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Don't drink the water.


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It doesn't' say it creates irascibility or a morbid fear of the Broads Authority so I shouldn't worry too much. Coincidentally I bought a Telegraph last week, the cryptic crossword is relatively easy so it makes me think I am quite intelligent and the broadsheet format is great for lighting the fire.

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Highland Spring (still) bottled for tea n coffee for our crew, also to make ice for the drinkiepoos. But, I must say the water quality on the Broads (from the hose pipes) these days, has improved a bit, a lot less scum in the sink than before.


It was very clear up at West Sommerton the last time we managed to get thru PH Bridge. Never seen do many Dragonflys.


cheers Iain.

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Have I misread the article? It seems to me they are saying treated water from sources containing the toxic algea might be contaminated as those particular toxins arn't always checked for.


I hope I have misread it as I would not want to add to the plastic waste mountain through drinking bottled water. :blush:

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Have I misread the article? It seems to me they are saying treated water from sources containing the toxic algea might be contaminated as those particular toxins arn't always checked for.


I hope I have misread it as I would not want to add to the plastic waste mountain through drinking bottled water. :blush:

Lets be frank, its a pretty poorly written article in the DT, standards have dropped in that paper over the years IMHO.



cheers Iain.



p.s. Our area recycles all plastic bottles through our Blue Bin collections. No mountain here. :norty:

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Iain - not only do I drink the water as I have to bearing in mind I live here, I also drink it on the boat and apart from dropping a couple of tablets in the water when I refill at the beginning of the season, I dont have any problem!!!  Still alive and kicking and very little "scum" as you put it.  Most of the rest of the world would be very very grateful to be able to turn on a tap and get out this quality of water!!! What is it with everyone and bottled water, well proven to contain more impurities than tap water!!!! But then I suppose if you are prepared to buy it its up to you.....!!! :)

P.S. I wonder which tap "Highland Spring" comes out of?????

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I have passed the factory in Perthshire manys a time. Its defo NOT tap water originated. Also our water is far softer than East Anglian, as many a southerner on holiday up here has found out, by using too much shampoo when showering lol


The history of the company is here.   http://www.highlandspringgroup.com/about-us/history/


However, one thing I forgot to say, in my original post was, when I shower on the boat, about a week or so on return home and applying my med creams to my skin, ( I am a Psoriasis sufferer) My skin has shown signs of improvement. It may just be coincidence, but hey I like it! 


cheers Iain.

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So all Scottish "bogs" drain into the groundwater?????

Am a retired Spark Mm dinny ask me lol But to answer yer question best I can, not that I know off!

Deffo not Culloden Moor its a mass of heathers in August September and that soil is very peaty.


I would imagine our resident genius, Timbo, would know all the facts.



cheers Iain

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"Hacker: Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; the Morning Staris read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.

Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?

Bernard: Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big t...!!

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Brilliant Timbo - like it!


As for drinking water on our broadland craft - we never bother boiling first or adding tablets - straight from the (S/steel) tank, which in turn of course is fed from the local suppliers etc etc.  However every two years I do use a powder and sterilize the tanks and pipe work.  Other than that we take it as it comes.


To date we have had no medical upsets at all.


Roughy toughy sailors - that's us Tykes




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People should always be very careful drinking water whatever the source, I have always believed that the fermentation process is the best purification method available so if you ever see me staggering with slurred speech, fear not! it is not illness just my obsession with living a healthy lifestyle.



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We never buy bottled water and never have done. Bottled Ale, now that's different!  cheers

The only people benefiting from bottled water, are the producers of it, making huge profits, from those of you. who are buying it. There's nowt wrong with good old Corporation Pop, straight from the tap.  :taunt:  I'm still alive and kicking after drinking it for seventy years.

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I have to admit I do buy bottled water, however this is at home...the water around Gainsborough is a bit like mainland Europe in that it contains 'many foreign bodies'. Twice weekly the water from the tap at home has a distinct flavour of chemicals, and I swear it has an aging effect on me. Ten years ago I was only 39 but I kid you not I currently look and feel 49 although some would say I look 69!


I do buy bottled water on the boat...but only at the moment until I'm in a position to fill the water tanks again.

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We buy a couple of small bottles of water we keep in the bathrooms for cleaning teeth and a large bottle of water in the galley for making tea & coffee, we find using water from the tank makes tea with a scum on it. We fill the large bottle when empty direct from the taps on the Broads but without using the hoses, we do the same practice on the canals.



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Good point by Ranworthbreeze about water for making tea/coffee etc. I think you have convinced us to use bottled water for these purposes, just to be on the safe side and just use the water from the boat for washing and showering. Water which you are not used to, can sometimes taste different from the water you are used to drinking at home.  

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