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Countryfile 10/02/2019


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In the summer months boaters churn up the silt which kills etc etc etc. Sorry but it’s the usual natural England green tree hug fest. 

I loved the bit about boats churning ( you know the ones that pay for the thing to be there in the first place) and then cut straight to a huge dredge and pump operation that must have been thousands of times worse for ( insert creature or flora of your choice) whatever, than the odd boat passing over in Hickling. 


Don't worry folks the agenda ( boats cause x and we are fixing it) was there in full measure.

Scientifically illiterate claptrap I have come to expect from the BBC. 



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14 minutes ago, keifsmate said:

It was a shame that they had to describe the vessels carrying the spoil away as wherries.

In fairness to the Authority the Broads mud barges have been known as 'wherries' for as long as I can remember.  I suppose it dates back to when such barges were redundant wherries, for example the Lord Roberts. Did think that that custom was questionable when one of the new barges was built in Ireland though!

What did gripe though was when the Broads themselves were referred to as lakes. Why not call them what they are, Broads?

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He does call it a national nature reserve. Not a Park!!!

they also say it’s man made. So surely ours to screw up?

it all ready has the largest natural reed beds. The new one is a pimple on the surface of the rest.    

The only downer I took was that pleasure boats kill the  plants!!! Really?

the most pathetic dredger ever!  

I don’t go to hickling, but my local lakes are swarming with migratory birds in the winter. Far more than the summer. So more likely to cause issue with them in the winter. 

The fish seem to like a churned up bottom. Ok maybe not if it does cause an algae growth, but that can be managed as it happens. 

My take on it, but being local maybe I know more than the production team. 

After all. It is entertainment. 

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If the navigable channel had been kept dredged deep enough in the first place, then the passage of motor boats (in open water) would not stir up any silt.

A wherry is a traditional name for a workboat, normally in estuaries or rivers and can also be a passenger ferry. There have been examples in several other parts of the country. The name just seems to have "stuck" to the Norfolk sailing wherry but it is not exclusive!

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14 hours ago, Malanka said:

"In the summer months boaters churn up the silt which kills etc etc etc". Sorry but it’s the usual natural England green tree hug fest.


14 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Dan Hore's greeting to Matt Baker was suspiciously abbreviated, 'welcome to the Broads N'. Well done Aunty Beeb,

Those two points I too noticed … and had a little chortle.



11 hours ago, grendel said:

besides that - its above potter bridge, so just how many boats are doing the churning, must be all Maurice Mynah's fault then :default_biggrin::default_coat:


11 hours ago, Regulo said:

He's a one man environmental disaster - you've only got to see his boat to know that! :default_smiley-taunt014:

Rubbish. Nyx is well known for being a very green boat.

10 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Maurice, what did you think of the programme? 

I enjoyed it, allowing for the points Martin (Malanka)  raised.

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15 hours ago, Malanka said:

Styx is an algal bloom at least until there are three sunny days in a row.

But who cares it’s the man aboard who is the greatest part.





"Styx"  was that a freudian slip? Is not Styx the deity and river forming the boundary twix earth and Hades?

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Just watched this on 'catch up'.     So they are creating this wonderful new reed bed.   Hum hey hum!!!   what have you got surrounding the whole of the Broad but a reed bed that filters the water.   Who is kidding who here.    They need to dump the silt somewhere and some bright spark thought , oh we will at some cost employ people to make a false reed bed.       Do they think we all came down with the last shower.

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Getting rid of the 'spoil' from dredging is not as simple as it once was. In times past, it was just dumped on top of the nearest marsh wall, or similar. These days, due to legislation, you have to be a little more thoughtful.

I believe the idea originated in the Netherlands, to create land/reedbeds with the dredged silt. It's an idea that's been used before, on Hickling and Salhouse broads and seems to work quite well, both for boaters (dredged navigation) and for conservationists (reedbeds for flora & fauna).

So, although it may be more expensive than former dredging practices, 'English Nature' (the government) gives it's approval and that's what matters, or the dredging of Hickling just wouldn't happen at all. Sometimes it's difficult to please everyone, on the Norfolk Broads it would seem, it's next to impossible. :12_slight_smile:

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