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Staying On Boats


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9 minutes ago, Paul said:

Shopping, certainly in supermarkets has to become a picking exercise, not a browsing one.

I’m not sure that can ever happen Paul. One thing that supermarkets brought to us was the ability to pick and choose what we wanted to buy and sometimes that means peering through wrapping to find the best looking item. We all know too that items with short dates are put to the front of the stack, sometimes I may not want to use that item immediately so it means reaching to the back for a longer dated one. At the moment of course, I am being more of a discerning shopper and avoiding handling things as much as possible. Many won’t though. 


19 minutes ago, Paul said:

We must, as a species get back to the principle of consideration for others, being thoughtful, showing some respect. 

Couldn’t agree more. 

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i have to stick my hand up to backtracking in a supermarket, last weekend i had 4 shopping lists, and at times that meant backtracking several times down some aisles, the alternative though was stopping in the middle of each aisle to read 4 shopping lists. (at least i followed the arrows)

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8 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

That seems a strange thing to say.


That just means he ain't an expert !

Nothing more dangerous than an "Expert" who thinks he is and convinces others that he is, but isn't. :default_biggrin:


Neil Fergerson, AKA, Brenda from facebook.

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The Daily Mail says he is!

Perhaps what I am trying to say is that there are just so many people out there putting forward their expert view, it is virtually impossible to separate the sheep from the goats! From my experience you cannot expect the experts to help too much in that they all hold widely differing views which they believe to be correct - so just how do you chose?

Someone though, has to make that decision, and no one will be absolutely sure it is the right one, or the wrong one until you can look back with hindsight! Life really is a bu**er......!!

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2 minutes ago, marshman said:

The Daily Mail says he is!

I could almost feel you grin as you typed that.

As far as the rest of that post goes, I very much agree, but I doubt you will agree with my thinking here.

I trust the government in this sort of thing. and I trust the government whatever party that government may be.

My reasoning is this.

The main objective of any government is to be voted back in next time. Given an issue like this virus, the government will do it's best, and her Majesty's Opposition parties (the significant ones) will do their best to be seen to be helping. The collective brains behind the government  (note I said "behind" not "in" ) have all the best resources available to them. That's why I trust the government.

As soon as you get the media interpreting what the government has said, the facts are diluted to the various agenda. When I hear "The government has said that it.....) I stop taking it as fact.

If I see Boris on TV saying something (specifically about this virus) I trust that the information he is giving me is accurate, though I do realise I have to look for, and filter out, political spin.


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1 hour ago, psychicsurveyor said:

When the siren sounded, they took cover, when the all clear sounded, they emerged and carried on with the new normal

There were no guarantees undercover during an air raid.

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4 hours ago, Ray said:

That's another good thought Mouldy! Yes I guess we have to 'seize the day' in case we run out of days!


We have decided to do exactly that... lots of talking whilst on lockdown, and we have come to the conclusion that making memories with our children, whist they are young enough to want to spend time with us is the priority.

Soo... we put our name down for a berth in our Yacht Clubs' marina and have decided to buy a yacht, for here in Poole Harbour. Sod it you only live once!

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:


The main objective of any government is to be voted back in next time. 



Not so early on in its tenure. You forget (and this is the point) that the electorate has a short memory. There's three and a half years of spin to be had yet before this lot have to worry about the next election in any meaningful way. If the government was worried about the next election, it would have sacked Cummings. 


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34 minutes ago, Bexs said:


We have decided to do exactly that... lots of talking whilst on lockdown, and we have come to the conclusion that making memories with our children, whist they are young enough to want to spend time with us is the priority.

Soo... we put our name down for a berth in our Yacht Clubs' marina and have decided to buy a yacht, for here in Poole Harbour. Sod it you only live once!

Brilliant! Well done, happy days ahead. Enjoy every one of the wonderful memories ahead 👍👍👍

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Here’s a thought for an boat owning angler. Take your boat out and find a suitable mooring, put your bivvy up next to the boat then take a nap. Spend the night fishing, have breakfast then move on and repeat the process. What rule has been broken? 

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15 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I think the rule is that you can't "overnight" away from your primary residence. I don't think it mentions sleep!

Taken from the .gov website

"You are not permitted to stay overnight away from the place where you or your support bubble are living - for a holiday or similar purpose - in the UK or overseas. This includes staying overnight in a second home."

I'm not actually sure where the advice that anglers can stay overnight actually came from.

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12 minutes ago, Poppy said:

I see no government advice there! Just a body that has sought legal "opinion" as a basis for claiming that night fishing is allowed, and it states night fishing rather than overnight fishing. The government link that the Angling Trust links to just says that fishing is allowed, nothing about night or overnight fishing. It is the same government guidance link that the rest of us are abiding by, and which is stopping us from staying on our boats overnight.

All seems a little fishy to me!

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This is a Government web site  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/environment-agency-and-angling-trust-welcome-lifting-of-restrictions-on-recreational-fishing

In it you will find this

"The Angling Trust have issued additional helpful advice to individuals and angling organisations which can be found on thier online hub."

The 'on line hub' referred to includes the PDF I posted a little earlier. 

Seems clear to me - although I have no intention of staying up all night, I like the comfort of my bed too much :default_biggrin:

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11 minutes ago, Poppy said:

This is a Government web site  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/environment-agency-and-angling-trust-welcome-lifting-of-restrictions-on-recreational-fishing

In it you will find this

"The Angling Trust have issued additional helpful advice to individuals and angling organisations which can be found on thier online hub."

The 'on line hub' referred to includes the PDF I posted a little earlier. 

Seems clear to me - although I have no intention of staying up all night, I like the comfort of my bed too much :default_biggrin:

I don't suppose the government reads all third party websites with useful advice to ensure it is offering advice that is legal and in full compliance with its own advice.

I still see nothing on any government website that directly states that overnight fishing is allowed. The government have stated that there are a few valid reasons for staying away from your home overnight and I haven't seen fishing listed on any of them.

So again a small selfish group of people seem to think that the guidelines that everyone else has to abide by doesn't apply to them!!!! 

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1 minute ago, EastCoastIPA said:

I don't suppose the government reads all third party websites with useful advice to ensure it is offering advice that is legal and in full compliance with its own advice.

I still see nothing on any government website that directly states that overnight fishing is allowed. The government have stated that there are a few valid reasons for staying away from your home overnight and I haven't seen fishing listed on any of them.

So again a small selfish group of people seem to think that the guidelines that everyone else has to abide by doesn't apply to them!!!! 

Really ? :default_cool:

That would be an  interesting defence were anything to end up in court - Government solicitor  " well we can't be expected to read all third party web sites we link to ".  :default_biggrin::default_biggrin:

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1 minute ago, Poppy said:

Really ? :default_cool:

That would be an  interesting defence were anything to end up in court - Government solicitor  " well we can't be expected to read all third party web sites we link to ".  :default_biggrin::default_biggrin:

For the simple reason that any website can be changed at any time. The Angling Trust could have added a page or two sometime after the Government link said there was useful advice there. Also note that useful advice is not legal guidance.

This forum contains lots of useful advice, but try reading every thread from start to finish, from the time the forum was created. :default_biggrin:

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I think that if anglers push the point then the government will have to define when you may or may not be away from your primary residence at night. It would have to be a "one size fits all" ruling and the only enforceable way would be a national curfew.

Now. Is that what you really want?

If some people act like spoiled brats then they will be treated like spoiled brats. 

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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

I wonder what Paladin would have to say to THAT !  :default_biggrin:

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything! It doesn't change the fact that websites are an ever changing source of information. The government linking to one for useful advice, doesn't make it the oracle on legal guidance when it comes to matters relating to corona virus.

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