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Can I Get There?


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Hi All,

We're hiring a boat in Brundall on Saturday Sept 4th, and I'm told that we should get away by about 16:00. I want to be at the entrance to the New Cut around 9:30 the next morning for low slack so we can head up towards Beccles. So:-

Low slack at Brundall that day is about 16:30, and sunset is about 19:30.

I would like to aim for the Beauchamp Arms that night, but I think it's not open?

We could get to the Reedcutters at Cantley, but the menu is a bit too "pubby" for my wife (shortage of salads and non-fried stuff)

Are we likely to get as far as the Ferry Inn at Reedham?

All suggestions will be very gratefully received, particularly as I'm guessing that it would be best to book a table and a mooring if possible.


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Beauchamp Arms isn't open at the minute; lots of work going on but it's still shut. About the only pub you'll get to is the Reedcutter unless you slog right down to Reedham Ferry, which should be less than 2 hours. You could also get into Reedham itself. I'm not sure on how booking moorings at Reedham or the ferry works or if it's possible as I've never tried. Your other option is to head for Loddon or Pye's Mill which shows as an hour and a quarter to Reedham. You can't, to my knowledge, book moorings at Loddon, but Pye's Mill is quite a large mooring and it's only a short walk to the village. Having said that I stopped at Pye's Mill last Monday night after picking up from Brundall and was surprised to see spaces in the basin overnight.


Hope something in there helps!

Edited to add that Loddon will bring you close to your sunset time; But there are lots of options. I've never seen anyone moored in Pacific's yard even though they have signage out saying federation boats are welcome.

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The New Cut is definitely easier during slack, but I wouldn't say it's essential to go then. You'll use a bit more fuel and be steering more but it's a fairly short section so won't make a massive difference.

I'd probably head for Loddon on the first night, but you could stick in the Brundall area and go for Coldham Hall or even Surlingham Ferry (it is the opposite direction, but only 15 mins from the boatyards).

Reedham is less travelling than Loddon of course so that's an option but it's quite tidal so can be a pig to moor at. I don't know your experience level so that might not be an issue.

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2 minutes ago, oldgregg said:

I'd probably head for Loddon on the first night, but you could stick in the Brundall area and go for Coldham Hall or even Surlingham Ferry (it is the opposite direction, but only 15 mins from the boatyards).

I had the large rump steak at the Ferry House on Sunday night (last night before handing back first thing Monday) and it was roughly the size of half a cow! 

I'll echo what oldgregg says about the New Cut. I've been through at all states of tide and I've never felt it necessary to go through at slack. Having said that I don't generally mind punching the tide too much. Which is exactly why I went through GY at about 2mph last week :facepalm:

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51 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Beauchamp is just around the corner virtually from Short Dyke (leading to Rockland Broad), and it’s not that far to walk from there to the New Inn (need to check that it’s reopened though).

I was absolutely amazed that there was even room in the basin on Sunday afternoon! I only cruised in just to have a nosy but nearly stopped just because I could!

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My son and his family ate at The New Inn, Rockland a couple of weeks ago.  I’m sure I read (maybe on here) that Reedham Ferry has fairly irregular opening hours at the moment, so if you intend to moor there, it may be worth a phone call to check.  I would think that Loddon would be a bit of a push before you lose the light.  Personally, I’d be tempted either I go to Coldham Hall or The New Inn and start earlier the following day.

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3 hours ago, MaceSwinger said:

Beauchamp Arms isn't open at the minute; lots of work going on but it's still shut.

Thanks - that's what I thought.


3 hours ago, MaceSwinger said:

About the only pub you'll get to is the Reedcutter

That's also what I thought, and my wife has kindly agreed to do what she can with the menu, so it looks like an stress free trip to Cantley on the first day.

A number of you have suggested Loddon, but we're calling in there on the way back, and it makes an even longer journey, so I don't think we'll do that.

Nor the walk to the New Inn. My ankle is a bit dickey and walking that close to the water, in the dark, after a number of beers, might not be the wisest way to start the holiday.

As to the New Cut, I have navigated it several times, and it isn't so much the cut itself that's the concern it's that tide at Reedham when it's going at full thrutch.

So - thanks all, I think our Saturday is decided, I have checked with the Reed Cutters and I can book a table and moorings, so that's all looking good.

Thanks again all.

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I can’t see why you can’t get to The Reedham Ferry, we booked there in July table and mooring, however they did manage to lose our booking, all sorted in the end.

They opened then at 6pm, food and beer was good, you can email or call them

If you are a hirer you can moor at Pacific Loddon but give them a call they are ridiculously helpful, but it’s an hour from the main river and very twisty 

if you do get to Loddon then I would recommend the White Horse at Chedgrave lovely pub and staff

Good luck

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I've stopped at the Reed Cutter three times now in recent years. The food has been a tad bland, in my opinion, albeit huge helpings. In other respects good moorings and good beer. Personally I'd head for Coldham, Surlingham, Rockland, Reedham Ferry or even St Olaves, all good to very good pubs/eateries.

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Don’t forget the steel barge that takes up half the moorings at Cantley. 
There was plenty of room still when we passed a couple of times last week. That said, with the high tides we had some of the moorings were under water!

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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Be a little cautious unless booked at Reedham Ferry as tends to be full or empty & not advisable to rely on a mooring at Reedham especially after the Quay Ranger has left as it is often full by 5pm & can be tricky getting into gaps if wind and tide are strong. Never heard of anyone having real problems in the New Cut 

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