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Pacific Dawn 5th-12th July


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The lead up

Having enjoyed reading everyone's tales of the holidays on the broads, I thought it was time I wrote one myself.

The crew were myself, my wife Mandy and little Lottie the dog

This was the second part of our adventures this summer, we'd been in the Lake District the previous week staying in a pub (where else) just north of Windermere

Now, I only mention this because we hire from Pacific Cruisers, and as a 'one week a year boater' I've always thought that starting off on a boat in Loddon isn't the easiest starting point for someone who might be a bit 'rusty'

Whilst in Cumbria we decided to do the Eskdale Steam Railway, a lovely little trip through beautiful scenery,. However to get there we had to drive the Wrnose and Hardknott passes

OMG, I love my car for driving the 80 mile round trip to work and back, but my choice in life of a rear wheel drive  automatic was being severely questioned, by me!

We made it, and as I couldn't find a much better route back, we did it again, so my initial concern of navigating The Chet from cold held no fears

I later found out walking down a footpath was far more dangerous!   :default_wink:

Below is a picture of Lottie waiting for the train to leave and the only 'selfie' I've ever taken or likely to take to show the crew!   :default_biggrin:

To be continued shortly!





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Friday 5th July

Mandy was reasonably pleased that with my planned depart time of 9am, the previous Friday we left at 6am to get to Cumbria, so on this trip there was no need to wrap herself up in a throw as she did the previous week.

The car was loaded to bursting, and Lottie was quick to take her place on the back seat to ensure we didnt leave without her. (She is secured by the seat belt to her harness)

The journey was pretty uneventful and we made excellent time until the single carriageway A143 held us up with HGV's and the odd tractor

We still made it to Loddon by 11.30am, I had arranged with Fiona to pick the boat up a little earlier at 1.00pm, so obviously we were way too early. So a plan came to mind (actually this was always my intention but dont tell Mandy)

'We're too early darling' I said

'What do you want to do' she replied

'Well, Lottie needs a walk and we've never been to the White Horse', we could have some lunch there?'

I like it when a plan comes together, although after 33 years of marriage I think she knew I planned this!  :default_biggrin:

Well, what a great pub the White Horse is, why haven't we used it before?

Superb garden, very friendly landlady but the Landlord is a very bad man and cruelly exposed a weakness I have!  :default_wink:

I ordered a pint of Wherry or Southwold and a J2O for Mandy and got a bowl of water for Lottie, I went back to the bar and ordered a couple of baguettes. About 15 mins later the landlord bought our food to the table, looking at my glass he said 'you need another pint' it wasn't a question, what a mind reader, and he insisted on bringing it to the table!

Later he came back to collect our plates

'Was everything ok with your food?'

'Would you like more drink?'

I could have said no, but found myself saying 'yes please'  Bad bad man!

It was now about 1.10pm, and I was now sitting in the passenger seat, Mandy drove the last mile! Well I did do the previous 149!

A couple of mins later we were parked on the lawn at Pacific Cruisers.

Now, I cant heap enough praise on Richard Fiona and their team, I know they are a business (a business that I hope does very well) but they make you fell you are friends and are just borrowing a boat!

Everything is handled so informally and friendly, nothing is too much trouble. This is our third consecutive hire with them and third on Dawn. I really cant imagine using anyone else!

Mandy and Fiona 'fitted' Lottie with her life jacket, I was just the labourer and emptied the car

Soon everything was loaded, Mandy managed to drop my fleece in the drink, (and I was the one that had alcohol) mind you it would soon be dry, not that I would!  :default_beerchug:

As envisaged, my experience with the Wrynose pass made the Chet a doddle, taking it slowly after about an hour we were soon cruising down The Yare

My favourite pub on the broads is the Surlingham Ferry, I love the beer, the food the garden and Sonia and all her staff are really lovely, I'd booked a mooring so we didn't need to hurry to get there

As I already said I hadn't used the White Horse at Chedgrave before, two other pubs we hadn't used was the Beauchamp and Coldham Hall.

I wanted to correct this, as we approached The Beauchamp, it looked quiet, there were plenty of moorings, but no one was sitting outside, which I thought odd as it was a lovely sunny day, I quickly 'googled it' - it didn't open until 5pm, and as it was only about 2.30pm, ruled it out

I know the owner feels that not getting planning permission on his caravan park is going to 'kill' his pub, but not opening until 5 on a Friday is hardly going to help, is it?

So Coldham Hall it was then, and I was really pleased the Beauchamp was closed,

Approaching Coldham Hall there was a mooring at the front, but .......... I know this shouldn't make any difference but there was a private boat moored just behind us as we came in, that first mooring of the year suddenly came with extra pressure. No need to worry, straight in no problems..... I'm back!

A couple of 'mature gents' got up and took our ropes, which I thanked them, but we had it all under control. We had a chat with them once we got our drinks, they confessed to having been in the pub a fair time, and good luck to them!  :default_beerchug:

A couple of pints of Ghost Ship for me, Pimms and a tea for Mandy, Lottie had to stick to water, well someone has to be sober to stern moor at The Ferry House

We decided to 'cut the corner' at Brundall and entered Bargate Broad, it was so peaceful we decided to mud weight for 30mins. I like the idea of mud weighting overnight but it's not possible with Lottie

We arrived at The Ferry House about 5.30pm and saw the board reserving our mooring for the night. Second mooring of the hols and although Lottie was prepared to moor for me, I decided she should keep to her job of watching the ducks!

Another good mooring, and again plenty of help with the ropes, although I'm not sure with the advice passed back to me from Mandy from someone on the bank to shut the engine off despite still being 6ft from the bank!

We had a nice chat with a private boater to our side about dogs, Lottie is a rescue, and although we've had her for a while, she was mistreated and get easily spooked and can be unfriendly to strangers, once she know you she loves you to bits!

I take her to work with me, she now loves everyone in my office, especially the girls in accounts who bring chicken in to feed her!

Sorry cant remember your name or the boat you were on, I only remember we were both the same age a very young 62!

We decided to have a couple of drinks, Mandy soft, me Humpty Dumpty (I think) Lottie just water

We returned to the boat to freshen up, then back to the pub for dinner

I cant remember what we had, but I'm sure it was good, Mandy had two glasses of wine, me a couple of beers and Lottie was still suck on the water

Now this is where I had a little mishap, now I accept I had consumed a few beers, but it was over a long period and I had two meals, I was feeling good, and I'm used to drinking regularly 

I took Lottie for a fairly long walk, about 45 mins

Although I've worked in and around London for 40 years I am a country boy at heart my dad was a farmer and I'm comfortable in the countryside and do a lot of walking with Lottie and dogs before her

I've noticed recently more and more gates on footpaths are now 'self closing' obviously a necessity in these days because some people cant be bothered to close a gate behind them

Well a set of circumstances that night lead to what could have been worse, as I approached the last gate before the pub I put Lottie on her extending lead, I opened the gate which has a concrete step on the pub side. Lottie got spooked by another dog barking, pulled on her lead, this made me loose my footing as I stumbled forward the gate closed and trapped my ankle between the bottom of the gate and the concrete step

This wasn't just an ouch moment, my ankle was stuck and I couldn't reach the clasp on the gate, and guess what? I hadn't taken my phone with me, I always have my phone, I'm always berating Mandy for not taking a phone!

So there I was stuck and doing my best not to embarrass myself my having to call 'help' so I sat there for a couple of mins, when for some reason I let go of Lottie's lead, the lead recoiled that spooked her and she ran off!

I still dont know how I freed myself, you hear stories where under pressure people use natural adrenalin to preform great strengths, that may have been my moment, as the dog ran off I managed to reach up and open the gate, something I obviously tried to do several times with no success

Lottie had come straight back to me at this point so we both got back to the boat unharmed, a few cuts and bruises for me!

Mandy told me I was a silly old fool and that it was all my fault, and I couldn't argue   :default_dunce:

Sorry for the ramble, later days were less eventful!

To be continued










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Thanks for your kind comments, as for the ankle nearly two weeks on and it's still bruised and doesn't look very pretty!

Not looking for sympathy, my fault totally

One of Mandy's most common comments to me is 'what do you want to be when you grow up?'    :default_wink:

Good job I married a nurse! 

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Saturday 6th July

I could see the suns rays coming a gap in the curtains as I woke up about 6.30 am. I lay in bed for a few moments just dozing and got up at 7 am

At home I leave for work about 7 am, so I'm usually up around 6-6.15, I've never worked closer than a 25 mile journey to work, for the past 40 years I've travelled between 20-30k miles per year, that's a lot of miles!

Mandy is an Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber, she is self employed and holds various surgeries across Kent. She always starts later than me, so I get up and make her a cup of tea before I leave home every morning

That's our routine, so no need to change it just because we are on holiday. So kettle on and slide the roof back

Tea was made and delivered, I drank half of mine but Lottie had other ideas, she does this strange kind of silent bark and turns her head from side to side when you ask her what she wants, I would very very shocked if she told me!

She clearly wanted out of the boat, so off we went again taking phone and extra care as we went through 'That Gate' I was going to see if I could walk through the fields to Ferry Road and then back to the boat

As we walked through the fields we started to have a 'Mexican stand off' between Lottie and a dozen cows, they all just stood and stared at each other, I put her on the lead and walked towards them thinking they would be more scared of me and move out of the way. Oh no, these cows had 'bottle,' my ankle was reminding me with every step what an idiot I'd been the previous night and I didn't fancy competing  in the 400 metres hurdles, so turned around and went back to the river path. This I followed for 10 mins or so, with Lottie having performed the tasks needed I turned around and went back to the boat, taking extra care with that bloody gate!    :default_wink:

Back at the boat it was kettle on again, tea made again, delivered again but this time I enquired when her ladyship would be getting up? Clearly not yet!

A couple of Broom boats were leaving to return to their yard, so after they left I moved our dinghy from the bow to the stern, this meant Mandy wouldn't have to do it while the boat was in motion, all heart me!   :default_icon_e_biggrin:

For the last 5 or 6 years we've always hired a dinghy, to be honest its a pain in the bum having to move it when stern mooring or being extra careful when mooring in a tight space

However, I dont know if you've picked up on this? but I like pubs, I like beer, I like being in a pub with beer!   :default_icon_e_surprised:

My worse nightmare would be being unable to moor near a pub, so my insurance is the dinghy!

When I had to go to meetings or functions in central London, I would take an umbrella, therefore ensuring no rain, if I forgot to take one I'd get very wet, mind you I've left quite a few in restaurants and the train!

So far we have only used it in 'anger' at Ranworth (and again this year) so not many Running Bear and Little White Dove moments (that's showing my age) anyone under 50 google Running Bear by Johnny Preston!

We only cook breakfast on the boat, preferring to eat lunch and dinner in the many wonderful pubs the Broads has. When I say 'we' I mean Mandy, my cooking skills are pretty basic and whilst Mandy is a good cook she does require more space that the average cruiser has for her creations

My signature dish is Chicken Ping!, you basically buy a chicken ready meal, stick it in a microwave turn the dial to about 5 mins, when the microwave goes ping, you eat it!:default_biggrin:

So full English again! I hate to think how much weight I've put on, but back on the diet and exercise routine next week

We were ready to leave Surlingham at about 9.30 am Destination Rockland St Mary

We look a very leisurely cruise down the Yare, we were in no hurry, the plan was to moor in the basin, take Lottie for a walk then have a drink/lunch at The New Inn

The weather had been nice earlier, sunny, warmish with a little cloud, I looked at my weather app earlier and it had forecast it to turn cloudy and then light to medium rain but getting brighter later in the day, I had hoped that the first bit was wrong, unfortunately it was pretty much spot on

I can never remember which is which, it probably doesn't matter, we went down Fleet/Short Dyke, through the broad and into the basin it was about 11 ish, it was very quiet, from memory 1 or 2 boats, but would get busier later

The weather was ok, cloudy very grey but no rain and about 18c, which is shorts and T shirt for me, jeans and a fleece for Mandy

At home we have the 'battle of the thermostat' Mandy will turn it up to 30c and think the house will warm up quicker, I've explained this is rubbish, but when I get back in the evening when Mandy has been home all day, I'll open the front door and get beaten back by the heat. I loose 2 stone as I crawl through the hall and manage to turn it down to 20c, I swear I hear the boiler cry out 'thank you'  :default_wink:

Anyway, Mandy probably chose right with the jeans, the path out across Rockland Broad was very overgrown and didn't look like it had been walked much, it was a lovely walk and we managed to get to the main river, but the nettle stings did take my mind of my ankle!

We got back to The New Inn, sat out the front under a parasol and had a drink, me a Wherry, Mandy a Pimms and Lottie still on the water, she can be very boring!:default_wink:

It started to spit after about 10/15 mins, so we decided to drink up and go back to the boat

The mooring were now much busier, we had a nice chat with a couple of private boaters unfortunately cant remember the boats names

The rain was that 'cant make its mind up' sort, Dawn's saloon is in the back, I cover the electrics up with black sacks so I can keep the roof open in very light rain.

We waited for an hour to see what the weather was doing, it did ease a bit so we decided to head off. I didn't want to travel down Short/Fleet Dyke with the roof up as vision isn't the best. We also had discovered that the wiper wasn't working!

However, I had read on here a couple of years ago (I think it was Malanka) about Rainx, which I had applied to the windscreen Friday evening. I had also brought our window vac with us (I take all sorts of stuff I never need) this was helpful, once we reached the Yare Mandy took the helm and I cleared the windows a couple of times

The rain was off and on the whole time, the roof was like a 'tarts knickers' up and down every 5 or 10 mins, but we managed to to get to The Reedham Ferry, our booked mooring for the night reasonably easily   :default_icon_e_surprised:

The reserved board was out 'reserved Pacific Dawn 35 ft 5 pm' we were early but went in anyway  just behind a Herbert Woods boat already moored, I took the board down and moved closer to the HW boat leaving space for another boat behind me. This was soon taken by a private boat who was most grateful to me for budging up, 'happy to help' I told him!

I only booked our first two nights moorings, The Ferry House because I love it there, The Reedham Ferry because I wanted to cross Breydon on Sunday, I was concerned I might not get a mooring at Reedham Quay. Mind you I do like the Reedham Ferry, good beer, good food, nice pub!

The rain was very light, we decided to go into the pub for a drink

It was about 4.30 pm, the rain had stopped our table wasn't booked until 7.30 pm, so with plenty of time we decided to walk into Reedham. It's a shame you can't walk into Reedham along the river like you used to, but it's not a bad walk along the road, so the road it was

The weather had improved greatly, so much so that we were able to sit in the garden of the Ship. We had a couple of drinks and headed back to the boat

We popped into the Reedham Ferry when we got back to see if we could eat earlier than the 7.30 pm, only to be told they were fully booked and that I had actually booked the table for 8 pm, Doh!     :default_dunce:

Anyway they did seat us at 7.30 pm in the end, we had a lovely meal, for once I paid with a card so kept the receipt (I normally pay with cash) so I know what we had, Me the Ribeye Mandy the Salmon

And of course more beers and wine, Lottie.........water!

When we got back to the boat, Mandy decided to read for a bit, I took Lottie out, with my phone and promised to stay away from gates!

Sorry for the lack of photos, I had every intention to take loads, but I'm just a man who failed to multi task!

PS some of these were yesterdays photo's that I missed so I've just thrown them in here, sorry

To be continued!








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Sunday 7th July

Ok, sorry I’ve not updated this tale for a few days, it’s just I was busy at work yesterday, and yes it is why they pay me, and weekends are more busy than work days. We have a house with a pretty big garden and the grass hadn’t been mowed for 4 weeks it was going to take some time. We bought the house when the kids were little because of the garden, quite often we had half the street in our garden, it cost be a fortune in coke

I made a big goal down the end, and I used to practice my son Nick’s shooting skills, I used to make him shoot with his wrong foot every night for several years. This culminated in him being pretty good with either foot, a new lad joined his football team and I was standing with his dad, when Nick beat a defender and curled the ball with his left foot in the top corner, blimey this chap went ‘I didn’t realise he was a left footer’, he’s not I said

So if I can do that with a reasonably talented footballer, but never was going to make a living at it, why are there so many premier league players earning £100k a week with one foot?

Anyway, enough of football back to the tale

Again I woke up about 6.30 am, and again just dozed until about 7 am, Kettle on, roof back and yes it looked a lovely morning, mind you, yesterday looked good early on but went steadily downhill until improving later on, just as my weather app had predicted

This time I was hoping ‘weather pro’ would be right again as the forecast was pretty good 20/21 degrees part sunny with maybe the odd shower. I could live with that!

Tea made, delivered to Mandy, I drank about half of mine then took Lottie down past the Chain Ferry and past the camp site. Only a quick walk for Lottie to do ‘her stuff’ and then back to the boat

We intended to cross Breydon Water this morning, Yarmouth slack was 9.03 am, but I’d read on hear from some wise sage (well I hope he was) that going south to north you could leave 30-60 mins after slack water and be perfect to get the benefit of the tides, I was happy to give this a go as it meant leaving a bit later, at 8am

The Herbert Woods boat in front of us was obviously going to do this journey by the book, he fired up his engine about 7.20 am and was gone soon after, not before nearly hitting the stationary Chain Ferry on his way out, it was an interesting manoeuvre but he was out and away and didn’t hit me so all good, it later turned out to be a day of such manoeuvres

I decided against the idea of another full English for breakfast, and although a sausage & bacon sarnie was not particularly the healthy option it was better than what I’d been eating the previous week

With the Herbert Woods gone, but the private boat still behind, I told Mandy that I wouldn’t need her help to leave the mooring I could do it by myself if she fancied a lay in, but she got up anyway helped with the ropes and then went back to bed. What a trouper!

I have a speed app on my phone, which I monitor all the time to ensure I don’t speed, with the Yare quickly emptying itself I need very little revs to keep at 5.5 – 6 mph, I didn’t see another boat between Reedham and Breydon either in front or behind

Dawn had an air draft of 8ft with the roof and screens up and 6ft 7inches with everything down

I’m a little paranoid with bridges, so prefer to have everything down when going over Breydon and through Yarmouth

I did say my weather app said the weather would be good but there was a chance of an odd shower. Well as I cruised down The Yare, the weather was lovely but there was this one big black cloud that seemed to be tracking me, one moment it was on the right next the left (ok port and starboard) then in front of me, somehow it was never above me, just as well it looked like it was carrying a lot of rain

Mandy joined me and Lottie at the helm just before Breydon Water. We passed the Berney Arms Windmill & Pub, it always saddens me that the pub is no longer open, sadly I didn’t go there when it was open, obviously now I can’t and probably never will

Anyway I’m now on Breydon Water, I thought lets open her up, full throttle was about 2000 rpm and about 8 mph, I thought that’s a racket for that speed so pulled her back to 1800 and reached 9 mph. Not sure what that was all about, as I wasn’t in a really hurry I slowed up to 1700 and just ‘pootled’ across

As we went under Breydon Bridge I felt we were pushing against the tide a bit and had to increase the revs, by the time I reached the yellow post we were 1800 rpm and only 4 mph, just as we turned I could feel the kick (as expected) and were being pushed towards the bridges. We were now a little over tick over but doing 4-5 mph, the bridge height was showing 8ft 3inches, glad I had the screens down, as we passed under I said to Mandy ‘that’s the closest I remember being to the bridge’ she agreed

Obviously with Dawn being 8ft with roof up we would still have passed under easily, I just don’t like being that close with fast running tides!

This would be the day of ‘Brinks madness’ It was also the day that I ‘cocked up,’ more of that later

The tide was giving us a big kick as we continued along The Bure at 5-6 mph and not a lot of revs, I suddenly became aware of a noise behind me, as I looked behind I saw two Brinks Emperors were bearing down on us very quickly. There was also a boat coming towards us, surely they’ll slow down not keep coming I thought, no they kept going, I kept as far to the side as I dared without the possibility of running aground, the other boat also move over and we both slowed down. The two Emperors just charged through the centre, their wash rocked the boat and crashed into the bank

I yelled at them to watch their speed, they didn’t look at me and just carried on, both crews were lads in their late 20’s about 6 or 7 on each boat and clearly not interested in anyone else on the river. As I passed the boat coming the other way, we just shrugged out shoulders and shook our heads, I believe we were both thinking the same thing!

Both Emperors were moored at Stokesby when we arrived, so god knows where the fire was?

I had to promise Mandy that I wouldn’t say anything to them before she let me get off the boat, I was calmer by then, but she knows I can be a little fiery at times.

We had moored directly outside the The Ferry, the two Emperors were moored at the farm moorings, so fortunately well away from us!

It was now a beautiful day, it was about 11.15 am and there were already quite a few people sitting the pub garden having a drink, including several of the crew from the Emperors!

We decided to take Lottie for a walk first, and as we walked past the lads from the Brinks boats, Mandy felt it necessary to remind me of the promise I made to her! We walked for about 20-25 mins along the path in the direction of Yarmouth, the path started to get very overgrown so we decided to go back and have drinks / lunch in the pub

As we walked back towards The Ferry, two of the crew from one of the Emperor boats had decided to take one of the boats for a cruise, but they were doing very strange things. One lad at the helm, with his mate holding the bow rope was standing on the bank, was trying to reverse out at an angle of 75 degrees, they yelled at each other for a bit, the boat crashed into the quay heading a few times but not really doing anything apart from damaging their boat and potentially any other boat nearby. Mandy again felt in necessary to remind me of my promise and successfully took my mind off them by suggesting we went to the pub, good call!

I was really just glad they were nowhere near where Dawn was moored!

When I came out from the pub and into the garden with a pint of Wherry for me and a Pimms for Mandy, they were still messing around, but eventually moored again about 10 mins later I don’t know what they were trying to do but I was glad for all those moored near them that they appeared to have finished, they all left shortly after, I later saw them moored at The Bridge at Acle, I remember thinking that I had hoped they stayed there!

Anyway, the Brinks fun and games hadn’t finished, we got chatting to another couple in the garden about boating, they hadn’t hired a boat before and asked how difficult it was? I said take it slowly learn from your mistakes and don’t be like them (pointing to the Brinks crew) they had also watched the madness

As I said that, another Brinks boat, cant remember the name but it was a big expensive one, came in to moor at Stokesby, to say he made a mess of it would be an understatement, first he came in with the tide, I assume it was his wife, got off with the bow rope, this must be a Barnes Brinkcraft thing, because he then wacked the quay heading a few times, he then threw his stern rope to someone who had gone over to help, he then nearly pulled his wife into the river, fortunately she let go of the rope in time, but this then meant he had both ropes in the drink, and his wife on the bank, (I was soon going to regret laughing at that) and two other crew members scratching their heads!

A man in his early 30’s sitting with his wife and child near to us said quite loudly, ‘if I was him I’d give up on this and find another pub, and sent a cab for the misses’ it did amuse the assembled audience

To be fair he did eventually get in, not the direction he was first expecting but did get moored

So the entertainment at Stokesby was now over? Not quite!

We had a sandwich and another drink, whilst at the bar a lady came up to me laughing at the entertainment that had been on offer, I told her that I now felt extra pressure leaving the mooring as the eyes of Stokesby were now watching

The Ferry at Stokesby is probably my second favourite pub on the broads, I love the garden, the beer and food is always very good. They now have another attraction, homemade chocolates!

I’m not a big chocolate eater, but do like a strawberry cream, So Mandy went in with £20, and came back with a small box (4) of strawberry creams for me, and a larger selection (16) of various to share and very little change, oh well, they were good!

So having finished our drinks, bought chocolates and been entertained, we decided to move on

We hadn’t booked anywhere, we did ring The New Inn at Horning as the weather was looking good, they don’t allow dogs inside the pub, so we would’ve had to eat outside, not a problem now as the weather was lovely. However, they would book us a table but not a mooring, so that ruled that one out

I decided to head for Horning anyway, if I couldn’t get a mooring on the pub side, there were a couple of places the other side and I could use the dinghy and row across, if that wasn’t possible then it would be Ranworth Island and row to the Malsters, I had a plan!

Mandy said she wanted to use the loo, so I took Lottie and the chocolates back to the boat, I hadn’t closed the roof while we were in the pub as we were sitting in full view of Dawn, so chocolates in the fridge, Lottie in life jacket and on her seat behind the helm, just as Mandy arrived back

All good to go then, we were still facing into the tide there was nothing behind us, so I released the bow rope and waited for Mandy to release the stern rope, I could hold the boat against the bank with the bow thruster and a gentle touch on the throttle kept the stern rope loose

Thirty two years of marriage, we general communicate pretty well, we are normally pretty slick in mooring and leaving a mooring

So, as I’ve done countless times before I called out ‘Are you ok?’ ‘On the boat, yes?’

Now, I heard yes! However, it appeared to have been no!

So now it was us that were the entertainment!

So as the check list went!

Chocolates in fridge…..tick

Lottie on boat……tick

Wife on boat…...Oh sh*t!

Mandy is still on the bank holding the stern rope, I couldn’t really get back as I’d drifted too far, ‘let go’ I shout, I couldn’t get back in and I was worried I could pull het in, she let go, putting engine in neutral I got to the stern and pulled the rope on board, ok good no real harm done, as I got back to the helm I was sitting quite still only about 15ft from the bank

A wag from the garden yelled ‘this is your chance mate, run for it, Freedom!’

If was pretty funny stuff, even Mandy was laughing. I put my hand out and twisted it from side to side a couple of times, as if I was trying to decide, but it was never in doubt, after all who was going to cook breakfast?

I took the boat passed the pub, came back turned again and came in against the tide and into the same mooring and collect the ‘light of my life’ to a round of applause from the garden

Oh well, that was interesting, I was glad to have entertained a few in the process

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, however I’d probably had enough excitement for one day at my age!

So off we headed to Horning, and apart from a couple sail boats it was pretty much plain sailing (excuse the pun)

We got to Horning about 4.30 pm and as luck would have it we got a mooring right outside the Ferry Inn, two young lads (clearly working for the pub) helped us moor up, so I walked after them once we were tied and gave them a quid each for their help, they seemed pleased

So with the roof down and back door locked we sat in the garden of the Ferry Inn and had a couple of drinks in the sunshine. Then it was back to the boat close the roof and walk into Horning (past the subsiding house) for a look round, we didn’t stop for a drink in either the Swan or New Inn. We then returned to the Ferry Inn for a meal in the garden and reflected on what had been an interesting day

To be continued







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Tim, if you went to The Ferry Inn at Surlingham, you must have gone past us at Brooms. We were there not long after lunch time, so we would have seen you. Having said that, did you cut through Surlingham broad en route to the Ferry, or on the way back.  Also, in your pic above where you are going through the Broad, you can see "Peta`s Joy" in the background, that`s Forumite Pauls (aka Peta`s Joy) boat. 

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Enjoying reading your tale. I’m always at the helm and hubby sorts the ropes whenever we arrive or depart a mooring. Like you, our communication is pretty good but I do get paranoid about making sure he’s onboard!

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Thanks all

Got to say, I am quite enjoying reliving the holiday on here, however as I'm sure you realise it does take a bit of time, so excuse me if it takes a few days to get to the end


We went through Bargate Broad on the way there, didn't see 'Peta`s Joy' I'm afraid, although I did see Moonlight Shadow on her moorings on the Sunday

Also saw Lightning, we had a reciprocal wave but cant remember where but I think it was Southern Broads so must have been Saturday

Also saw Ranworth Breeze when we were returning the boat on the Friday, not sure who was on it, but a gent and a young lad gave us a wave that was returned 

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11 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Brill write up. I’m glad that it’s not just me that messes up the occasional departure/mooring! More please!

Everybody does, i cocked up at Reedham by not allowing enough for the wind and tide.

3 hours ago, SwanR said:

Enjoying reading your tale. I’m always at the helm and hubby sorts the ropes whenever we arrive or depart a mooring. Like you, our communication is pretty good but I do get paranoid about making sure he’s onboard!

I always check twice with Karen when she`s doing the ropes, as it`s always me at the helm, though she likes steering when on the move and there are no saileys around.

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1 hour ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Everybody does, i cocked up at Reedham by not allowing enough for the wind and tide.

Absolutely correct everybody does, I know I do. Anybody that says they don't is a fudging great big liar :default_biggrin:

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