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Hake: Some Chippies Are Selling It Now.


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I have just been told that some Churchill's chippies are selling hake along with their other usual offerings.

Now, I don't know how many forumites have eaten Hake, no dought many who have visited the Continent have tasted it,  but it is not dissimilar to cod or haddock but IMOH it has superior flavour.

What does the forum think?   


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I love Hake but certainly not battered with chips, Cod or Haddock is better.

Hake is a wonderful white fish. My favourite way is baked or pan fried with a lemon and herb butter sauce. Steamed Asparagus or a Watercress salad to accompany.

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I remember as a kid we used to ask for fish and chips and you automatically got cod (haddock had to be specially requested and you had to wait for it to be cooked.

Nowadays it is the other way round.

I just wish we could get charged what we did in those distant days.......3d for chips  6d for cod and a shilling for haddock. Happy days


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9 hours ago, jeffbroadslover said:

I remember as a kid we used to ask for fish and chips and you automatically got cod (haddock had to be specially requested and you had to wait for it to be cooked.

Nowadays it is the other way round.

I just wish we could get charged what we did in those distant days.......3d for chips  6d for cod and a shilling for haddock. Happy days


Hi Jeff in 1971 after our pound was devalued it was 3p for chips or fishcake and 8p for cod.


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We as a nation  are not great fish eaters.Which seams strange.As a Island surrounded  by water, sea and inland.Most of the fish we eat is cod/haddock.Often covered in batter.Compared with Europe, South America,Caribbean. Where if it swims its eaten. Hake is not new.I first used Hake fifty years ago.You will see it in high end Restaurants. Tons of crayfish  caught  off the Scottish coast,most of which goes to Spain and Europe. Due mainly  because  its not eaten  here.Not all fish is eye watering expensive. So to go back to Hake give it a try.

A tip,lightly  poached,served with white wince sauce. English Asparagus, Jersey Royal potatoes. Very nice too.

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I am having English Asparagus, Jersey Royals and Plaice this evening. But not a cheap dinner if cooking for a family. JRs £3.00 for a small packet, Asparagus single portion bunch £3.60. I think the Plaice worked out at around £4.00  a fillet but they are nice thick ones.


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46 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Got JR'S  and Asparagus  in Tesco yesterday. 

Royals £2.50 a kg,Asparagus £2.50 a bunch.

I think I should start going to Tesco in Sheringham rather than Waitrose. But I bought my Asparagus from a grower.


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Thanks for all the replies. My local Churchills tried it out a few years ago but don't think it went down well, probably because people tend to get stuck in their own ways and dislike things they have never tasted.

Even fried in batter IMHO hake is far better than cod or haddock anyway.

We should be supporting our fishermen and eating more seafood so they don't have to send it abroad as we will not buy it.

What about those delicious German herrings (brathering) where they coat them in seasoned flour, pan fry them and pickle them in vinegar and herbs.

I tried to buy herrings to make brathering a while ago at my local market and they told me there was no call for them so they don't stock them.

Us British don't know what we are missing.

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18 hours ago, jeffbroadslover said:

I remember as a kid we used to ask for fish and chips and you automatically got cod (haddock had to be specially requested and you had to wait for it to be cooked.

Nowadays it is the other way round.

I just wish we could get charged what we did in those distant days.......3d for chips  6d for cod and a shilling for haddock. Happy days


Many years ago when I was on the Warwickshire Avon I ordered cod and chips and the whole chippie went silent. No, I was told we only sell haddock here. No problem, I will eat anything anyway.

And yes Jeff I remember those days too when we used to bunk out of school at lunchtime to the local chippie and buy with our dinner money a bread roll which we would hollow out and stuff with chips. Oh, happy days (except the poxy rough school I went to) 

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20 hours ago, unclemike said:

tried this in a chippie in basildon in 1965, wasn't impressed then as said before haddock or even cod at a push

I suppose it depends on how fresh the fish was you was sold. If as usual, people dislike things they have not tasted it could be that the fish was a bit off.

This brings me to another point. Just on occasion in my travels I am sure that I have been pollock on some chippies. Whilst I do like pollock or even coley which is ok by me I resent being charged by some chippies for fish that is cheaper than cod or haddock at the same price.

By the way, pollock is just as good as plaice if rolled up and skewered and steamed and covered with a nice sauce of your choice. 

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23 hours ago, SteveO said:

Nothing wrong with hake or even pollack in fish and chips as long as it is fresh. Considering we are an island surrounded by sea, we Brits are extremely conservative when it comes to fish and seafood.

Having spent my formative years beach or boat fishing I reckon I've tried most available fish - the only one I remember not being keen on was garfish (not a lot of meat and green bones!) 

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4 hours ago, stumpy said:

Having spent my formative years beach or boat fishing I reckon I've tried most available fish - the only one I remember not being keen on was garfish (not a lot of meat and green bones!) 


4 hours ago, stumpy said:

Having spent my formative years beach or boat fishing I reckon I've tried most available fish - the only one I remember not being keen on was garfish (not a lot of meat and green bones!) 

Yes, the gar is a strange one. The only fish I wouldn't try again is a delicacy called Schillerlocken in German, which I believe was smoked loin of dogfish. I used to fish from boat and beach and have tried most of the stuff from around our coasts. Not caught a gar yet though. 

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Garfish is a bit weird. It was the first fish Harry managed to catch when out on a fishing trip with his Grandad. The fishing was successful, not sure about our efforts in cooking it though. The bones green tinge was a bit off putting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was passing the Collier Row Churchills chippie the other day and thought I might get a piece of Hake but they were not selling it. I ordered the usual medium cod and small chips and noticed only then when my fish was frying that they were selling "Saithe" which I would have tried if i had known. Apparently it tastes a a bit like Coley which despite comments from some people such as "I would only feed that to my cat" I find Coley is ok, just a bit grey in colour.

We need to experiment with the other delicious fish that our fishermen catch and nobody seems to want over here.  

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