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Horn Or Whistle


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Hello all,

My horn has failed again. I'm not really sure what's wrong with it. I can't get it to work and I won't be able to get it fixed for this weekend. It's failed a few times before and I've got fed up with it.

I believe the by-laws refer to a "whistle" rather than a horn so I'm assuming this is perfectly acceptable for legal/insurance purposes. That being the case could I just forget the horn thing and get a referee's whistle? I'd rather that because the unreliability I've always found with horns irritates me.

What do you say?

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I think the word whistle in this case refers to a ship's whistle from the days of steam, so it still means a horn.

On most waterways a handheld fog horn will suffice and all you have to do is blow through it. I imagine you would find one at a good chandlers.

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‘Whistle’ is defined in the byelaws as “…an efficient whistle, siren horn or other sound signalling appliance capable of producing such blasts as are prescribed in the Byelaws.“

I’ve used an Acme Thunderer for years and, believe me, it is louder than the puny single-tone horns fitted to many boats.

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Seriously though,  however loud ones "Thunderer" may be, the question is... "is this the sound one is listening out for" 

Sadly these days, if I hear a whistle, I immediately wonder where the child is whose found the whistle on their life jacket. I do not wonder if that's Paladin just about to come under Wroxham.

My error, I know, but the objective of the noise is to communicate a warning, if it fails to achieve that, the owner may just of easily have blown his nose.

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2 hours ago, marshman said:

Chance here to add some class - plenty of choice these days on the Net to buy a lovely brass one which of course, you have to blow into. Bit like having brass clocks and barometers - shows a bit of pride in having one!

...and having to polish them! (lacquer doesn't last forever).

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4 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

My error, I know, but the objective of the noise is to communicate a warning, if it fails to achieve that, the owner may just of easily have blown his nose.

I am told my nose-blowing is actually quite loud, and has been likened to a fog horn in the past ...

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COLREGS, Rule 15 (sounds and shapes)

From the Admiralty Manual of Seamanship, Vol 2.  -  Affectionately known as the "Steamship Manual".

In case I appear as a dinosaur on this forum (again!) I point out that ERCD regs, Cat D, (although I can't be bothered to look them up!) also specify that vessels must carry a means of sound signalling, which can be a simple "corne de brume" meaning fog horn but very similar, in French, to a hunting horn.

What the BSS says about it I don't know, offhand. Probably nothing.

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Ours failed and an old boy that ran a hire fleet in the past told me to fit it under the dash board out of the weather, would last for years he said. 

I promptly replied that no one would hear it and he replied " The person that pushed the button would and that was all that mattered ".:default_biggrin:

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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4 hours ago, Vaughan said:



COLREGS, Rule 15 (sounds and shapes)

From the Admiralty Manual of Seamanship, Vol 2.  -  Affectionately known as the "Steamship Manual".

In case I appear as a dinosaur on this forum (again!) I point out that ERCD regs, Cat D, (although I can't be bothered to look them up!) also specify that vessels must carry a means of sound signalling, which can be a simple "corne de brume" meaning fog horn but very similar, in French, to a hunting horn.


The COLREGS don't apply on the Broads.

Navigation Byelaw 5: "The Collision Regulations as hereinafter defined shall not apply in any waters to which these Byelaws apply."

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8 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Seriously though,  however loud ones "Thunderer" may be, the question is... "is this the sound one is listening out for" 

Sadly these days, if I hear a whistle, I immediately wonder where the child is whose found the whistle on their life jacket. I do not wonder if that's Paladin just about to come under Wroxham.

My error, I know, but the objective of the noise is to communicate a warning, if it fails to achieve that, the owner may just of easily have blown his nose.

The Acme Thunderer sounds nothing like the whistle attached to a life jacket and, bearing in mind the bridges that are most often used (Wroxham and Ludham) have vehicles passing over them, it will never be mistaken for a car horn. The purpose of the sound signal is to attract attention and it certainly does that.

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4 hours ago, MargeandParge said:

Ours failed and an old boy that ran a hire fleet in the past told me to fit it under the dash board out of the weather, would last for years he said. 

I promptly replied that no one would hear it and he replied " The person that pushed the button would and that was all that mattered ".:default_biggrin:

I had a river trial earlier today and accidentally pushed the horn button (conveniently positioned near the companionway grab handles). Whoever fitted this one belonged to the same school of thought, as it seemed to be positioned somewhere within the upper helm console and nearly deafened me. I'd imagine it's audible for about half a mile to anyone following, but barely audible to anyone a few boat lengths in front. I don't care how unreliable they are, that's getting replaced with a nice chrome trumpet horn on the forward coachroof.

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I've ordered this plastic one to see how I get on with it first. If all goes well, then I will be on the lookout for a pretty brass one.

Next on my list is some nav lights to stick on in an emergency ( ie I mistime my distances and need to cruise after sunset )

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