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If travelling to Norfolk this weekend fill up before if you can as not much diesel around. So probably no work for me if it carries  in into next week, possibly no holidays if the yards can’t get any for the boats. Oh to be retired 🤔👍

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GriffTile van electric? - not in the foreseeable  I did look into an electric workhorse a while back, not practical at present 

‘B.A’ a woody classic going electric? Really?

’B.A’ is fully fuelled ready for sailing as per the norm. More than enough to get her to her AMP destination and back whilst keeping the crew warm

A fully fuelled GriffTile van will get me to Norfolk and back and all the running around I will need to do

Next issue to deal with is getting sufficient petrol into our courtesy provided Focus to get us home on Monday from Glasgow 


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I’ve read on the BBC website that the protesters have succeeded in forcing the closure of Tower Bridge to traffic by suspending a banner reading ‘End fossil fuel now’ from it.  Perhaps what is more worrying is that they are holding what they call April Rebellion in Hyde Park tomorrow where they are promising even more disruptive behaviour.

I sincerely hope that the police will deal with criminal behaviour in an appropriate fashion and prosecute anyone who breaks the law in the course of this activity, however believe that a slapped wrist and a warning will be how law breakers will be dealt with.


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No fuel at Asda or the next garage here in Canterbury when i went out, and as I was nearly on the redline i figured that might change my plans for the weekend, but as I returned a few hours later (with a new mill in the boot) asdas was open, so i joined the queue, half an hour later and I had a full tank.

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I can't say I agree with anything they are doing - but - maybe I should? 

Their point is that when the oil starts to run out this will be the norm. It may not be the best way to go about it but we have known things need to change and alternative fuels sourced and used in the not too distant future. Have we done anything about it?

Not really. 

And while fuel supplies are delivered and we don't have to worry about it nothing will change. 

But when the last drop of oil is used we will be back in this no fuel situation with no chance of " going down the Winchester and waiting for the whole thing to blow over" 

The worst bit of the whole thing will be listening to the hippy protesters telling us they told us and we ignored them. 


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10 hours ago, Oddfellow said:

Listen to yourselves getting angry at a few people making a point and a bloody fair one at that. Yes, we know it's disruptive. That's the point of the protest. We know something needs to be done for a sustainable solution and we have known for years. Problem is that for years, virtually nothing has been done and now it's all getting a bit 11th hour and we're moaning about a bit of inconvenience. Let me assure you that this is nothing to the inconvenience of being flooded out.... 

Yes, it's a ball ache, but get behind this before the only thing behind you is a tsunami. If only more of us has the balls to do things like this, we might have been able to affect change years ago when it wasn't so urgent. 


Criminal damage is fine is it… ??

How would you like your property and business damaged.. ??

That’s the problem in this world now is brainless eco idiots are exempt to basically cause eco terrorism.. 

Two of those tanker trailers our owned by a friend of mine who is a owner driver.. £5000 of tyres wrecked.. £5000 he now has to pay because of these Brainless eco idiots..



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It ought to be treated as terrorism and carry a 5 year prison sentence.   If it was me I would be using Baton rounds.  

Obviously things have to change but causing criminal damage and deliberately disrupting peoples lives and livelihoods should not be tolerated period.

How are these morons travelling to the fuel depots.  They must all be walking or going on horseback

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15 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

It ought to be treated as terrorism and carry a 5 year prison sentence.   If it was me I would be using Baton rounds.  

Obviously things have to change but causing criminal damage and deliberately disrupting peoples lives and livelihoods should not be tolerated period.

How are these morons travelling to the fuel depots.  They must all be walking or going on horseback

I wonder how many of them will have cars at home, or bicycles with rubber tyres, use gas or electricity, wear imported clothes, have mobile phones, iPads and other electronic devices made in China, that have been shipped here and possibly have holidays abroad booked, buy food in plastic bags, in fact generally live in our modern world.

Do they realise where we would be tomorrow if we didn’t use fossil fuels.  Utterly clueless.

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I remember back in 2000 when Hauliers and us truck drivers took part blocking ports and fuel terminals in price rise in fuel duty.. It was a peaceful demonstration with public support.. 

The next time we took part at a protest and tried to block a fuel terminal at Theale we was met with armed police who told us politely to leave if not we would all be arrested and vehicles seized under Section 43 Anti terrorism act.. 

And today in this snowflake society of eco idiots are free to do anything they like causing criminal damage and death (blocking emergency vehicles) and do they have section 43 said to them… No .. 

Its an absolute joke..  one rule for one and another for them.. 

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Tescos at Gunton only had Premium Unleaded earlier.

I think theres enough going on in peoples lives with the way things are presently and any extra unnecessary hassle just adds to peoples burdens.  

With all the aircraft in the sky and ships moving around the globe using heavy fuel oil blockading fuel depots in the name of the environment will make not one jot of difference to the climate.  

Some people are just born to be a nuisance to others.  For those intent on causing the actual disruption and damage personally I think there needs to be very harsh consequences to them.  No negotiation, removals by force and no come backs on any injuries.  

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2 hours ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Criminal damage is fine is it… ??

How would you like your property and business damaged.. ??

That’s the problem in this world now is brainless eco idiots are exempt to basically cause eco terrorism.. 

Two of those tanker trailers our owned by a friend of mine who is a owner driver.. £5000 of tyres wrecked.. £5000 he now has to pay because of these Brainless eco idiots..



And that is the point - an innocent business person, self employed probably, trying to make an honest living. And now they have to find £5,000 because these selfish twits think it is ok to damage things that they don't have to pay for.

Just like thieves who go round stealing our property, stealing lead of church roofs, stealing electric cables, stealing catalytic converters. None of them care or think who has to repair and pay for the damage.

I'm sorry for what your friend now has to deal with, they have my total sympathy 

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May appear a bit black and white, oversimplified or I am missing something ? As anyone who served in the armed forces will tell you, there are rules clearly set down. You cross the line and break them and you most certainly did face the consequences and how! Why is this principle not applied to these half witted vandalistic hooligans. It makes me weep that we served in conflicts upholding the principles and morals of our country and we have to put up with this - no no no no no!

It is not right and it is not fair on 99.9 percent of the population.

Rant Over.

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