float vertically (as long as I have a lung full of breath) with just the top of my head above the water, despite all the assistance of the extra buoyancy afforded by my blubber layer.

Makes me feel better that.

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My post was in jest, hence the :default_gbxhmm:. In fact, a couple of pages ago I mentioned rugby players who will never conform to BMI principles. Horses for courses! I guess heavyweight boxers will probably be in that category too. 

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8 years ago I lost 18kg in 18 weeks. With all my recent ankle and calf injuries I have decided to lose 15 kg to get me down to 78kg which is pretty much what I was when we got married 25 years ago.

my waiste will return to a healthy 32 inches and my feet won’t ache quite so much. I’m only a 34 waiste now so not massive but 15 kg is 2.5 stone give or take.


Dog walking and fewer carbs. And having just read a recent paper describing how the charlatan who did the research on salt in our diets set it up to show what he thought was best I’m pretty miffed about it. It’s a disgrace I tell you a disgrace.

Rant over lie down , and breathe......

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My wife and I have been swimming almost daily now for over two weeks and whilst we have only lost about half a stone each we are both feeling a great deal happier with ourselves, sleeping much, much better and waking far more motivated, and our feet don't ache nearly as much.

Today was a new experience in the pool though. Until today we had not encountered the fitness group that uses half the pool twice a week, a group lead by a young Adonis without an ounce of fat on him. The group is largely elderly, largely large to extremely large, indeed Captain Ahab would have palpitations if he happened to drop in on them.  It's basically exercises in water lead by an instructor on the bank. Hilarious watching grown adults attempting to emulate their super fit, energised young hero!  Meanwhile my wife and I carried on swimming sedately from one end to the other in the reserved lanes, content that we are not the only coffin dodgers trying to make up for lost time! 


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Although it's a B way to do it I can recommend a double knee op to lose weight!

Last October I was hovering around 17 stone but after my first knee replacement I didn't feel like eating much and couldn't get to the Hockham Eagle lunch and evening times. I gave up cooked breakfasts and suppers and now have one cooked (teatime) meal a day.

3 months later and my second knee op (far too soon, by the way) continued this all again. I've now been a steady 14 stone 7 lbs for the last 2-3 months!

I recently found a box of folded clothes I put away many, many years ago... now I've got a new wardrobe!


(BTW, I'm 6ft 2ins)

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