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Fishing At St Benet's Abbey.

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38 minutes ago, Bytheriver said:

the lease for the moorings has some years to run but not currently long enough to warrant commitment to a repair at this stage

When you take out a lease, why would you not budget to have the moorings operational for the full period on the lease? 

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So what a surprise - the Forum seems to have got it wrong again and when the facts actually come out, it would seem the BA could have done bu**er all about it and Grendel seems to have summed it up nicely! I suspect differing leases will also have differing responsibility and repair clauses. 

I am sure the BA will have something to say in due course and perhaps it would just be sensible to wait until the position is clarified further by those who actually know whats happening!

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2 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

When you take out a lease, why would you not budget to have the moorings operational for the full period on the lease? 

The problem lays with the EA, no point refurbishing the moorings if the EA are going to rip the pilings out because they cant reach agreement with the landowner, also there is no involvement from NDAA.


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18 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

The problem lays with the EA, no point refurbishing the moorings if the EA are going to rip the pilings out because they cant reach agreement with the landowner, also there is no involvement from NDAA.


That is not what was reported from the meeting, so did the meeting add more information?

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1 hour ago, RS2021 said:

That is not what was reported from the meeting, so did the meeting add more information?

From the meeting in no particular order, the current lease runs to 2007, over the last 2 years the BA have been making provision for the upkeep including putting works out to tender, 12 months or so ago Crown Estates sold the land to another party without the  BA knowing, in the last 12 months the BA have been in discussion with the current owner regarding a new lease or the option to buy the moorings but as the EA and landowner havn't come to an agreement over the piling which the BA have no control over the negotiations and repairs are on hold.


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3 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

So the lease runs for a few more years but in the meantime we are unable to use the moorings, brilliant.

I have no idea of the legalities or financial implications for the EA but it seems at first glance they are and have been the sticking point, I can understand the BAs reluctence to spend our money which they had planned to do if the EA are then going to rip it all out as they have done elsewhere.


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9 minutes ago, marshman said:

Again jumping to a conclusion PW - perhaps they will be able to make temporary repairs?

If they cannot do anything , what was the point of inspecting it the other day?

Can we not just wait and see what happens? 

The issue is out in the open, no harm in that.

In the meantime we have no option but to wait and see what happens.

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20 minutes ago, marshman said:

perhaps they will be able to make temporary repairs?

I would sincerely hope they can and do. I have a strong suspicion that with the current Covid restrictions on international travel, at least one journalist from a national newspaper will be holidaying on the Broads on the not too distant future to do a 'Staycation' piece. Best make sure the honeypot places look their best.

But lets watch this space. If the BA have only just cordoned it off, maybe further action is imminent. 

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Some of the mooring has been taped off for months. At the speed BA get things done I am not optimistic! This could be another one that slips through the net if a fuss is not made.

The decline in facilities where holiday makers actually want them, Thurne Mouth as  an example, should be a worry for the hire fleets. Lack of good facilities will hit bookings in the future if they do not  make representation to the BA.

As an aside, has anyone been to How Hill recently? Last time I was there a large stretch of the mooring was taped off with works proceeding  at, what seemed to me, a slow pace. Has the work been completed and the mooring reopened? The season will start soon hopefully.

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23 minutes ago, Heron said:

The Hire Fleet operators are hardly the little man! If their customers are increasingly finding it difficult to find moorings the customers may stop coming. This could of course be some of the BA motivation.

Ah, so you want the hire operators to get involved like the poster earlier who wanted them to club together and lease it where I took your earlier comment to mean the average joe.

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6 hours ago, Bytheriver said:

the lease for the moorings has some years to run but not currently long enough to warrant commitment to a repair at this stage.

The lease runs until 2027. The shuttering is thought to have plenty of life, apparently it is only the whales & capping that needs attention. 

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18 hours ago, marshman said:

So what a surprise - the Forum seems to have got it wrong again . . . . . . . . 

But did we? Granted that the NDAA involvement has turned out to be something of a red herring despite the fact that it was their website that triggered my concerns, beyond that, basically, we weren't that far off the mark. 

Tom (BA) Waterfall is a man that I consider to be as straight as the day is long yet, very clearly, he was initially mislead, shameful. I have read reports, and corresponded with people and an Authority member in particular, despite the importance of moorings generally, and the potential loss of fifty in a Broads hotspot, Authority members very clearly had not been made aware of the situation at St Benet's.

James Knight, Authority member, had been alerted to the situation by members of a Facebook Broads news group which in turn had been made aware after a moderator there, Sue Hines, had seen the topic here on NBF. James, thankfully, raised the topic at the recent Authority member's meeting. It was very clear that members, up to that point, were not aware, the topic presumably deemed of insufficient importance. I think that that dismissal says a great deal about the executive's priorities.

Coincidently and quite incidentally 'Paladine' over in the other place had also realised that something was amiss. As we all know Paladine is thorough in his research. Indeed he went down to St Benet's to see for himself what was going on. 

It would seem that forums have a value, if only in keeping the BA's executive on its toes. 

I ask again, did we really get it wrong?

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2 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Fishing At St Benet's Abbey

I'd just be well chuffed to be fishing anywhere on the rivers come mid June


But with those fences on the bank will you be able to fish at St Benet's? That's a question for the NDAA to resolve, they are on the case. 

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